Chapter 9: Jim vs Draal

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Y/N: "W-What have I-"

???: "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

The giant, blue troll known as Draal strolls into the forge with an evil smirk.

Instinctively, you quickly pocket your amulet as Aarg puts you down.

Jim struggles to get up as he watches Draal enter the forge.

Draal: "Ah! So, the Trollhunter's training begins. I thought the great Trollhunter might accept my services as a sparring partner. Part of your training regiment, isn't it?"

Blinky: "...In due time, perhaps."

Vendel: "Why wait? I am eager to see your charge demonstrate his mettle."

Vendel states as he appears above them all, overlooking a ledge as Jim looks at his sword.

Jim grunts as he slowly gets up. "Actually... The sword is made of, like... Daylight."

Blinky: "He means your mettle, your ability to cope in the face of adversity."

Jim: "Oh. Yeah, I'm still working on the "mettle" part. Plus, you know, SAT words." Jim fully stands up as he clutches his stomach.

Vendel chuckled as he watched, Draal grinning evilly.

Vendel: "Let them spar."

Draal: "No harm in it."

Y/N: "Uh... He just got done sparring... Me! So, maybe you should-"

Vendel: "Quiet."

Toby: "But-!"

Vendel: "Quiet!"

Jim glances with shock at Draal before quickly catching up to Blinky.

Jim: "Wait, what do I do?!"

Blinky: "Hit him as hard as you can."

Jim: "No, no. I mean, what do I do? I've never hit anyone."

Blinky: "Ever?"

Jim: "I've never gotten into a fight."

Blinky: "...In your entire life?"

Jim: "...All 15 years of it, yeah."

Blinky: "...You fought Bular, however briefly, and you were glorious. Your blade-work was impressive!"

Jim: "Those were just my chef skills! Besides, Y/N did all the work-!" Jim whispered, shouting before covering his mouth and turning towards you.

You look away, feeling bad about whatever you just did to him previously.

Blinky: "Exactly!" Blinky quickly changes the subject. "The fight is within you, Master Jim. Trust yourself. One hit! One hit, and you will be changed forever."

With confidence, Blinky turns Jim and pushes him to Draal. However, Jim was worried.

Vendel: "...Begin."

Vendel says with a booming voice. Draal growls and slams his fists into the rocky surface, roaring as Jim lifts his sword.

Not even five seconds pass when Draal starts running at the boy.

The offspring of the previous Trollhunter rolls into a sharp ball, and Jim yelps as he jumps from the path of destruction, avoiding getting crushed.

However, as Jim looked above, he noticed Draal rolling up to the ceiling of the Heroes Forge before falling from his ball, fists ready.

Once Draal collided with the ground, dust covered the area in a grimy blanket; the impact threw Jim into the denser part of the fog. Not being able to see anything, Jim was suddenly tackled, a blue mist brightening over the fog as the dust cleared.

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