Chapter 29- Dangerous People

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--Lucian POV--


"So, what did you find out?"

"It was just as you suspected, he has connections, and you won't believe how many. Although I don't have proof, it's also true that he bought favour with the judge during the trial, amongst other people too,"

I hummed, standing up from my desk as I turned to look out my office window, tucking my free hand into my pants pockets.

"It seems that the main thing that led to his company's downfall was his habit of shoving money down anyone and everyone's throats to keep them quiet. And he'll probably bring Luxurian to its knees with the same problematic methods," I scoffed.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to look into?" He spoke from the other end. I was currently talking to my informant that was in the Moretti estate, and he's managed to confirm all my suspicions to be accurate.

At first, I was planning to send one of my trusted people to go undercover as a worker at the estate, but then we discovered it was quite difficult to succeed in getting a job at that estate since it was all so high security, and the recruiting period took far too long. 

So, in the end I settled with using the same methods as Donovan himself.

He wasn't the only one that earned billions. I bought over one of the workers, one of the newer highers since he wasn't as dedicated to the family as the others, and he's been useful so far, but I'm certain it was a double-edged sword. If he got caught, he had no loyalty to me for him to keep his mouth shut, he'll reveal that he worked for me.

But it was fine if he did. Because I'm sure Donovan's done the same.

He's planted a rat of his own in my estate to dig up dirt on me, and while I've not yet figured out who it is, I'm sure that person is trying to figure out if mine and Angelina's marriage is legitimate or not right now.

"No, just carry on the way you are now. If you can, give me some names for the people you've described to me, but that's it. Don't do too much or you'll bait yourself out and get caught,"

"Understood, sire," He said as I hung up, going back to sit on my seat as I put my legs up on my desk, leaning back as I massaged my temples, wondering what other steps I should take to pin Donovan down.

I'm wondering...

Picking my phone up, I called Reid, and I didn't have to wait long as he picked up on the second ring, the sound of him huffing and puffing sounded from the other end of the line.

"What? Are you having sex right now?" I joked.

"No, I was out for a run. I don't love you that much to pick you over sex," He scoffed as I chuckled, going to look over my nails as I spoke. 

"What do you want, I'm a busy man, you know?" He got to the point.

"I was calling to ask if you would turn a blind eye if I got caught doing some not necessarily legal stuff," I casually asked, crossing my fingers as I waited for a positive reply.

"It would depend on what you mean by illegal. If murder then no, unless you're murdering someone that neither of us like, whereas if it's something like money laundering, I'm not sure why you'd have to do that with the amount that you already earn-"

"-None of the above... Something related to... um... Leandro Gonzalez-"

"-Are you fucking mental!?" I was smart to move the phone away from my ear before I spoke as I'd already predicted his reaction, which, might I mention, was just as I had expected.

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