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The team were flying out on a commercial line but we had booked up all of first and business class so we could relax and hopefully get some sleep on the way! I've never been good with flying and the last time I visited Austalia with the family I googled if I could ger a cruise back instead of flying, unfortunately this time I just had to grin and bear it. Not being eager to get on the plane I was one of the last to board and everyone had already picked their seats but I notice 2 seats free towards the back of the first class section so I make my way there and get my self comfy, at least being out of the main section my team mates wouldn't see how nervous I am to fly.
"Looks like you're stuck with me on this one kid G has sat next to Meado, trouble in paradise already?" Leah stands in the aisle with her carry on over her shoulder. She's looks like she's waiting for confirmation that she can sit which is odd seeing as that is the only seat left so neither of us has much say "Long flight to stay standing on" I say cocking an eyebrow and ignoring her attempt to get me to talk about G "just making sure I wasn't going to step on anyone's toes" she says as she gets in next to me was she being like this because I didn't sit next to her on the coach. I let out a chuckle and turn to look out the window.  ( a/n the first class is set up in pods with two seats that can be shut off from the aisle if needed both facing forward)

After the preflight safety videos have played and they brought round the champagne (Sarina had said we can enjoy ourselves but to be responsible) it was time to get taxied to the runway. My white knuckle death grip on the armrest had raised a curious look from Leah. "Not good with flying or just not happy about sitting meet to me?" I'm not really listening as the engines start to kick in to full throttle with my eyes closed I spit out a very quick "no im not" after a few second I feel a hand pull mine off the arm rest and interlock our fingers. "It's okay kid squeeze my hand if you need to noone else can see" I don't reply but let the fact that she is holding my hand completely cloud my brain and now my heart is beating fast for an entirely different reason.

Once in the air and I hear the seatbell  sign turn off and I open my eyes to see two champagne flutes on my tray, I look over and see Leah with a worried look on her face. "Phew I thought you were going to have your eyes closed the entire flight and I would have to entertain myself" her worried look fades and is replaced with a soft smile. "I'm sorry I should have warned you first I'm not really a good flyer" " yeah no shit, I kinda guessed when I lost feeling in my fingers" ohh shit I'm still holding her hand, do I drop it immediately or use this opportunity to keep holding it... too much eye contact... I can feel my heart my palms are sweating... I'm having a full on gay panic!!! "Ohh wow I'm sorry I didn't realise I was squeezing so tightly" I let go of her hand and her calm and warmth is instantly taken away! She looks a little disappointed for a split second but nods to the glasses in front of me "you can have mine as well, maybe it will help..... also if you want I will keep my left hand available to you the whole time incase of emergencies" she winks as she says emergencies and my stomach fills with butterflies so I do what any sane 25 year old would do when sat next to their crush,  I down 2 glasses of champagne in a very short amount of time.

We settle into a comfortable converastions about home and what we want to see if we have any down time, she has also convinced the flight attendant to sneak us little bottles of spirits whenever they see our glasses empty, being at the back is proving to be my best decision I've ever made.

5 hours into the flight and more than a little tipsy I am feeling brave which is always fun. "Leah can I ask you a question" not quite slurring my words but not far off. " Sure kid what's up?" She turns in her seat to fully face me having shut the partition to the aisle a little while ago to hide our little drinking party. "Why did you ask if there was trouble in paradise when you first got on, do you think there's something going on with G and I?" A very slight blush creeps into her cheeks or could it be the alcohol? "well I didn't expect that, it just looked like you two were getting cozy on the coach and then suddenly she sits with someone else" the whole time she's talking she's playing with the screen in front of her to avoid looking at me. "Ohh were watching me then? Getting a little jealous?" Yep time to stop drinking for sure. This time she leans into me to whisper in my ear, I can smell her shampoo and the rum she's been drinking as she gets closer my breathing stops and I audibly swallow. "Me, jealous? Firstly I don't get jealous and secondly I always get what I want" I feel her breath against my neck and it sends chills through me making me wet. Fuck she has this effect on me without even trying. I must regain some composure she can't have all the power. I pull back slightly so that our faces are inches apart and I switch between looking at her eyes to her lips "ohh yeah and what is it that you want?" I say biting my lip. I see her breathing hitch and I've caught her off guard playing her at her own game. I can see her control regain behind her eyes as they become more focused and aware of their surroundings, she pulls back to her side and touches the buttons on her screen "I really want to watch the new marvel film, I havent seen it yet"  I sit back fully and recline my chair so I can sleep off the alcohol "ohh yeah sure you have fun with that" I shut my eyes and roll over so I am on my right facing her, with my eyes closed i whisper "theres nothing between me and Georgia, she wanted to switch rooms" i sneak a look out of one eye and see her half smile and then realisation hit. " so that means...
." " yep you and i are roomies, i hope you dont snore" with that I feel more relaxed than I ever have on a flight and after a few minutes I can feel her playing with my hair, I fall asleep almost instantly.

The captain and me जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें