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THERE WERE ALOT OF DAYS IN REBETTA CARMICHAEL'S LIFE THAT COMPLETELY DRAINED THE HELL OUT OF HER. There was the day she had told her parents she was moving to Vermont, because she couldn't stand being stuck in Iowa City for the rest of her life. She remembered that was the moment where she had realized her parents didn't see her worth as a person, and how much she actually hated her parents.

Then there was the day that Neil Perry got shipped away to military school. She remembered Mrs. Perry, who she never had the great privilege of meeting personally. She always assumed that she was nothing like his father, because she had tears in her eyes as she grabbed his belongings as Todd and Betta watched with the blankest faces. She remembered after that, she spent the majority of the weekend in her room. Todd, Charlie, Meeks, Cameron, Knox and Pitts had knocked on her door, begging her to come and so she wasn't alone.

She just remembers laying there, holding onto his sweater and looking straight at the wall with bloodshot eyes. She hadn't told them fully about what had happened the night prior, and much it shook her up, and how much she really missed Neil. She still tries to get this day out of her memory.

The other time was when Charlie and her agreed to be just friends. This one hurt, but not as bad. It was a mutual decision between both of them as they kept thinking about Neil. Now looking back at it, she wished that they didn't think about him. But it was too late. They are grown now. They both had two different lives. But Rebetta realized on this trip, how unhappy she actually was.

Then there was Rose's death that only happened just a few years ago. She wished she could call her, and ask her for her advice. She knew she was always with her, but it was the lowest days where she wished she could ring her up and talk to her.

Now it was Meeks funeral day. When she had realized that he was gone, that Neil and her weren't actually meant to be together, she had also realized how shitty her life in New York actually was. She thought she loved it, but she knew she had outgrown it.

Knox and Chris had to go home since they had to work the next day, and Pitts really needed time for himself after the day's events. So it was just Todd, Neil, Charlie and Rebetta. Rebetta sat on the dock, trying to have some time for herself.

Charlie was doing the same thing as he looked out of the dock in the window that looked over the house. After today, he wished that Rebetta was here like the time years ago. But they couldn't, she had moved on. Yet, no matter the dates he went on... the one girl he had truly loved was Rebetta. But she had Neil back, and she was with Richard.

Todd and Neil were in the living room, flirting with one and another. It was cheeky flirting. There were a few drinks and nobody was around. Now that Rebetta and Neil had cleared the air, it had felt like a sigh of relief to go after what his heart wanted.

Rebetta sat by herself, pondering in her thoughts. Maybe it was time to face the music, really go after what she really wanted. She just didn't know how. She didn't even know where to start. She didn't know how to quit her job, or to break up with Richard or even break the news to her best friend Todd that she wanted to leave New York. She couldn't do that to him. They were always in it together.

Charlie couldn't take it anymore just to stare at her at his window. He always talked to Betta when he was upset. They always talked to each other about their problems. That is what they did. That's what made them so important.

Charlie marched his butt down the stairs and made it past Todd and Neil who looked at him with confusion as he didn't greet any of them. Neil turned to Todd. "What was that all about?" He asked Neil.

"I don't know.." He whispered. "I hope Betta is doing okay though. Today has been a lot for her."

"Yeah, I'm surprised you're not out there." Todd joked, hoping that Neil would joke back. But Neil was silent. Todd didn't know yet about Betta and Neil. "Why aren't you laughing?" He asked.

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