Chapter 7: Trollhunter Hunter?

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Barbara: "Look who stopped by!"

Strickler: "Hello, Jim."

Jim looks around frantically, his eyes almost landing on me. "...Mr. Strickler..."

Strickler: "Hello to you as well, Mr. L/N." Strickler greets as he slightly leans to his left while sitting at the dining room table, his eyes easily landing on me.

I nervously walk out into the living room, standing right next to Jim.

Y/N: "...Hi."

Barbara beams. "Oh, Y/N sweetie, I didn't expect you to be here!"

Y/N: "I could say the same for Mr. Strickler."

Jim quickly elbows me in the gut, and I slightly recoil.

Barbara: "He came to congratulate Jim!"

Jim: "Huh... Congratulate-? Why-?" This time, I elbow Jim in the gut, as he recoils.

His eyes widen as he realizes what it may be.

Jim: "Oh! That! Yeah... That's really... Nice."

Strickler: "It's a great honor that you have been chosen to wield this... Mantle. I do not doubt that you'll prove equal to the task."

Jim and I gulp. Why did he say it like that?

Barbara speaks up. "You didn't tell me you were trying out for Romeo and Juliet."

Strickler chuckles. "Y/N planned to do it as well, but it seems Jim beat him to it."

Barbara laughs. "I love a friendly competition!"

I rub the back of my head, forcing a chuckle.

Jim: "Uh... Maybe we could back up a few steps?"

"Jim, surely you knew you'd run the part of Romeo? After your breathtaking audition yesterday?" Strickler finishes.

Jim: "Yeah... I just had something to do after... I got the part?"

Y/N: "I'd be surprised if you didn't." I say, trying to fit myself into the conversation.

Strickler: "I was just remarking to your mother that I'm a touch concerned about your being
spread so thin. In particular, in light of your new commitment to the chess club..."

Barbara gasps. "And I didn't even think you knew how to play chess! Chess, acting, it's like you have
this entire secret life that I know nothing about!"

Jim nervously looks at me.

Jim: "...You have no idea...."

Strickler: "I'm concerned about this weight these two are carrying on their shoulders."

Y/N: "W-What? "These two?" What did I do?"

Strickler sighs. "You've been following Jim around, not making time for yourself."

Y/N: "What? I'm doing just fine! Jim isn't a bad influence!"

Strickler's eyes ground on me. "I never said that."

Everyone then looks at me.

Strickler: "A few days ago, the both of you were falling asleep in class."

Barbara: "Wait, what?"

Jim: "I-It's fine! We're both recharged and ready to go! To be or not to be, right?"

Barbara: "Jim... That's Hamlet."

"Ahh, well," Strickler stands up, brushing his clothes off. "I've overstayed my welcome, Mrs. Lake, please, give me a call sometime." Strickler slides Barbara a paper with his phone number.

Barbara: "Please, call me Barbara."

Strickler: "Delighted to meet you, Barbara."

I watch Strickler get up and leave.

Barbara: "He likes you guys!"

Y/N: "Yeah."

I stop dead in my tracks, my heartbeat increasing.

Jim: "Y/N? What's wrong?"

I slowly turn to Jim, as his eyes tell me that he's read mine.

Y/N: "H-He's..."

Barbara: "Boys? What's wrong? You guys didn't even tell me if Mr. Strickler is single or not!"

I quickly run to the window, peering outside.

Jim walks up to me, whispering.

Jim: "He's what?"

I look around, making sure Barbara isn't near.

Y/N: "Bular... He's back."

Jim's eyes widen. "W-What?! How do you know?!"

Y/N: "I don't know I just... Feel it."

Jim looks around frantically. "W-Well, do something about it!"

I scoff. "You're the Trollhunter here, not me!" I shout, as I quickly cover my mouth.

Barbara: "Boys, everything okay over there?!"

"Yes!" Jim and I reply at the same time.

Y/N: "Look," I pull out my phone. "I'm going to go home. If I see anything wrong, I'll text you. I won't engage."

Jim nods. "Stay safe." He says.

I nod back.

Y/N: "Goodbye, Barbara."

Barbara: "Bye Y/N! Be sure to come to visit more often!"

I nod as I wave goodbye, exiting from the front door.

The feeling never left, Bular is still here.

I spot Strickler about to enter his car, as I walk up to him.

Strickler turns to me.

"Ahh, young Y/N, what can I do for you?"

I grimace. "Look, I don't know what you're doing, but I don't like it."

I hear a deep and evil growl from behind me, that same growl then forms into a laugh.

My skin turns cold.

Bular: "...Hello, Trollhunter Hunter."

I deadpan as I turn around to face Bular.

Y/N: "Trollhunter Hunter? Really? That's the best you've got?" I facepalm. "And to think I was scared of you."

Bular seems almost as if he's gonna charge at me, but stops once Strickler puts his hand up.

Strickler: "Relax. Patience is important. This young man was only instigating." Strickler looks down at my hands.

"As you can see, he's trembling with fear."

I gulp.

Y/N: "...S-Strickler, what's going on?" I ask while returning my gaze to him.

Strickler chuckles.

Strickler: "You'll understand in due time, Y/N. Just don't rush or do anything stupid."

Y/N: "What? What does that mean?!"

Strickler genuinely laughs. "Goodbye, Y/N." Strickler gets in his car, ignoring my pleas.

I turn around to try and consult Bular, but he was gone.

I stand in the street, not knowing what to do.

"...What just happened?"

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