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"It isn't my fault dadu fixed our marriage dad... understand i am a grown adult..i can't marry her..."..i growled at my father after we reached home..

In the car they kept quiet due to my anger...but now after reaching home..they have again started on the snotty chapter...

"What do you mean it isn't your fault... aren't you my son..tell me what is wrong with Sara.."..dad shouted at me again...

"What is right in that fucking stupid and idiotic girl...for her London is in America or no wait America is in London..

She blabbers continuously without a stoppage..she even sang a song and danced for me...can you fucking imagine..."..i told my parents...

"Both your grandparents had promised this union..and even we are good friends with Sara's family...they are investors in our company and malls too... do you not have any morals..."..dad again said and i looked at him with anger..

"So for their stupid words.. Rajveer should sacrifice his fucking life where is it written dad..."..i said rubbing my forehead...bloody headache this day has been...

"Rajveer beta Sara acts like this around people to whom she feels comfortable..she has known us forever now..you both were in the same school...she was just excited seeing you...please don't break her heart along with your parent's heart....

I have forever dreamt about you and Saru getting married...I love that girl so much like my own child...she is so beautiful and gorgeous along with being cute...did you see how she cared about her parents along with your parents...not once she left us alone...marry her for me my love..."..mom said with tears in her eyes...and i closed my eyes...

"I don't like her mom..what is she beside being beautiful...just a fucking stupid chatterbox..."..i said and looked at mom..

"Yeah..say this..do you even know how lonely I feel...you and your dad don't have time for me.. always busy in your buisness..i never wanted to leave India still we shifted to New York and then you went to study in London leaving your mother alone...

I was diagnosed with depression and insomnia...I was alone and lonely and when your dad got to know this...he then came back to me and started taking care of me...you don't know how it feels to be lonely....I don't know Sara will come in this home as my daughter...."..mom said crying and i looked at her incredulously...

Dad looked at me with Anger..."If you Rajveer Khanna...refuse to marry the girl we choose for you..I'm going to kick you out from my business and company and name everything to your cousins...i warned you before as well...you know I'm a man of my words..."..dad said and i looked at him with anger too..

I laughed an empty laugh..."nice joke dad...you can't force me to accept anything and that too so fucking stupid..."..i said and threw the vase near me...

"I am not joking Rajveer...you know me well...I'm your father..you've got my traits..well some of them atleast..."...dad replied sternly...

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