Cutting ties

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Leah's POV

"Where is she?" My mind was racing and I could feel my anger bubbling up. I have been known to be slightly aggressive on the pitch when it comes to protecting my team, this is no different y/n is part of my   life and I will protect her.
"Leah I know what you're like and I don't think you should be talking to her yet, take a breath first" I could hear Kiera trying to calm me and usually she would get through but it sounded muffled in my ears and wasn't having the desired effect.
I couldn't stand still so I started pacing, I still didn't know what direction to head in.
"The video what was it?"  I continue walking a path on the carpet, we had moved up to a meeting room for a little privacy, the press were still outside trying to get their pictures.
"I don't have it all because she's taken it down after a few choice words from Beth , but there are edits from it"
"Show me"

The video was of us leaving the hotel this morning taken from a press room on the second floor, Kiera said there was commentary but this one had been edited to a song. Apparently she was taking a video of the interview set up for Instagram and was showing the view out the window. You can see y/n and I leave the front of the hotel in the bottom corner of the frame then walk towards the car. The video is then zoomed in on us as we stand by the door, when I lean in to open the door we are cms away from kissing and then I am laughing walking round the front and we drive off. The caption is " I don't know how Y/N is still breathing I got gay panic just watching this"

I don't understand why she would post this, she ended things and it almost broke me, she said she needed to focus on getting over her injury and that I needed to focus on the Euros. I threw myself into training and became captain which is what helped me finally let go. She had said that once the Euros are done and we go to the world cup together we could try again but then she didn't get picked and I met y/n. I'm happy why is she trying to ruin that?.

Nobody has said anything since the video ended which could have been 10 seconds ago or an hour. I felt a hand hold mine and turned to see y/n looking up at me with kind eyes and a smile
"It's okay" she spoke so calmly and softly I could feel the tension leaving my shoulders and I let out the breath I must have been holding
"It's okay" she repeats herself as if she's trying to calm a scared animal, the image of that takes the last bit of anger from me and I smile back at her and I grip her hand to let her know that I'm good.

I look up to Kiera who is smiling like a fool at both of us
"What's got you grinning?" Hardly the time to be that happy
"Ahh just never seen anyone calm you down like that normally there's a lot more shouting and swearing involved"
"Obviosuly I'm maturing, you little shit"
"There she is" 
"Would you like to know where she is now that you've calmed down?"
"Yes please"

I left y/n with Kiera they were going to head to the gym and I needed to do this alone. I head up to Beth's room and knock on the door, I hear movement inside before Beth opens the door looking concerned.
"I'll leave you two to it" she looks over her shoulder and pulls the door closed slightly behind her before leaning in and whispering
"She knows what she's done is wrong I think she just wanted your attention don't be too hard on her?"
"Thanks Beth I know it's difficult for you to be in the middle of this, I just want to understand the thought process"
"Okay I'll be downstairs if you need me"

I walk into the room closing the door behind me with a soft click of the lock. Jordan was sat on a chair in the corner with her head in her hands, a year ago seeing her like this would have hurt my heart and I would have done anything to make it right for her. Not now, now I see the person who broke my trust and crossed a line, that thought helped keep me from comforting her.
"I hope you have a good explanation for this because im trying to understand, but its hard, because I would never have done that to you"  I am surprised by how calm the words are coming out and I realise that I'm not angry, im disappointed because I expected better and was let down.
"Leah I'm sorry I saw you two together and I was jealous, I don't know what came over me when I posted it. Next thing I know Beth was running in telling me to take it down but it was too late by that point too many people had seen it"
"You knew about us though I told you after you came on that interview" I pinch the bridge of my nose I can feel a headache coming on
"Look I fucked up I will do what I can to make this right so we can still be friends"
She gets out from the chair and comes over to me slowly pulling my arm down from my face. I look down at the woman I used to love she feels like a stranger to me, the connection we once had has been lost. I see a teammate but nothing more.
"We aren't friends Jordan, I can't have people I don't trust around me. I will be professional to you and will do you the curtesy of never letting the public know our business something that you didn't extend to me"
"You're cutting me out over this? For some girl you barely know, you're choosing her over me?" I can see the tears welling in her eyes again, I don't want to be the one to hurt her but this needs to be the end of this
"It's not about her over you, you know my privacy is something I work hard to protect and you betrayed that. You need to have space away from me to be able to move on properly and I need to put 100% effort into y/n because she deserves nothing less"
I turn to walk away the tears have started to tip over and fall down her cheeks, so many times I have wiped them away and replaced them with kisses to get her to smile.
"What about Arsenal, I'm not leaving the club will y/n be happy with you spending everyday with me going on away games together" I take a deep breath the way she said y/n had a bite to it and I wasn't going to rise to the bait
"Who knows maybe she'll sign for us, her contract with Liverpool is due to end before the start of the season"
I leave the room before she could answer and walk away to see what I can do to make this shit storm okay again. I head towards the gym so I can update y/n but to be completely honest I really could do with a hug so I pick up my pace. I cant help but smile as a thought crossing my mind - I wonder if the men's team has this much drama, probably not but then again they also haven't won a trophy in over 50 years.

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