Chapter 8- Searching for hazel

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Hazel's POV: I woke up and stretched my arms and legs out as I looked out the window to my right. I look down and see Mason still sleeping. I got up quietly and went to the door closing it behind me quietly and went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for me and him. For breakfast it's Biscuits and Gravy. I got out the biscuits and opened the fridge to get the gravy, also got the pot and got the stuff to cook it and start cooking it. The smell was good and i sniffed smelling the biscuits and smiled to myself.

Mason's POV: I woke up and stretched my arms along with my legs and looked to my left not seeing hazel. Is she taking a shower? I got up from the bed fixing it and went to the bathroom knocking on the door and there was no response. I think for a minute and she's probably in the kitchen, I went out the room closing the door behind me and went downstairs to the kitchen and see Hazel cooking breakfast. I went closer to her and she looked to my left and screamed.

Hazel: Oh my gosh you scared the crackers out of me! * I said holding my chest in which I got scared*

Mason: Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I didn't see you in the bedroom so I thought you were in the bathroom but you weren't there and then I went downstairs and saw you cooking breakfast I didn't want to bother you

Hazel: It's fine but next me warn me before you come closer to a person * I said taking a deep breath and looked back at the stove cooking*

Mason: Right sorry * I gritted my teeth and went to the table sitting down on the chairs and pushed it in going on my phone seeing Elijah and David messaging me, it's 7 in the morning why are they texting me this early? I thought to myself as I replied to their messages*

Hazel's POV: I looked behind me for a second and see Mason on his phone, he is so hot I don't understand how does he not have a girlfriend. Crap am I falling for him? I think I am. But does he like me back tho? I have no idea. I think about it while seeing him look up at me And my eyes wide as I turn around immediately and took a deep breath. Shit I think he saw me looking at him

Mason: I smirked as I saw Hazel looking at me. Why are you looking at me? I said setting my phone down for a second and waited for her to turn around to answer

Hazel: I turned around and looked at him pretending to be confused. Huh? What do you mean? * i said while I had a spatula in my right hand*

Mason: You were staring I saw you * I said crossing my arms and continued to smirk as she blushed and covered her face with her hands*

Hazel: I wasn't staring at you, I was looking out the window * i said pointing out the window and he followed my finger as he looked back at me and smiled*

Mason: Then why are you blushing? * I said pointing to her face and she covered her face quickly*

Hazel: I'm not blushing I just have something on my face * I said pretending to wipe what's on my face and turned back around and continued cooking breakfast*

Mason: Yeah sure okay whatever you say cutie * I said picking up my phone from the counter and continued to go on it*

Hazel's POV: Did he just call me cutie? I think he just did. I think while I blushed and smiled to myself. Ugh what is this boy doing to me? He is making me fall in love with him and want to be with him. I'll have to tell him tomorrow and hopefully he feels the same way I think to myself while worrying and adding the flour to the gravy*

* 30 minutes later*

Hazel's POV: I finished breakfast and I grabbed the plates and forks as I putted the biscuits and gravy on it and grabbed water as I got 2 cups washing them and putting the water in them as I setted the plates to Mason and mine to my side of the table. I sat down on the table on my left side and looked at Mason as he looked at me too.

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