Chapter 1: For The Glory Of...?

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???: "MASTER JIM!"

Jim and Y/N scream, as Y/N tries to bolt to the stairs but gets blocked by a bigger monster with green fur and large teeth, while Jim bumps his head on a pipe trying to run the opposite way.

???: "We have found you! ...And another human!"

Jim screams again, and backs away toward Y/N, but is stopped by the bigger monster.

Blinky: "I am known as Blinky!" Y/N backs up more but bumps into the basement furnace, burning himself.

He falls back into the middle and is now trapped with Jim.

Jim once again screams as he's face to face with the bigger monster.

Jim: "AHHHHH!"

Aarg: "It's 'Aaarrrggh.' Three R's."

"AHHHHH!" Y/N shrieks at the realization that the monster just spoke.

Aarg: "Hmm... They say, 'AHHHHH!' a lot."

Blinky: "It's more of a yelp... A greeting, perhaps."

Blinky and Aarg yell to "greet" Jim and Y/N, but it only causes them to shriek again. The two try running one more time, but they're stopped when Aarg grabs them by their legs and dangles them upside down.

Blinky steps closer, while Jim covers his eyes and shakes. Y/N sees what he does and copies him.

Blinky: "Master Jim, you have been chosen!"

Y/N: "It's not real... They're not real, it's all not real. It's just a dream!" Y/N optimistically whispers to himself.

The two continue aggressively shaking out of fear.

Aarg: "Hmm... Blinky, they look scared."

Blinky: "Not now, Aarg. Don't ruin this moment of solemnity."

Aarg looks confused. "Solembily?"

Blinky: "No, solemnity. It means- Ahh, you know what? Nevermind."

Jim: "P-P-Put us down... Please?"

Aarg drops both Y/N and Jim on their heads.

Y/N & Jim: "Ow!"

"Now where was I?" Jim tries to flee again, but Aarg stops him. "Ahh yes. Master Jim, you have been chosen. The Amulet of Daylight challenges you to ascend to the most sacred of offices."

Y/N: "..."

Blinky: "Unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world... A vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet. Hidden from view."

Y/N & Jim: "Tr-Trolls?"

Blinky: "Trolls, yes, trolls. And it is now your charge to protect them. For you, Master Jim, are the Trollhunter."

Jim gasps.

Y/N's eyes widen, and his heart thumbs twice as hard and as fast.

He then hears a deep and chilling voice in his head...


Blinky: "This honor is yours to accept. So, what say you?"

Jim stares at the troll for a few seconds before his eyes roll to the back of his head.

He faints.

Aarg: "Uhh... Is that a yes?"

Blinky turns to Y/N. "Well human? Did he say ye- And he's gone."

Aarg looks around confused. "Woah... Human magic."

- Later -

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