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She knew that Charlie was stupid, but she didn't think he was that stupid to do something like this. After the boys had told he had done, she wanted to say a few choice words to him. But Neil advised her that it wouldn't be a good idea. It would just add more fire to the situation. She didn't care though. She could get in trouble.

It was announced that there was a mandatory assembly. Teachers rushed down with papers in their hands and tried to calm a very agitated Mr. Nolan. They all were raised as Mr. Nolan stood at the podium. She stood by Neil and Todd, because the last thing she needed right now was to be by someone who made her nervous. She needed the boy she loved and her best friend.

"Sit." Mr. Nolan ordered, and they all sat down. Neil grabbed Rebetta's hand, to calm her down. Her anxiety was over the roof.

"In this week of Welton's Honor there appeared a profane and unauthorized article. Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons... and let me assure you I will find them," Nolan told the students. "I'm asking any and all students who know anything about this article to make themselves known here and now. Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school."

Expulsion. The word made Betta shiver, but Neil made sure he was right there. A sound of a phone started to ring which made everyone start to question. Professors started to look before Charlie Dalton stood up in front of his peers, picking up the cellphone.

Oh god.

"Welton Academy. Hello?" He said into the phone. This couldn't be any good. "Yes, he is. Just a moment." He picks up the phone and turned to Mr. Nolan.

"Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's God. He says we should have more girls at Welton."

The students started to hysterically laugh except for Rebetta and the boys. She wanted to march her butt up to Charlie and smack him right across the face. She was so embarrassed that he would say that. Neil and Todd covered their faces as Rebetta looked like she wanted to cry. Charlie only had a small smirk on his face. He didn't care at all.

The assembly got done and the rest of the boys and her waited outside of Charlie's dorm. "What do you think is happening to him right now?" Cameron asked them.

"He embarrassed not just all of us but me," Betta muttered. "What the hell was he thinking?"

Charlie stiffly walked into the room, and the rest of them rose. "You kicked out?" Neil asked Charlie.

"No." Charlie mumbled, as he looked at Rebetta. Rebetta didn't even want to look at him. She was so hurt. "Betta.." Charlie whispered but was cut off by Neil.

"So what happened?"

Charlie sighed. "I'm to turn everybody in, apologize to the school and all will be forgiven."

Rebetta started to freak out. "Dalton, you're going to hear it from me. I mean it!" She started to yell and almost lunged towards him but Neil and Todd held her back. "Are you stupid? Are you actually stupid?"

"Rebetta, shh." Meeks said, calming her down.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Neil asked, turning around from Betta. "Charlie!"

Charlie whipped around with a weak smirk on his face. "Dammit Neil, the name's Nuwanda." He shut the door behind him. Rebetta was still livid, as she marched back to her room, shutting the door.

"Do you want to check on her?" Meeks said.

"I'll go check on her." Neil whispered softly, walking to Rebetta's dorm. He knocked quietly but she didn't bother opening it. He knocked again and there still wasn't a response. "Betta, come on."

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