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part 005


"Kai," the familiar voice cut through the chatter of the dining hall, drawing my attention. Athalia was approaching, her tie loosely draped around her neck, the top button of her shirt undone, and her skirt riding high on her hips. It had taken her a week to muster the courage to speak to me.

"What's up with her?" William chuckled beside me, but I ignored him as Athalia reached me, her dark brown hair cascading in waves around her shoulders.

"Hey," she said, avoiding my gaze and fidgeting with her blazer.

"So?" I teased, unable to contain my grin.

"Yeah, whatever," she replied with a nonchalant shrug, but the corners of her lips betrayed a hint of a smile. I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight.

Without a second thought, I rose from my seat and jerked my head for her to follow me and surprisingly she did. Once alone in the hallway, we just stood across from one another. I want to hug her for some reason but I don't want to fuck it up. Ah, fuck it. I move in for a hug. Shocking myself and her.

"Kai," she whispered against my chest, wrapping her arms around me in return.

"Friends hug." I laugh lightly. As I let go of her, I noticed the exhaustion in her features, she looks worn out and I think she's not acknowledging it, almost as if admitting her exhaustion would somehow make it more real.

"Are you okay?" I asked, as she shook her head slowly.

Her response is a shrug. "I'm losing it, Kai." Her words weighed heavily on me, knowing all too well the struggle she faced. Just then, Idris passed by, silent as always. He glanced at Athalia and then at me, his expression unreadable. I knew his story, how his parents had rejected him for being gay, sending him to this place. He was more than just a troubled kid; he was simply misunderstood.

"You moved out of your dorm, right?" I finally broke the silence. Athalia nodded, her gaze flickering to her feet before meeting mine.

"Yeah, Suki should be moving in," she replied with a smile, her tone lifting slightly. Zayd happened to walk past, his ears perking up at the mention of Suki, the girl he had an obvious crush on but never had the courage to approach.

"What about Suki?" Zayd interjected, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Parker and Suki, roommates," I summarised, earning a laugh from Athalia. It was a sound I had missed, a reminder of simpler times. I couldn't shake the guilt of hurting her and although she forgave me, I struggled to forgive myself.

"Go ask her to the ball, Zayd," I encouraged with a smile, watching as he chuckled and walked away.

"Oh my God." Athalia mutters, "When is that?" her eyes widening in realisation.

"Next Friday," I informed her, already mentally preparing for the event. Our school's annual balls were a highlight of the year, each one with its own unique theme. I couldn't help but reminisce about our first-year ball, a wild rave drenched in glitter and youthful exuberance.

"Anyways, I need to head to my dorm. I've got some work to finish," I state as I see William and Kyran walk out the dining hall. Athalia nodded understandingly.

"Yeah, go do your homework, Valdez," she teased lightly, a fleeting smile gracing her lips before we parted ways, each retreating to our own worlds once again.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋Where stories live. Discover now