Chapter 10

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Richard didn't know what to think, but he certainly knew that he was more than pissed at Bruce, especially after the events that happened at the watchtower today. All he knew is that he had to get Steph, Cass, Tim and Duke out of that house as soon as possible. Luckily he kind of planned for this a while back.

As soon as they were all in the cave, Richard spoke, " Steph, Cass, Tim and Duke, get your things and meet me in the car. I need to have a word with Bruce." All they did was nod, what could they do. They all knew the plan, it was just time to put it in motion.

As soon as the four teens left, all hell broke loose. "What, and I can't say this enough, the fuck is wrong with you! You left two of your kids in the league, when you could have taken them to safety FIVE YEARS AGO. You knew about this!" Dick couldn't believe this, and the worst part is that Bruce didn't even look guilty about it. All Bruce did was walk to the computer and type something.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME! But then again, when do you ever listen to us." Dick was livid, and even then that was an understatement.

"What is your point Richard, I'm busy trying to track them down."

"My point, MY POINT! Tell me Bruce, why are you tracking them down, and don't try to lie to me. From the information I have gathered, you are doing it for two of three reasons. One: Thalia has asked you to look for her kids so she can take them back to the league. Two: You want to know more about this new crisis that has been bought to our attention, so that you can handle it when they have told us to stand down. Or is it three: You want to take them in to train them, and care for them like a good father. Let me answer it for you." At this point Bruce stop typing. Were was Dick going with this.

"It is most definitely the first two reasons. You didn't care then and you don't care now. You would only use them, and once you are done with them you hand them over to Thalia. You and I know both know that the league is no place for kids. But I must congratulate them. They have been through some shit, while dealing with the most neglectful and most shitty parents, and still manage to come out with their sanity in cheak. More than I can say for you." 

Then out of no where Dick pushed him out his chair and started deleting somethings. As Dick was busy, he came across something. The twins had a younger brother. "Oh so you left three of your kids at the league, one being a FUCKING TEN YEAR OLD! You're sick Bruce. I'm erasing everything you have on me, Duke, Tim, Steph and Cass. From now on they are under my custody legally. You should really read what you sign. As for all the information you have on your kin that you left at the league, consider it non-existent." With that he walked out the cave, but before he left he stopped at the door and said something that really rubbed salt to is wounds.

"You know those trackers that you put on the twins? Yeah, they vanished as soon as you put them there, and every single tracker that you have on us has been burned. Even the ones that you think we don't know about. Goodbye Mr Wayne." And he was gone. Leaving Bruce on the floor with a broken ego, little to no dignity, no information, and no family. Leaving Bruce to think were did he go so wrong.


"It's been a pleasure to know you all young masters and misses. I shall miss you dearly. It won't be the same at the manor." Alfred said, scaring the living daylights out of the four teens and young adults at the door.

"We'll miss you too Alfie." Stephanie said as she went to go hug her grandfather figure. The others just nodded as they joined the hug. They were gonna really miss the old man. After goodbyes, the teens all raced to the car. Before Dick could leave, Alfred handed him something. It was a bag.

"Think of it as my parting gift. I will miss you dearly Master Richard." Dick pulled him in a hug one more time, then finally walked out of the horror called a house.

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