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(Y/N) Pov:

We listened carefully, and as the footsteps weren't heard for a while, we decided to leave our hiding place. We went up the trapdoor, me going first. I looked around, but didn't see anyone. So I went up, then waited for the other two. My eyes widened as Don closed the door, creating an far too loud noise. She heard it. Mama heard it. She's in her office and she heard us. Her footsteps were getting closer and closer towards us. It's over. She stopped right in front of the bookshelve. We'll be shipped out and- "Mama!" Eugene's voice brought me back to reality. "Oh. What's wrong, Eugene?" asked Mama in her usual, friendly tone. "I found this on the floor." "Thank you." Eugene giggled before walking off again. We quickly took the opportunity, knowing that she held the key in her hands. We left the hidden room, walking towards the dining room.

I kept my head low as I heard the younger children playing and talking to each other. "I'm hungry." "(Y/N). Don. Gilda." said Emma, her voice relieved, yet anxious. "Thank goodness, I thought you'd..." She stopped talking as someone else walked in front of us. I didn't need to look up to know who it was. Ray. "Where were you?" he asked, his question directed at me.

Time skip: 11.45 pm

(Y/N) Pov:

I stood behind Don and Gilda, who were sitting at the table. Emma was opposite of us, with Norman standing besides her. Ray was a bit behind them, leaning onto the wall. I only glanced at them, before looking back down. Ah, I'm screwed. "So?" asked Ray in a demanding tone. I flinched, fidgeting with my thumbs. I was about to answer, but Don beat me to it. "We went into Mama's secret room." "How?" asked Emma, all surprised. Gilda asnwered: "Don stole the key." "From Mama?" "And, did Mama..." Norman trailed off. "I don't think she noticed. We already returned the key, too. So probably..." explained GIlda. "You did something really stupid." I took a step back at Ray's rough tone. "What would you do if the room was equipped with either a camera, a bug, or an alarm?" I said: "I-I checked the room... N-Nothing like th-that was there..." I could feel his eyes on me as he said: "If Mama or Sister found out, you three... no, all of us would be-" "Tell us what would happen." said Don, cutting Ray off. He turned to face Emma, asking: "Would we get killed?" Silence. He turned to look at me, saying: "We found Conny's Little Bunny in the secret room." He faced Emma again, saying: "So much for your 'I don't know' and 'let's go save them'. We can't even go save them, right?" He stood up, glaring at Emma. "Because Conny... Conny and everyone else is..." "I'm sorry." said Emma, standing up and bowing. "I'm really sorry!" "So they're really..." Gilda trailed off. "I told you, Gilda. They were lying after all." "Don..." I tried, but he turned around, glaring at me. "And you knew it, too. Now quit the lying and tell me why you would want to go into the secret room." I looked up at him, before stuttering: "I-I..." My eyes fell upon Emma, Norman, and Ray. They, too, waited for my answer. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding and muttered the answer. "I want to hear it." said Don, still glaring down at me. "I... I don't want to see anyone else leave anymore! I'd rather get shipped out myself than see another sibling walking out that door with Mama!" I said loudly, so that everyone in the room could hear it. I clenched my fists, looking at them with teary eyes. "I can't bear it... So much has happened... If only we never figured out that damned secret. I..." Before I knew it, my body was being hugged by someone else. My eyes widened slightly before I closed them, putting my arms around his back. Ray didn't say anything, and neither did I. It was reassuring to have him hold me like that. It was comforting. It was warm. "Shipped out...? What are you hiding? Tell us the whole truth." demanded Don, now glaring at Emma. She looked at Norman, who nodded. Norman took a deep breath before telling them the truth about the Grace Field House.

"Demons? A farm?" "No. Just to be eaten..." They asked. "And you're a spy? This whole time?" "It was for our sake." said Norman, walking past Ray. Emma sat back downa t the table, while I stood between Norman and Ray, looking at the ground. Don stood up, asking: "Then Ray, you knew what was going to happen to Conny that day? Emma, Norman, (Y/N), you three tried to trick us and take us out into a world full of enemies?" Then, he started laughing. Suddenly, he aimed a punch at Norman, hitting him in the face. "You're kidding me!" he yelled. "Don!" I tried, taking a step towards him. He swung his arm again, about to hit me. I already closed my eyes as I expected him to hit me. But instead, someone else took the hit, falling to the floor. I opened my eyes, watching as Don got a hold of my shirt, harshly pulling me towards him. He readied himself to punch me, but hesitated. I squeezed my eyes shut, trembling. He slowly let go of me, making me sink to my knees. Ray, who took the hit for me, was sitting next to me. "Don." said Gilda. He turned towards Emma, asking: "Are we that much of a burden? Are we that weak and useless to you that you feel the need to protect us?" Emmas eyes widened. I took Ray's hand, watching as Don said: "That time, when you asked us to help you, I thought you were relying on us. Was that a lie?" Silence. "We're not as smart as you four. We're not, but still... aren't we family? Aren't we siblings?" My eyes widened slightly. "I just want you to have a little faith in us!" I looked back at the ground. "Sorry, I'm acting a little weird right now. I'm going to go cool off." "Don." said Gilda, quickly following him. We stood up, still holding hands. "I was wrong." said Emma.


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