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Yeah, I managed to write this chapter!

Thank you all so much for your get-well-wishes <3<3<3

Well then, have this new chapter, and thank you for your patience, everyone!



3rd Person Pov:

"Stand, Dozza. You're being disrespectful." said a tall Demon, his posture straight, like he was taught. Lord Dozza, one of the five regent houses, said: "It'll be fine. When we see her majesty, all of us will have to kneel anyway."

Another Demon, Lord Pupo, said: "Geez, you're just as stiff as your father, Bayon. It's been over a year and a half since your predecessor passed. I've also heard talk that her majesty's younger brother, Leuvis, hasn't been able to be contacted either."

Lord Dozza added: "And my own Luce, too. We also don't know the whereabouts of those Nous and Nouma siblings from the Noumu family." Lord Noumu turned her head to look at Lord Dozza, to which he spoke.

"It's strange that their disappearances all line up together... Could it really just be coincidence? Hey, Bayon." Sending a deathly glare at the other Lord, Lord Bayon asked: "What do you wish to say?"

"What? Well... Your father was-" started Lord Dozza, only to be cut off by Lord Noumu. She said: "Shut up. I can't bear your prattle. Be quiet for a bit, Dozza." "Listen here, you-" "Cease this." said Duke Iveruk, having finally heard enough. "Be careful of your words, Lord Dozza. Her majesty is here."

Hearing those words, all of the Demons in the room kneeled down, showing their respect for the majesty. She walked past them, sitting down on her throne, saying: "Raise your heads." Yes, queen Reglavalima had something threatening to her.

Somewhere else:

Soaring through the air with ease, a white owl landed gracefully on the arm of a Lambda escapee. "They've moved." said Vincent, having read the letter brought by the owl.

Their boss, Norman, picked up a piece of the chessboard he had in front of him, saying: "Alright. The first move. All according to plan." The tension was getting higher and higher, so the other three didn't say anything.

"If we attack the plantations, the people's dissatisfaction will rise, and the monarchy will have no choice but to move to stop it. This is good." explained Norman, looking over at his friends.

He continued: "Our objectives are the heads of the royal family and regent houses. Even having them fight with Giran, the number of powerful soldier in the royal family will still be an obstacle."

Picking up a few of the enemies pieces, he moved them all forwards, saying: "So, to start, we'll divide their army." Cislo said: "The Demon's will target us 'robbers'. But that's all a ruse."

"They think Lambda and the other plantations being destroyed is the work of Demons." noted Vincent, looking over at their boss for confirmation. "This is all thanks to Smee's work back when we destroyed Lambda." said Norman, almost sounding like he was reliving that memory.

He added: "And because of the locations of the plantation we attacked, the Demon's are still searching for our hideout." "Yes. Without even knowing that they're baited by the boss." said Vincent, a huge grin on his face.

Norman, deep in thoughts, said: "Where this hideout is will not come to light. The Demon's soldiers will be headed for someplace else. If more of the Lambda series of farms are eaten, the royals will surely dispatch the maximum amount of troops. And that's okay."

He moved his hand up to his face, sinking deeper and deeper into his own mind. "These soldiers will not be able to touch us. The Tifari is also drawing near. The festival where the royal family and five regent houses will all gather in one place in the royal city. Though, I'm sure this year's Tifari will be a unique case with much more security."

"Then...!" trailed Barbara off, clasping her hands together, her expression filled with hope. "We'll do it in eight days. We'll kill the royals and aristocrats in the middle of the Tifari." said Norman, receiving cheers from his crew.

Somewhere else:

"What?" asked Gilda, a bit confused. She looked up at Don, as to confirm that what she just heard was really true. "Mister Don, Miss Gilda, the boss is calling for you!" announced Hayato, his usual smile on his face.

"Norman is?" asked Don, sending Gilda a knowing glance. "If he's specifically asking for us, it must be important." she said, looking at Hayato. He nodded, saying: "Everything the boss does is important, after all! Well then, follow me!"

With that, he began to walk, with the other two following behind him, a small distance away. Enough to talk without him hearing them at all.

Sighing lightly, Don whispered: "I can't believe it. She was actually right." "(Y/N) is just that amazing, isn't she?" asked Gilda, a concerned expression now on her face. "Of course she is. But thanks to her, we know what's coming next."

"Mhm. Just play along. She said she made sure to avoid the worst case scenario, so we should just buy them some time." muttered Gilda, causing Don to nod. "Yep. Let's get this over and down with." said Don, smiling a little, trying to lift Gilda's mood even a tiny bit.

(Y/N) Pov:

I gripped my gun tightly, my eyes wide. This is not true, is it? What's happening? This is... "Hey, guys..." trailed Ray off, probably thinking the same than me. "We were heading out to the 'seven walls', right?" "Yeah..." answered Emma, turning her head to look at him.

"And we opened the door to the entrance, right?" he asked, to which I replied: "We did." "Then this place is past the door, right?" This time, Emma answered his question again.

"Yeah... Wasn't the mural on the ceiling pitch black?" "It was." I answered, tightening the grip I had on Ray's hand. "Then what the hell is this?" he asked, shaking his head in denial.

"I don't know... What could... this mean?" asked Emma, clearly confused. I gulped, saying: "Whatever this means, we're back. Back at the Grace Field House." "The House...?" repeated Emma, shaking her head. "No way..."

"Why... That door we went in should have brought us to the seven walls..." she said. I stepped forwards, looking around us. Everything looks normal. Everything looks like it always did.

"The door completely vanished." said Ray, following behind me. Emma eventually followed, too, and we made it to the front door of the House. I looked back at the two of them, with Emma saying: "Let's open it." I nodded, doing as told.


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