Chapter 13- Plans on Paper

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--Angelina POV--

"How did it go?"

"That's... quite a difficult question to answer right at this moment," I replied, wondering how to word the situation out in an understandable way.

It's been a few days since the charity event, and while my future mother-in-law, whose name I learnt is Ida, was busy planning mine and Lucian's wedding, I was busy arranging for all my stuff to be moved to my new home in Germany, along with all the other legal things since I plan on living here in Germany for the next year or so.

"And why is that?" I could hear the confusion in my mother's voice as she spoke. "Were you not able to get any help?" And now she was starting to sound concerned, which is quite odd since I never remember her being concerned for me.

"Yes, from someone unexpected," I peered into the home office of Lucian as he was sat at his desk, typing some things into his computer while I was stood out here on the terrace talking to my mother on the phone.

Catching my gaze, I jumped, surprised for a moment, but didn't turn to look away as he curved his lips into a smirk, sending me a quick wink as I rolled my eyes in return, turning back to look at the view of his garden as I spoke on the phone.

"Mia figlia, stop beating around the bush, just tell me," My mother huffed from the other end.

"I'm... Getting married," I didn't know how else to say it. "To Lucian Vandenburg. At the end of the month," I added on for extra specification.

"I'm sorry... What!?" I made the smart choice to move the phone away from my ear just in time as I heard her string a line of cusses from the other end.

"Yes, I think it's quite a good idea. There's no chance of heartbreak as it's not a love marriage, and we'll both get something good out of it, don't you agree?" My mother was the only one to know the truth while everyone else believed it was a love marriage, but that's something that can't be helped.

"I'm not sure about this figlia. A marriage of convenience for you? You, who believes in love, are you sure about this?" I bit my lip to hold back any retorts.

"Where has believing in love gotten me, mama? I've lost more than I ever had. I don't need love anymore, I just want my company back, and thankfully, Lucian agrees. He's my ticket to getting my company back as quickly as possible, I hope you understand,"

There was a pause, and for a moment I thought the line went dead.

"I understand... But darling, don't give up yet. I know how much your company means to you, but there is so much more to see. Don't become a workaholic like me, and don't let the mistakes of one person ruin your whole image of something... I know I'm not the person you should be hearing this from, but I thought I'd let you know,"

"Yeah," I croaked out. "I'll keep that in mind," I squeezed the bridge of my nose as I ran over her words. It would have been nice if I had been able to hear these words just a little bit earlier.

The world truly may have so much more to offer, but I don't think I'm willing enough to see what that is, at least, not yet. I wonder if I'll ever be fully willing?

"I'll call you later, mama. Take care," I spoke when I noticed Lucian gesturing for me to go inside to where he was sat on the couch in his office, a small pile of papers in front of him on the coffee table waiting to be read by me.

"Alright, I love you," I opened my mouth to reply, but the words had gotten lost in my throat. Such easy words, I guess not that easy in all honesty.

"Yeah... Bye," And I ended the call, walking back into the office as I sat down on the opposite couch as Lucian, placing my phone on the table before leaning towards the papers he had pushed towards me.

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