Chapter 14- Moving Forward

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--Lucian POV--

"I can't believe the day is finally here, you sure took your time, didn't you? But all is forgiven, I've gotten myself the most beautiful daughter-in-law ever, and I can't wait to-"

"You do know that it's my wedding day today, mother? It seems that you like my bride more than I do," I cut her off with a start, side-eyeing her joyful self as I fixed my bow tie in the mirror.

"Oh please, don't be silly. I'm just so happy is all," She giggled like a child on a candy high.

"Yes. That much is evidently clear," I chuckled with her as I breathed in a deep lungful of air.

Somehow, I found myself shivering in a little bit of nerves, the butterflies were dancing in my stomach, probably making a mockery out of me as I wondered to myself as to why I was so nervous when this wasn't even a real marriage. Maybe in the eyes of the law, but not in the way that I had imagined for myself a few years ago.

"Don't worry. While I am aware that you both don't know a lot about each other like other couples, I know there's something there between you," Mother spoke as I hummed along to her words, trying not to take it seriously as she didn't know about the contract.

But she was quite a convincing lady.

"Angelina is a good woman, treat her well,"

"Mother, you've only known her a few weeks," I stated, baffled.

"All the more reason to believe me. You know that I'm a judgemental woman who doesn't easily trust nor like others," She's got a point there. 

But I'd be lying if I didn't say that I believed she was being a little biased towards Angelina, lord knows my mother would be saying these exact same words about anyone that could have been in Angelina's place today.

"Whatever you say, mother... Now, will you please go and join the other guests. I'd like a moment to myself," Placing a hand on her shoulder, I gave her a pleading look as she gave in with a reluctant sigh, nodding her head at me.

"Very well, but don't go getting cold feet now. I didn't plan this wedding in a few weeks for nothing, I'll be severely upset if you-"

"-I understand, you don't need to worry about that at all," And I practically pushed her out the door as she left, taking a moment to compose myself as I chuckled at her antics. Angelina is in for a ride with that mother of mine.

Now, talking about Angelina, I should pay her a visit before the ceremony, discreetly. Because if my mother learns to hear about it, she will most definitely be having my head for supper.

"Is my bride ready yet?" I peeked my head out the door to ask the attendant that was stood by.

"Yes, just the finishing touches and she'll be ready," She replied with a knowing smile. I must have been doing well in my act as an impatient groom, but I wouldn't have been able to tell, because honestly, I wasn't really acting.

As I walked down the pristine halls of my ancestral home, the radiant lighting shone through the stained-glass windows, like the perfect setting of an amazing story that was about to unfold, and with everything that was going on in both my life and Angelina's, it may as well have been.

As I approached two large double doors that expanded from the floor up to the ceiling, the two maids that stood guard outside, waiting to lead my bride out onto the altar, caught sight of me, an urgent look overcoming them.

"Sire, you should not be here. Your mother will not-"

"Last time I checked, I was the head of the Vandenburg family, not my mother. Meaning to say that you both are working for me, no one else. So, do not waste my time, today of all days, and move," I stepped forward.

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