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THE WAY BACK TO WELTON WAS FILLED WITH SNIFFLES AND CRYING. She had to explain to the boys what happened. She had to explain to them that she found Neil, ready to shoot himself in the head with a pistol because he had nothing to live for anymore. The boys were very shaken up about that, especially Todd. His roommate wasn't here anymore, he was gone.

Neil ended up withdrawing from Welton and was gone by the next morning without any goodbyes. His mother of course collected his things, and Rebetta and Todd just watched in pain. This wasn't fair, and they were both going to hate Mr. Perry until god knows how long. Till the day the both of them died.

Talk was going around the facility. Neil Perry was one of their best students and now he was suddenly withdrawn from Welton after years of serving there. There had to be someone responsible for this. There was more to the story. The boys and Betta sat up in a cluttered room as they were taking drags of cigarettes.

"You told him about this meeting?" Charlie asked Pitts.


"That's it, guys. We're all fried." Charlie mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"Cameron's a fink. He's in Nolan's office right now, finking." Charlie mumbled. Rebetta was still distraught about the whole thing that happened last night. Once Cameron heard that Neil, one of his closest friends, withdrew and went to military school, he knew that now was the perfect time to throw everyone underneath the bus.

"About what? What is he finking about?" Pitts asked him.

"The club, Pittsie. Think about it. The board of directors, the trustees and Mr. Nolan. Do you think for one moment they're gonna let this thing just blow over? Neil was one of their best students, and just suddenly he's shipped off to military school? They need a scapegoat." Charlie complained. The door opened and all of them stood up, to see Cameron.

"What's going on, guys?" Cameron asked with a smug smile on his face.

"You finked, didn't you, Cameron?" Charlie asked, tossing his cigarette to the side.

"Finked? I didn't know what the hell you're talking about."

Rebetta moved forward so she could meet with Cameron. She had been dying for months to get up in his face, and today she had no filter. "You told Nolan everything about the club is what he's talking about." She spat.

"Look, in case you hadn't heard, Rebetta, there's something called an honor code at this school, all right? If a teacher asks you a question, you tell the truth or you're expelled." Cameron argued with her. Charlie tried lunging towards him but Rebetta, Meeks and Knox held him back. "You little-"

"Charlie!" Meeks shouted at him.

"He's a rat! He's in it up to his eyes, so he rattled to save himself."

"Don't touch him, Charlie. You do and you're out." Knox reminded him and Charlie scoffed.

"I'm out anyway!" Charlie argued back with him.

"You don't know that, not yet." Knox told him.

"He's right there, Charlie." Cameron said, looking at all of them with the smug look he always had on his face. "And if you guys are smart, you will do exactly what I did and cooperate. They're not after us. We're the victims. Us and Neil." Rebetta's eyes darted to Cameron.

"What do you mean by that Cameron?" She asked.

"What's that mean? Who are they after?" Charlie also asked.

"Why, Mr. Keating, of course. The "Captain" himself. I mean, you guys didn't really think he could avoid responsibility, did you?" Cameron said, looking at them. Rebetta's blood was boiling. Mr. Keating didn't do any of this. He didn't do anything wrong.

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