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part 012
you just cant


Throughout the remainder of the night, Suki worked tirelessly to anchor me to the present. We sat together, observing the chaos of the dance floor. Parker returned with drinks, and Will followed, each bearing glasses filled with a light purple concoction that Parker cheerfully identified as fruit punch. Sweet strains of Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex filled the air as the twins settled beside us. Will appears disinterested, his drink nearly drained, while the masks that had once adorned the guests' faces now lay forgotten on the tables.

"Where's everyone else?" Suki inquired, breaking the silence.

"Kyran and Idris are out wandering the grounds," Will muttered, taking another sip of his punch. "Athalia's there," he added, gesturing lazily ahead of him. His vague indication prompted me to scan the room myself until I spotted Athalia in her signature red dress, seated with a girl sporting fiery red hair.

"Isn't that Quinn?" I asked, squinting to get a better view of the girl's face. Parker tensed at the mention of her name, a reaction I filed away to address later.

"Quinn's annoying," Suki remarked, noting Parker's sudden shift in demeanour.

"Totally," Parker chimed in, mirroring her brother's drink-sipping motion almost synchronously.

Some time later laughter filled the air as Will regaled us with embarrassing childhood stories. Seated around the circular table, in formal attire, the setting evoked memories of our parents' gatherings, a thingI had always dreaded. Yet, for Suki's sake, I found myself attending such events more frequently, her joy in the midst of crowds a balm to my soul, even as I struggled to share in her enthusiasm. Lost in my thoughts, I was jolted back to reality by Suki's gentle voice.

"You, okay?" Her soft voice broke through the haze of my thoughts, drawing me back to the present moment.

"Wanna leave?" I leaned in to kiss her temple, feeling her hum in response. With a gentle tug, I offered her my hand, the warmth of her palm fitting perfectly into mine as she rose from her seat. I reached for our masks, while she gracefully looped her arm through mine.

"Use protection!" Will's voice followed us as we made our way out, his glass raised in a half-hearted salute. Suki turned, her expression a mix of amusement and defiance, as she swiftly flipped him off, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

"Use protection, Mr!" she nudged me with her hip, a shared joke between us. With a chuckle, we stepped out into the night, ready to navigate whatever adventures awaited us, together and safe.


I pull her into the room with me, the air thick with anticipation. Our lips collide in an eager kiss, igniting a passion that courses through us both. As she presses closer, her back meeting the solid surface of the door, I instinctively move my hand from the side of her face to the lock. "The light. I want it off," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the rush of desire between us. I nod in understanding, flicking the switch without hesitation. In the darkness, I feel her presence more intimately, her warmth enveloping me as I take in the scent of her skin.

A million theories race through my mind, wondering why she chose to plunge us into darkness. But as her fingers deftly work at the buttons of my shirt, and my lips trail along her neck, I abandon all thoughts except for the electrifying connection between us. My hands find the zipper of her dress, a silent invitation to delve deeper into the depths of desire that bind us together.


She pushed both my blazer and my shirt off my body and I did the same to her dress. She's only in a bra and underwear now. So perfect.

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