Chapter 7

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He underestimated them. He knew he did. He knew it when he felt five different auras around him fifteen minutes after he sat down. Just then he felt a sixth one. He gives them till dawn, they come back fifteen minutes after they gave out the riddles. Just his luck. Old age was coming at him faster than he anticipated. Ether they were too fast or he was to slow. Oh well time to get up.

"That was too easy uncle. He kept them behind a portrait of his wife. If that wasn't a give away then I don't know what is these days." Jamal said as he handed his uncle the objects in his hands.

"The challenge was to get in and out without being caught. Clearly I underestimated you. All of you. I gave you until dawn, you come back fifteen minutes later. What must I expect. Four ex-assassins, one trained in the style of the order, and one from a family of ninjas. Just my luck." Master Fu said as he looked at the book not looking up, oblivious to the red faces that stared at him. You don't just say that so casually.

"Kagami your a ninja?"

"Don't say anything Zahra. My question is, your an ex-assassin. I mean it makes a lot of sense now that I think about it."

"And that's supposed to mean?"

"This afternoon for example." Mari's face became tomato red. She cleared her throat, trying to cover her embarrassment.

"Oh what happened this afternoon?" Jason asked, amusement rolling off him in waves, while Damian smirked a little smirk.

"Let me tell you. So I had a little incident with my ex. Zahra was on a date with Kagami here when they saw us. Let's just say sharks and organs were involved." Nino said with a smirked, while looking at the tomato faces of Mari and Kagami.

"A dat-" 

"Jason if you finish that sentence, I swear you will die."

"If you lot are done, I would like to continue. The reason why you all had to go on this hunt was because it was a test of finding yourself and in doing so, finding a miraculous. If you will please open the box you have retrieved." As they opened their boxes, blinding lights shot out followed by tiny creatures. Kwamis. "I have identified the new miraculous team, welcome to the Order."


"Kari no shikata?" It wasn't even anger she heard it was amusement, with a hint of smugness. She knew she was fucked, and clearly her mother knew it as well. "Oh don't try lie about it." Fuck it. There goes plan A and B.

Plan A: Sneak in and out, but don't get caught.

Plan B: Don't fuck up plan A.

"It was okay, I guess. They found out I'm a ninja." Plan C, tell the truth. There is no point lying to Tomoe Tsurugi.

"Of course they would know. I'm part of the Order. Guardian in training of the Japanese miracle box. That meeting I had that day you meet your girlfriend, I was meeting her grandfather, Master Fu of the Chinese Zodiac Miracle box. We had to discuses the next plan once the team is complete. This is why we moved to Pairs, but with how quickly Jamal obtained the peacock and moth miraculous, along with the Grimoire, I feel we will be living on the road." Tomoe said.

This made so much sense now. But wait girlfriend? What girlfr- Shit.

"First of all, she is not my girlfriend. Sure I admire her, but we're not dating,"


"secondly that made a lot of sense now. I mean it was pretty random why we moved." Kagami finished, ignoring her mothers' little comment. 

"Pack a carry-on bag. Two sets of training uniform, two novels, your phone and tablet. You know how to hide your weapons. Were going to the Himalayas." With that Tomoe turned around. Before she left her daughter's room so she can pack, she spoke. "Before I forget check your bed-side table, and take your sword. Leave the sabre, that was just practice for the real challenge you are about to take." and with that she left the room.

Once the door was closed, Kagami looked inside her table. Her eyes widened, then softened as she held the object in her hand. After that she began packing. After dressing in her warm training uniform and coat, she put her bag on her back and made her way onto the roof for the second time that night. There her mother was, with her coat and carry-on bag. "What do we do know?" Kagami asked as she stood next to her mother.

"Now we wait for transportation." Was all her mother said, a small smirk playing on her lips.


"So that was fun. We found out that Marinette's girlfriend is a ninja,"

"She's not my girlfriend." Marinette mattered, Jason just continued.

"we were welcomed to the Order, we are now going to the Himalayas, after that we are going to be travelling. Is there anything else I'm missing?" Jason asked, as he finished packing his carry-on bag.

"No that sounds about right. Are you all set?" They nodded. "Then lets go fetch our travelling companions." With that Master Fu asked Kaalki to open a portal to his nephew's place, and the first thing they see is the disgusted face of Nino, who was covering baby Chris's eyes. When they followed his line of sight, they saw his reasoning. There the saw Jamal and Kali if full lip lock. Jason actually puked, but that could also be form that weird juice he drank earlier. (It was juice that had oil in it. Damian left it on the counter, on purpose, to see who has been finishing his juice. Seems like he caught his culprit.)

At the sudden noise of puking, the couple broke apart.

"You have traumatized everyone to the point that Jason PUKED. You people need to learn what PDA is and fast." Nino exclaimed, as he put his brother in his mothers arms. Kali rolled her eyes.

"See you in a year Nino. Be safe, all of you." With that Kali and Chris disappeared into thin air. They weren't surprised she disappeared, they've seen weirder. After a few moments of silence, Master Fu broke it by opening a portal to the roof where Kagami and Tomoe stood.

"Well then, shall we go. After all it is a long way up." Tomoe said, voice stern as ever, but if you listen closely, you could hear the smugness. Oh this was going to be a long trip.


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Kari no shikata - How was the hunt (Japanese)


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