Chapter 37: It's About Time

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Hey you!

I want to say I appreciate those of you who vote and comment. You have no idea how much it helps keep me motivated. Stay awesome to everyone, including those who don't vote or comment (they still read)!

I have a lot in store for Y/N, so thanks for sticking with the "boring character development arcs."

Enjoy the chapter kiddos.




In the shadowed confines of Gatto's Keep, the figure of Merlin's Champion emerges, this time solitary, his amulet conspicuously absent. His face is determined as he surveys the towering ascent before him. The guards, growing impatient, push him unkindly, forcing him up the endless staircase to stand before Gatto, the formidable troll overseeing this domain. They force him to his knees with a rough shove, presenting him vulnerably before Gatto's scrutinizing gaze.

Gatto observes the young warrior with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. "Mm... The Trollhunter, you have returned, and without your amulet," he notes, his deep voice resonating through the chamber. Unfazed by the lack of his usual artifact, the young hero urgently responds, "I need the Kairosect."

A laugh rumbles from Gatto's throat, a sound rich with mockery. "The Kairosect. Dangerous magic," he muses, then questions, "After what your friends did to me, why should I let you live?"

Rising to his feet, the Champion meets Gatto's gaze squarely, a spark of bravery igniting in his eyes. "Because this time, I have a riddle for you," he declares, a challenge woven into his words.

Gatto's interest piques, his surprise evident. "A riddle?" he repeats, skepticism tinting his chuckle. "I am the master of riddles. I know them all."

"But you don't know this one," the Champion counters, a confident smile on his lips.

Gatto's curiosity is now fully engaged. "Are you willing to bet your life on it?" he questions, his tone a mix of amusement and challenge.

The question hangs in the air, unanswered, as the Champion leans into his gamble. "What do you call cheese that isn't yours?" he asks, the question's simplicity seeming to baffle even the guards who linger in confusion.

Gatto ponders, repeating the riddle to himself as if the answer lies in its words. After a moment of contemplation, a light of realization dawns in his eyes. "Hmm... I've got it. 'Nacho cheese.'"

"And it's nacho day, either! Now!" the Champion exclaims, his command slicing through the tense air. Yet, nothing happens; the guards exchange bewildered looks, their confusion mirroring that of everyone present.

With a resigned sigh, the young hero tries again, his patience thinning. "I said, 'Now.'"

A shadow portal tears open with urgency, and the rest of the Trollhunters burst through, their faces set with determination. Blinky, quick to act, tosses the amulet to Jim, who catches it with a practiced ease.

"Master Jim!" Blinky shouts, signaling the start of their mission.

Jim wastes no time. "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" His voice rings out, the armor materializing around him in a shimmer of magic and might.

Conqueror of DaylightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant