First date

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"Y/N wake up" I can feel the light hitting my face as I hear the curtains open
"Hmmm" is all I can manage to respond with
"It's time to get up, we're going out today"
"But it's our day off we were going to have a lie in and spend the day in bed" I open my eyes to look at her and and give her my best puppy dog eyes. She crawls back on to the bed and kisses my bottom lip that's still pouting
"As fun as that sounds I have a different plan for us today"
"I'm intrigued, what are we going to do?
"That's a surprise but if you're willing would you like to go on a date with me?" She looks a little shy as if she would ever doubt my answer
"Of course Leah, our first official date I would love to go" I give her a quick kiss as I jump out of bed to get ready
"Can you give me a clue so I know what to wear? Should I bust out the ball gown I brought just in case?"
"I would love to see that but not this time, it's casual so wear whatever you're comfortable in"
"head to toe leather got it" I wink at her and grab my clothes to get ready. Suddenly I feel a little nervous our first date this is exciting.

Once I was ready I came out of the bathroom to an empty room.
"Leah?" I looked round the corner but couldn't see her. I was about to call her when there was a knock at the door, I open it to see Leah stood there with a big smile on her face and flowers in her hand.
"What are you doing" I say through my smile
"Well im here to pick you up for our date, these are for you" she hands me the flowers
"Thank you, they're beautiful"
"So are you, come on we should get going"
I run the flowers to the bathroom and put them in the sink with some water, I can deal with them when we get back. We walk hand in hand down the corridor and to the exit of the hotel. When we get to the front door I feel her grip loosen and I have to let her hand go as we walk out onto the street, there are usually cameras around trying to sneak pictures. I stop on the street to enjoy the sun hitting my face I put my sun glasses on and turn to Leah.
"Where to boss?"
"Ooo I like the sound of that, see the car over there I've rented it for the day so we can have some privacy"
"Are you going to chauffeur me around Australia?" We head towards the car she was pointing at.
"Well Australia is very big how about I chauffeur you around this area?"
"As long as I get to pick the music" this was a test as I know how much she loves being the dj. She stops walking to look at me takes a deep breath and finally nods
"Wow you really like me huh?" I'm standing in front of the passenger side door with her in front of me she leans in causing me to forget where we are. I close my eyes and wait for her lips to connect with mine but they don't make contact. I open my eyes to see her smiling down at me her hand on the passenger side door pulling it open for me to get it.
"By the look on your face kid I think the feeling is mutual" she waits for me to get in and closes the door I watch her chuckle to herself as she walks round the front of the car to get in.
"That's wasn't fair"
"Aww I'm sorry for being polite and opening your door for you"
"You know that's not what I meant but thank you that was very sweet of you"
She turns the key and starts driving, luckily Australia drive on the left aswell to make it easier!

We drive for around 30 minutes listening to music and looking at the scenery, this really is a beautiful country and I'm grateful I get to experience some more of it other than airports and football pitches. Leah is driving without a sat nav or a map
"Not that I'm worried but do you know that way?"
"Of course I do, I've been planning this for a while I have checked the route more times than I will ever admit to you"
"I'm happy we get to spend some time together away from everyone else and away from football"
"Me too I love those girls to bits but we needed some time away from prying eyes"  she keeps her eyes on the road but reaches across to rest her hand on my thigh, we drive for a little bit more before turning off the main road and down a bumpy dirt track.

We follow the track for around a mile before going through some gates. I then notice the sign indicating we are at an animal sanctuary for rescued wildlife.
"You took me to see animals? You really do know the way to my heart"
She pulls into a parking space and jumps out of the car before I can even undo my seatbelt. She slides over the the bonnet and grabs my door open before I get to it
"M'lady" she says as she stands proud holding the door open
"You're such a geek, thank you" I stand on tip toes and place a very quick kiss on her cheek to her surprise
"What about being seen?"
"Worth the risk"

"This is my surprise? Omg how did you know?"
"I have my ways" she stands there smirking knowing shes made me very happy.
I was standing in the koala bear enclosure with the keeper who was handing over the sweetest looking animal I had ever seen. She positions him in my arms and I take the weight which is heavier than I had expected
I ask the keeper if she will take a picture of Leah and I holding him.
"You two look great, are you here on holiday?" I reluctantly pass the koala back so he can go back to sleep.
"Work actually" Leah replies as I was trying to think of a response
"Are you involved in the worldcup at all its brought a lot of people over for work?"
"Ohh really have you been watching it? I try to deflect from her question
"Yeah, nah not my sport" Phew

We finish walking around the sanctuary and end up having an ice cream at their cafe that is over looking the enclosures.
"I've had the perfect day thank you Leah, how did you know I've always wanted to hold a koala?"
"I'm glad you had fun seeing the smile on your face made me very happy.  Erm well I overheard you talking to Tooney on one of the first nights but you didn't think you would have time"
" even back then you were stalking me aye?" I have to joke because I couldn't tell her that I was falling for her its way too soon she would think I was crazy
"Shit we've got to be heading back, I have a meeting with Sarina in an hour" she checks her phone and sees a text from Kiera but doesn't open it.

We are about 10 minutes back from the hotel and I see a car park over looking a beach
"Can we stop for 5 minutes I'm not ready to head back to the real world yet plus I haven't properly thanked you for today"
She checks the time in the car, she's still got 25 minutes before her meeting so she pulls in to the empty car park. The sun is setting over the water and it looks like a film set.
As soon as the car is parked I lean over and kiss her, the feel of her lips on mine makes me feel whole and I realise how much I have been craving the feeling all day. I deepen the kiss and she opens her mouth to let our tongues meet.  I bite her bottom lip and she moans in to my mouth. I try to move closer but I'm stopped by my seat belt that snaps my mind back to the car. I give her a gentle kiss before pulling away to sit back in my seat
"Wow y/n I will plan all the dates if that's how you thank me" she's a little out of breath as she looks at me
"Haha that's a deal I am more than happy to stick with"
We take a couple pictures of the scenery and then head back

When we pull up the the hotel there are around 20 reporters waiting outside and there cameras start flashing as soon as they see us. The hotel security opens our doors and rushes us inside away from the cameras
"What's going on?"  I ask but noone answers
Kiera runs into the lobby waving her phone at us
"Didn't you guys get my text?"
"No why what's happened?" Leah is getting a little annoyed that noone has explained
"Theres a video going around of you two earlier, apparently you're the new posh and becks"
"What video?"
"I'll show you in a sec but Leah it gets worse, Jordan is the one that released it"

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