Chapter 13

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"Five years ago, Jason and I met our father after a mission gone wrong."

"Which mission?"

"The one in Egypt. The one mission Jason likes to tease me about."

"Is this why you guys never give me the full story of that mission? This was the mission you guys met father?"

The older girl just nodded before she took a deep breath, preparing herself mentally to dig up the old wounds.


1st JULY 2017


"What happened?" The voice was calm and collected, but it was also cold, unfeeling and uncaring, with a dangers edge to it. It took everything in them to not squirm under it. To not run and hide, so they stood with their heads hung low. They learnt many years ago to not look your superior in the eye, and unluckily for them, their superior just happened to be their mother. The first daughter of the Demon Head, Talia al Ghul.

"Security found the weapons. The clocking devise malfunctioned last minute. They took us in for interrogation, things got messy. When we left to go and get the scroll the JL intercepted. Our cover was blown, so we aborted the mission before we got caught." The young boy – Jason - , said, voice strong with a hint of a small waiver.

"On our way to base we were chased by Hawk man, but only managed to escape due the sand storm. We apologize for our failure mother. It will not happen again." The young girl –Marinette- said, voice just as strong, but her waiver was almost non-existent. That on its own is concerning, considering the fact the both the children were eleven and are supposed to show that they are scared.

But this is the league of shadows. Showing any emotion was taboo. Including fear.

"Ten lashes each." Talia said before she turned around to go to the torture room. Just as she was about to walk, an assassin approached.

"Lady Talia, someone is here to see you. He says it's of utmost importance." The young woman said with her bowed.

"Did he give you a name?"

"No milady, but he said I must tell you that the owl only sounds his call at midnight."

Talia's eyes went wide just a little before she composed herself. She then dismissed young assassin, before she turned to her children.

"You are being let off for now, but you will receive your lashes. For now follow me." Then she turned on her heels and walked in the direction of the thrown room, her children following closely. 

Their walking came to a stop when they faced an overly lavish door. It was a show of blood, and what the league called strength and power, it was revolting really. Talia opened the door so they could walk in. Upon entrance they came face to face with a tall man, in a bat suit? He was one of the members that stopped them on their mission. Batman was those other people called him.

Upon closer observation the man looked like a furry and Marinette had to hold in her laughter, or maybe it was because of her inner designer that she thought that he looked like a furry.

Jason had seen her dilemma from the corner of his eye, so he pinched her hand ever so slightly, in an attempt to prevent her from adding to the number of lashes.

But at the moment he was being a little bit of a hypocrite, because he looked like he was close the cracking a small smile, but that could be for other reasons.

"Hello beloved, what brings you here?"


"Let's not play this game Talia. Why are you sending kids on missions?"

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