Chapter 6

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It had been a week after meeting the family. Marinette was now on a stroll with her best friend/crush Kagami. They were talking about everything and anything, when they heard arguing. When they turned around, Marinette instantly recognize her cousin with his ex.

"Sore wa watashi no itokodesu. I need to help him, is it okay with you. I don't want to just run off." Marinette asked, but she need to reassure Kagami that's she's not just running off.

"Ike. His your family. I'll be right behind you." Kagami said with an encouraging nod. Marinette smiled in gratitude before she made her way to her cousin, with Kagami following behind.

"Bonjour miss Cesaire. My I ask why are you bothering my cousin, when he made it very clear that he doesn't want to talk to you?"

"Cousin! He never mentioned you before. Stop lying and stay out of our business." Alya all but shouted.

"He is most definitely my cousin, and I don't appreciate you screaming in his face when you are in the wrong. I saw you that day, I heard the whole conversation. Now I will say this once and once only. If I ever see you near him, I will hit you so hard that you don't remember your name. Better yet, I'll behead you then feed your organs to sharks. Do I make myself clear." Marinette finished voice cold, with eyes glaring at the poor girl's soul.

"Chrystal." Alya said voice wavering. Just there and then she made a quick exist.

"I don't know if I should be scared or relieved that your my cousin. Thanks for having my back, I owe you." Nino said sincerely. Then he finally saw the person that is accompanying his cousin. "Who's this?"

"This is Kagami. Kagami meet Nino." The two shook hands.

"Well cousin dear. I'm still grounded so I have to go. Thank you. See you next week for the spar." With that he was gone.

"You spar." Kagami asked as she looked at Nino's retreating figure.

"You can say that. It's no fun when we always end in draw. Maybe one of these fine day I'll show you some moves." She said as they continued walking. "By the way, do you know how to run on a roof top silently."

This caught Kagami completely off guard. "Yes, why do you want to know."

"My family is doing a hunt at night. My grandfather and uncle hid objects all over the city, and the four of us go search for these objects. I was wondering if you would like to join." 

Master Fu had finally identified all the holders of the miraculous. The team was complete. All they needed to do was prove themselves by doing the hunt. Of course he didn't tell his grand kids.

"I would love to. My family used to do the same thing. So this should be easy."

"Is that a challenge I hear Tsurugi?" Marinette all but smirked.

"Yes, yes it is Fu." She said in the same tone. Tonight was gonna be fun.


Seven figures stood in the shadows on the Eiffel Tower, over looking the city of love. What a sight to behold. 

"Gather round everyone so we can start. Now tonight the hunt will determine your futures. I trust you have been around the city enough to know your way around without a map. Tonight the hunt will be different." Master Fu said as he turned to the tall figure besides him, gesturing to continue.

"Tonight instead of racing to find all the objects, we will give each of you a riddle to solve and you will go and find it. No technology. I trust you are smart enough to find them without it. When I call your name step forward, I will then give you your riddle then you must be on your way. You have till dawn. Damian Adil Fu, step forward." Jamal finished, he was training to be the next Guardian of the Miraculous. It was safer that way.

Damian step forward with a bit of hesitation. He looked at his brother, who in turn nodded encouragingly at him.

"Illusions are what they are best at. The witches of the thirteenth century studied them to perfect these illusions, and by doing so the church hated the witches for them. An illusion is what you are to find, after all the building is an illusion to protect the sin that has happened before the building was built." Damian's eyes widened with recognition. His heard the stories of the building, but he liked it more for the architecture. He grinned like the Cheshire cat, and in a flash he was gone.

"Nino Zain Lahiffe, step forward" with a deep breath he stepped forward.

"These creatures teach us the values of protection. You have to dive deep to really understand the values they teach us. They never bale on their family, even if the road my be slippy." Nino smiled at that, him favorite place. With a nod of determination he was gone.

"Kagami Tsurugi, step forward." She looked back at her friend, who gave her a wink of encouragement. With a final nod she step forward.

"Ahh, Jamal I will give this riddle." Master Fu said, shocking his nephew a little bit. With a nod Master Fu continued. "As sharp, but just as graceful. As calm, but just as loud. They flow like the water, as fierce as a windy storm, and as fast as the lighting they are born of. This place is where you find your peace." Kagami gave a gentle smile, this was no riddle to her. With a nod she vanished into the night.

"Lastly, Jason Amir Fu and Marinette Zahra Fu. Your riddle is one, but two different places. One give good luck, the bad luck. The one is so small but it lights up the world, the other is cast out for it's bad luck. Be mindful that all thought they are opposites they depend on each other to balance each other out. Go to the place you find this type of luck." The twins looked at each other, They knew exactly where their supposed to go. With a nod the were gone.

"How long do you give it." Jamal asked after a moment of silence.

"Thirty minutes. It's a test of finding yourself. I want you to do something for me. Retrieve the Grimoire and the miraculous of the moth and peacock for me. I would go but my back has been killing me lately. Don't tell my grand kids but this is why I don't spar. Why don't you think Ra's doesn't fight, sometimes you have to leave it to the kids."

Jamal chuckled and shook his head before asking, "Where do I go?"

"The Agreste Manor. I'll explain everything later. All I can say is that he stole it from the remains of the temple." With a nod Jamal was gone. Now all Fu had to do was wait. He sat in the lotus position and meditated. This was going to be a long night.


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Sore wa watashi no itokodesu - It's my cousin (Japanese)

Ike - Go (Japanese)

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