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Today is the first game in the knockout stages which is when things really get serious as each game could be make or break for us. I was having trouble sleeping so I snuck out of the room early and ended up at the training pitch messing around doing silly tricks with a ball that was left on the side.
" I thought I told you all to get plenty of sleep at the team meeting last night" ahh busted I bring the ball down and turn to see Sarina giving me a disapproving look
"I know im sorry I just couldn't shut off my brain"
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm good, doctors say back to 100% I think they're getting bored of seeing me in the treatment room"
"Seeing as it's still early and we both should be asleep I will tell you something that I will deny if anyone asks me"
" should I be worried?"  She starts walking the and I fall in step next to her
"I see a lot of myself in you, you're determined and focused and carry the weight of the team on your shoulders but that's not always a good thing, you need to let the pressure drive you but not take over. The team will either win or lose but the people around you will all share the same responsibility even those not playing" 
I dont know what to say I wasn't prepared for her to say any of this
"You're a great plater y/n and could be one of the best but I want you to remember to have fun as well. Play like you do in practice with a smile and joy"
"I know I get a bit too in my head I just want to prove to everyone that you made the right choice bringing me"  she stops and turns to me
"Do I look like the type of woman who makes mistakes" she says with a sly smile
"No boss you don't" she starts to walk away but looks back over her shoulder to shout back to me
"Ohh I fotgot to say you're starting today, time to prove to yourself you deserve to be here not anyone else"

The coach journey felt different or I felt different but it was like I knew we were going to win and so did the other girls there was an aura of calm enjoyment.
Leah was on DJ duties and was taking it very seriously making sure to set the right vibe for the journey.
"Hey either of you two seen the tik tok about you two today?"  G stuck her arm through the gap in the chairs from the row behind us to show us her phone. The tik tok edits were nothing new and there was a new one about who Leah might be dating everyday but most were of her and Jordan and anytime they have been in the same room together this tournament. They got old very quickly.
"Another one?" Leah says whilst changing the song to a Justin Bieber classic
"Just watch"
The video starts and is a lot of clips cut together mainly from training and the media day of Leah looking in my direction and smiling or looking to try and find me, some from the start of camp before we even kissed. It then cuts to clips of me looking towards the buffet tables or snack carts with the same smile
The caption at the bottom is "get a girl that looks at you like y/n looks at food" but the # attached to the video is "Captainsnewcrush?"
"Wow Leah didn't realise you were my number 1 stalker" I nudge her in the side and see the slight pink blush in her cheeks at being caught out
"I was looking around the room they have cut it to make it seem like I was looking at you"  she tries to down play it but it's very cute and I know the truth so I lean over and give her a kiss on the cheek
"Didn't know you were such a melt Leah" Kiera calls from the seats across the walkway to us
" very funny, should we search for your videos?"  That soon stopped Kiera in her tracks and everyone got back to chatting amongst themselves
"So we're you not fed as a kid or just love food that much?" Leah looks at me not trying to hide the mischievous grin
"Just because I enjoy eating more than a plain ham sandwich"
"I like to eat other things as well in case you've forgotten" she says this as a whisper so only I can hear
"Not sure what you're taking about, maybe I need reminding"  she licks her lips and looks from my eyes to my lips.
"We're here girls get your stuff ready" one of the guys on the kit team shouts down the coach. I clear my throat and shake my head as everyone is getting up.
"Best leave a couple people between us as we get off other wise the shippers will have a field day"
"Aye aye captain, you go first but try not to look back for me if you can help it"
"Ohh I'm sure I can manage" she slipped out with Kiera and I waited for Tooney and Less who were further down the coach.

We are playing France today, a good team who is likely to challenge us defensively but our back 4 are arguably the best in the world. Leah leads us out onto the pitch for the National anthems and photos. The calm feeling is still washing over me and I look out into the crowd to see all the fans who have travelled to see us smiling and waving and it makes me so happy, I understood what Sarina had said but now I can actually feel it. Someone is going to have to really go some to wipe this smile off my face.

Tactically France love possession of the ball and are very precise passers unfortunately they were not ready for the pace of me, Less and Hempo up front and between us we were 3-0 up at 70 mins. Hempo gets taken off and replaced with Kelly and I see Parris warming up I look across and see Sarina and give her a pleading look to keep me on for the rest of the game. She whispers to Parris and they hold up Less' number. I'm having too much fun to come off now. The girl on the French team defending me was not having a good night and was showing signs of tiring, this gave me a burst of energy and as the ball was passed to me from Kiera I ran at her with all the speed I had. To my surprise she wasn't too far off keeping up so I slowed up to try another way to get past. I dribbled forwards doing a few stepovers to confuse her which earned a roar from the crowd she stuck her leg out so I saw an opportunity to stick it through her legs nutmegging her. I jumped over her outstretched leg to catch the ball up. I look up and the angle is wrong to shoot so I send a cross into the box hoping someone will get on the end of it. I see Bright jump and make the connection sending the ball into the back of the net. She runs to me and picks me up shouting "show off" in my ear she puts me down and I shrug.

The rest of the game goes by fairly quickly and we celebrate the win with the fans again. I walk the edge of the pitch with Leah clapping and signing as many shirts as we can. We then get pulled for a interview pitchside together
"Y/n congratulations player of the match you looked like you were having a lot of fun out there"
"I was I missed playing with the girls and wanted to enjoy every minute"
"You seem to have stepped it up a gear in this tournament and your team depend on you, only losing the game you didn't play in. Do you think they are relying on you too much"
"I will do anything this team needs me to do and I think they could win with or without me im just glad to do my part"
"Leah you must be very proud of her, are you worried for when the wsl starts and you'll be defending against her"
"I'm proud of all of my team, as for the WSL my only focus at the minute is the next game"
"Thank you both and congratulations"

The captain and me Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora