Chapter 43- The Benevolence of a Woman Healed

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--Lucian POV--

"Okay, once we get there, I need you to stay calm and composed. We'll be the diversion while Leandro and his men take advantage of the moment to go-"

"I got it the first time you said it," I sighed, cutting Reid off.

"It's always best to be safe than sorry," He shrugged his shoulders.

No matter what happens today, or how frantic this situation is, I need her, my Angelina, to be safe and sound by the end of it. Because, I swear if there is a single damaged hair on her body then I will murder Donovan in cold blood.

Just thinking about it is causing my head to throb in anger.

"Okay, we're here," Reid said as I blinked back to reality, looking out the window as the car slowed down in front of the large black gates as the security guards who were monitoring the are turned their attention to us.

"Remember, stay calm and... Hey! Lucian! What the hell did I just say!?"

His words were lost in the air as I jumped out of the car, rushing towards the first guard that my eyes landed on, and without a moment of hesitation, I grabbed him by his lapels, pushing him up against the frame, and glaring down at him with enough fury to heat up Hell.

"Where the hell is she!?" I seethed, tightening my hold on his clothes as he gasped for air.

"Who-Who the hell are you?" He struggled to wheeze out.

"Sir, release the man at once!" Another guard tried to come to his aid as he grabbed my arm, trying to pull me away, but without a thought, I easily pushed him away.

"I'm the husband of the woman you people kidnapped!" I yelled as they went silent, making it evidently clear that they knew something.

"You despicable assholes, tell me where the hell my wife is before I ruin your life," I raged, punching the fence near his head as he yelped in surprise.

"He's not lying when he says that, he's fully capable of ruining your life. And much more mercilessly than your boss since his wife is involved and all, have you all got life insurance?" Reid's unnecessary commentary was somehow helping me to calm down, but the fear was still there, that's something that won't be going anywhere until I see Angelina.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe your wife is here. Please get back in your car and go away before we have to call the police," One of the other security guards spoke through an intimidated voice as he gestured to the black car we came out of.

"You really think the police can do anything to help you? Just cause your boss has bought them out won't stop me from murdering you all," I spat at him. Donovan can go waving his money around and buying people like clothes as much as he wants, but while he does that, I'll buy someone of much greater influence.

"Sir, I'm only going to ask you once more, so please get back-"

"Open the gate,"

And the fire in my veins turned to ice.

Slowly, I released the man from my grip and stepped back as I stared at the pregnant woman on the other side of the fence, she looked like a mess.

And why the hell was she helping me out when I'm sure her husband was somewhere in that mansion with my innocent wife, doing God knows what unspeakable things.

"But, your grace. Your husband-"

"I'm the Duchess of this manor. So, if I tell you to open the gate, then that means you open it. So don't make me ask you again... Open. The. Gate,"

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