seven - the vote.

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Rowan laid on her bed, her brown eyes locked onto the ceiling fan as it circled above her. The previous day from her trip to Volterra was racing through her mind as she attempted to process everything she went through. The longer she analyzed her memories, the more her frustration built.

The sound of Bella waking suddenly from a nightmare was loud – loud enough for Rowan to hear and certainly Charlie to hear. Normally, she would rush to see if her cousin was okay, but this time she didn't have the energy. Plus, Rowan assumed Edward was there regardless, since Edward hadn't left her side since returning.

Rowan listened as Charlie rushed up the stairs and went straight to Bella. Rowan simply turned her back to her door in an attempt to ignore their conversation leaking through into her room. Overall, Rowan was angry at her cousin. She put up with Bella's reckless behavior due to how much Bella was struggling and due to how much she cared for her cousin. But an important realization hit her hard when meeting the Volturi. Rowan had put herself in many dangerous encounters for her cousin, many that she easily could have died at. In all those moments, she had put Bella first. That's the belief Rowan was raised on – family first. Even before yourself. It's why she put her Dad's health and well-being before her own many times – to care for him at his sickest. And Rowan didn't regret it. Never.

But now, looking back, specifically back at the events that happened at the Volturi – Rowan was growing angrier by the minute. That same worry and care she had for Bella had not been reciprocated back. Yes, Rowan knew Bella loved and cared for her, but she also knew Bella prioritized Edward. And she was starting to believe that Bella always would.

When they returned from Italy, Rowan took the fall. She was the one who called Charlie, she made up the excuse – the lie, and she took the fall for it. Truthfully, it made Rowan sick lying to Charlie. She forgot to call him to tell him they were safe, so it ended up being over 24 hours before he heard from them again. Rowan didn't blame him for being upset, just hated the look of disappointment in her Uncle's eyes. Paul and Emily weren't too happy with Rowan either, but they at least understood more and were simply happy she was safe.

As all these thoughts raced through her mind, Rowan closed her eyes and breathed slowly to try and calm herself. She knew Edward could read her mind, possibly hear her frustrated thoughts with Bella, but at this point, she didn't care. She was allowed to be frustrated with how her life was spiraling out of control.

1, 2, 3 – breathe in. 1, 2, 3 – breathe out. 1, 2, 3 – breathe in. 1, 2---

"Oh, I thought you would be asleep by now. It is 1 am after all," a deep voice called out from near her window.

Rowan jumped at the sudden voice, eyes snapping open widely. She quickly crawled out of bed, slamming her back to the door of her bedroom. Rowan's eyes were wide in disbelief, her mouth hanging open in shock as well. She couldn't believe she was seeing his face again, especially not in her room.

Felix stood still in front of the now open window, his eyes locked onto Rowan as she didn't move an inch from her spot in front of the door. They both stood in silence, staring at each other, waiting for the other to speak, waiting for the other to move.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Rowan hissed, finally making the first move. She locked it for good measure, just in case Charlie or Bella attempted to open the door while her unwelcomed guest was visiting. She hastily approached Felix, stopping just a few steps in front of him as she crossed her arms and waited for an answer.

"I see I've been missed-"

"Cut the bullshit. What are you doing here?" Rowan immediately cut Felix off. Her own abrasiveness surprised even her. Normally, one would be scared of a vampire, especially one with the skills of Felix, breaking into their room at night. Though, Rowan realized after snapping at the man, that she felt no fear. More so, she felt annoyance at his presence in her room currently.

Felix stared, noticing the obvious signs of stress on her face. He decided to leave behind the jokes and cut straight to answering her question. "I'm here to watch the Cullen's. It's my job to make sure they know their place while I'm here."

Rowan raised a brow at that. She could tell the Cullen's broke rules by bringing Bella and her to the castle, but she was starting to see that the relationship between the two Coven's was worse than she previously thought.

Rowan visibly relaxed upon hearing his reasoning. "Alright. I guess that makes sense. Though, aren't you important? Won't they need you back soon?"

Felix nodded, "Yes. I'll return when needed or when my job here is completed."

Rowan nodded silently. She could understand why Aro would want someone to watch the Cullen's, though she was surprised it was Felix of all people. Exhaustion was slowly settling into her body, so she went to sit on the edge of her bed, still facing Felix.

"Okay. Well, that still doesn't answer why you are in my room. I don't even know the Cullen's – only Alice and barely Edward."

Felix opened his mouth, but hesitated – quickly shutting it again. Rowan had never seen the man fumble for his words, or fumble in general, in what little time she had known him.

" here to watch you. Make sure you are safe."

A look of confusion crossed over Rowan's face at hearing his words, "Me? Why?"

Felix leaned his weight against the wall next to the window, making himself more comfortable as he mentally searched for the right words without giving too much away. "I can't tell you. Not yet. All I can say is that the Volturi are interested in you and want you safe."

If Rowan wasn't completely exhausted at 1 am, she may press more questions. But currently, all she could care about was getting at least a few hours of sleep and getting Felix out of her room. "How can I believe you? You almost killed my cousin."

As Rowan stared at the immortal standing in front of her, he stared back – deeply into her eyes. The intense gaze of his red eyes never failed to make her shiver. It was an overwhelming feeling, so overwhelming she had to avert his gaze, looking anywhere but him.

Felix kept his gaze on Rowan though, never leaving her face and taking in her features while he could. He continued to scan her face as he spoke, "I won't ever lie to you. Believe it or not, but it is the truth. You are more special than you believe yourself to be. Aro sees that, so I am here to make sure you are safe. I will tell you more when I am able to, but for now, what I've told you is the truth."

You are more special than you believe yourself to be.

Rowan hated how her cheeks flushed upon hearing those words come out of his mouth. She just hoped it was dark enough that he couldn't see. As she glanced up and met his gaze, a small smirk made its way upon his face.


Rowan quickly cleared her throat, embarrassment coursing through her veins. "Fine. I'll believe you until you give me a reason not to. But don't think you can stay here. I know you guys don't sleep. Go check in at the local motel or something." As Rowan finished speaking, she started getting ready for bed and moved to sit under her covers.

Felix scoffed at her suggestion. "Motel? I'd rather wait in the woods while you slept at that point."

Rowan shrugged, indifferent to either option, "I don't care where you stay as long as it's not breaking into my room."

Felix softly chuckled, but only shook his head in response. As he stood from the wall, seconds away from leaving through the window, Rowan called out to him.

"Hey, do the Cullen's know you're here? Wouldn't Edward know you're here in my room?"

"They know I'm here and know I'll be sticking close for your wellbeing."

Rowan simply nodded, "Oh. Gotcha. Cool."

Felix nodded before facing the window again. He craned his neck to get one last look of Rowan over his shoulder. "Good night then."

"Good night, Felix," Rowan said softly, much softer than she spoke to most people.

And in the blink of an eye, he was gone.


Rowan was woken up at dawn, before the sun had even fully risen over the skyline. Bella was insistent that she join her for a family meeting with the Cullen's, stating it was only right she had a vote as well. Rowan, who was half asleep, had no idea what she was talking about but dragged herself out of bed regardless. She quickly got ready, heading out the door with Bella. As she was hopping into Bella's passenger side, Rowan paused, catching a glimpse of red eyes in the forest. But once she blinked, they were gone.

The car ride to the Cullen's home was spent in silence. The two girls hadn't spoken barely at all since their time in Volterra, and Rowan was too frustrated with Bella still to be the one to bring it up first. Thus, the entire car ride was spent in silence. Bella focused on driving, and Rowan focused on waking herself up.


Rowan stood awkwardly in the living room with the entire Cullen family. When she first saw their house, she looked as if she had seen a ghost. A very wealthy ghost. Rowan grew up lower class, only living in a small cottage home with two bedrooms and not much space while her Dad was alive. Her friends back home were not much different than herself. Needless to say, when she saw the Cullen's home, she was deeply out of her comfort zone. It didn't help that they were all dressed in expensive dresses as she wore the same sweatpants and t-shirt she had slept in earlier that night.

While the family stood centered in the living room, she stood off to the side, closer to the stairs. When both Bella and Rowan had arrived, Bella quickly ran inside and bolted straight to Edward's room, leaving Rowan to stand awkwardly at the entryway to the home.

Thankfully, Alice had greeted her and introduced her to the rest of the family. Most were welcoming, and a few were hesitant, but she couldn't blame Jasper and Rosalie for how they felt. Rowan was hesitant as well. As she stood aside quietly, she listened as the family whispered amongst themselves. She couldn't understand what anyone was saying, causing her to feel more insecure in the home. She barely knew anyone, was severely underdressed, and was now left to stand alone and wait for whatever 'meeting' Bella was talking about.

A few minutes passed, and finally, Edward and Bella made their way down the stairs, standing in front of everyone. Rowan immediately noticed a look of frustration and pain on Edward's face as he stared at Bella. Her cousin cleared her throat, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"You all know what I want," she stated, her eyes glancing to Rowan, before glancing back to the Cullen family. A look of confusion crossed Rowan's face, but she continued to be silent as Bella continued. "And I know how much I'm asking for. The only thing I can think of for it to be fair is to just vote."

Rowan's gaze drifted from Edward's pained expression to the rest of the Cullen family. Rosalie was noticeably uncomfortable, but the others seemed...relieved? Rowan's confusion only grew as she felt like she was the odd man out in the conversation.

Edward shifted uncomfortably, quietly speaking to Bella, "You don't know what you're talking-"

"Shut up," Bella cut her partner off in exasperation.

Rowan's confusion only grew at witnessing this.

"Alice?" Bella asked, looking to the Cullen sibling she was clearly closest to. Alice smiled brightly and moved to embrace Bella in a hug. "I already consider you my sister." The two separated from the hug. "I vote yes," Alice stated with a grin.

The look of confusion on Rowan's face slowly dissolved into a look of shock. The dots were slowly connecting in Rowan's mind and her eyes were widening by the second as she realized what everyone was voting on. Her head snapped to Edward as she felt his gaze on her. His pained expression was directed towards her. He didn't speak, only giving a subtle nod in her direction of understanding.

"I vote yes. It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time," Jasper stated. Rowan's gaze snapped back to the Cullen family, as they continued voting on Bella's mortality. Rowan scoffed at the words she heard being spoken out loud.

She couldn't believe what her cousin asked her to participate in. Something as quick as voting was being used to decide something as serious as Bella's mortality. It became very clear to Rowan that Bella wanted to become immortal like Edward. Overall, Rowan respected that was her decision. Though, Rowan also believed that choosing immortality was a huge decision for an 18-year-old to make and was hoping Bella would take some time to truly consider her options – not rush into it. And especially not leaving the final decision be left up to a simple vote.

As the family members continued to speak, Rowan was shocked to hear everyone was in favor of Bella becoming a vampire. The only one that made Rowan feel sane was Rosalie. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry to both of you for how I've acted. And I'm really grateful you were brave enough to go and save my brother. But this is not the life I would've chosen for myself. And I wish there would've been someone to vote no for me." Rowan could almost feel the heartbreak in Rosalie's words as she spoke. She didn't know her story, but she couldn't help but feel bad for the woman that spoke in front of her.

The rest of the family continued to vote yes. Once Carlisle, the clear patriarch of the family, made clear that his vote was yes, Bella then turned to her cousin.


As Bella asked for her vote, Rowan felt all the eyes in the room upon her. She looked around, taking in every single gaze. The reality of the situation finally fully set in for her as she felt put on the spot in front of everyone.

Rowan's gaze locked back onto Bella. She couldn't help but laugh aloud in disbelief, shaking her head as she did so. "I can't believe you right now," Rowan spoke quietly, though the emotion was evident in her tone. Frustration, confusion, hurt, fear, and more had been building up inside Rowan the past few days, and Bella asking this of Rowan on the spot was enough to make all those bottled-up emotions finally spill. Bella opened her mouth to speak, but Rowan quickly cut her off.

"No. I deserve to speak right now. I have been through so much since moving here. And that's fine. I put myself in danger because I love you as family. But lately, I realized, you've only come to me and spoken to me when you needed something. You never even asked me if I was okay after everything. After Jane. After the Volturi. I know you went through a lot, but so did I, Bella." As Rowan spoke, she kept a steady but serious tone. Part of her felt bad to do this in front of the Cullen's, but Rowan couldn't tell if she was about to lose her cousin or not. A surprised look formed on Bella's face as Rowan spoke, a look that slowly morphed into one of guilt as she listened longer to the words being spoken to her.

"And through all of it, I still only want what is best for you. I only want you safe. After all the near-death experiences you've gone through in the short time I moved here, I can't possibly think this is what is best for you. So, my vote is no. I know it doesn't matter, most everyone has voted yes, but I need it to be known that my vote was no."

Bella looked guilty as she listened to her cousin, and many of the Cullen's shifted uncomfortably as they listened in to the conversation. "I know what the Volturi said. I know what Alice said. I respect in the end that it's up to you, and I won't resent you for whatever you choose. But I would never want this for myself. And I can tell you that watching a family member die is one of the worst things to ever happen to me. I wouldn't want to watch it happen to everyone else I love. All I ask is you consider fully what you would be signing up for and then make your decision." As Rowan finished speaking, she felt her chest ache with anxiety. The pain of speaking of her father's death did that to her often, but this time, with that topic combined with the fear of losing another family member – it ached deeply.

Bella stood in silence with the rest of the Cullen family, before finally quietly replying, "Your vote does matter, Rowan."

"I appreciate it Bella, but it truly doesn't feel like it does," Rowan said, her tone emotionless at this point. She was so drained both physically and emotionally, and knew that in the end, Bella would choose to become immortal.

Rowan's gaze shifted back to the Cullen family. She noticed a look of understanding upon Rosalie's face directed towards her, which brought some sort of comfort to Rowan given the situation. She turned to face Carlisle and Esme, "I apologize for doing this in your home. I hope we can meet again on better terms, but for now, I think it's best I leave and get some more rest. It was nice meeting you all." As Rowan turned to leave, she looked at her cousin, "I'll see you later, Bella," she said, before simply walking out the door.

Once Rowan walked onto the porch outside, shutting the door behind her, she quickly realized Bella was the one who drove to the home, so she was stuck until Bella was finished and ready to leave.

"Well, fuck," Rowan sighed in frustration. Her only options were walking home or waiting. After quickly considering her options, she decided the long walk back to her Uncle's was worth it after the painful interaction with her cousin and the Cullen's she just experienced.


Rowan started the long walk back to her home in Forks. It was still early in the morning, the sun had finally fully risen to light up her surroundings. Due to where the Cullen's lived, there was no sidewalk, just the road and the deep forest that surrounded it. It wasn't until about 10 minutes into the walk home Rowan realized that walking alone on the side of the road may not have been the safest option, but she was far too stubborn to turn back and kept her pace.

With a huff, she paused in her walking, and pulled out her cellphone. It didn't take very long for her to tire easily – Rowan was never much one for exercise, and she despised any form of jogging or running. She held the phone up, hoping for any signal to connect so she could call Paul and ask for a ride. To her disappointment, there was no signal to be found.

"Fucking hell," Rowan muttered, shoving her phone hastily into her pocket. She stood for a moment longer, catching her breath. As she did so, her eyes scanned the forest that surrounded her as her senses were hypervigilant due to how alone she was in the middle of nowhere.

"It isn't safe to stand in the forest alone, you know that, correct?"

The sound of a deep voice from behind her made Rowan jump, her heart rate skyrocketing at the unannounced arrival. She quickly turned around, instantly recognizing the voice before even taking in the man's appearance. "God, do you always lurk? You scared the shit out of me," Rowan said, breathing heavily not only due to how much she had been walking but due to how much Felix scared her at that moment.

A chuckle came from Felix who was now standing directly in front of Rowan on the side of the road. "My apologies. I was planning on speaking with Carlisle, but I thought you could use some company on your walk back," Felix replied, a playful smile upon his face as he stared down at Rowan.

Rowan stared at him, her eyes squinting in his direction as she tried to figure out an ulterior motive that might cause Felix to join her. "Fine. But just so you know, I can take care of myself," she said, and quickly turned to continue her walking. "Oh, I don't doubt that," Felix said, joining right next to her. Rowan first assumed he was speaking sarcastically, but after a moment, realized that Felix was speaking very genuinely to her at that moment. That he believed, for a human at least, she could take care of herself in many situations.

They walked in silence for a few minutes. Rowan enjoyed the calming sounds of life in the forest. It was one thing she did truly love about Forks. What the town lacked in opportunity, it made up for in its natural surroundings. As she listened to the birds sing around her, she was able to calm her thoughts and think more clearly – analyze more deeply what happened at the Cullen home.

It was odd for Rowan to walk in such a comfortable silence with Felix. This immortal man who she barely knew, that towered over her and whose strength could easily overpower her in an instance, did not make her uncomfortable. She didn't fear him, when she knew that she probably should. She believed his words when he said he wouldn't lie to her. She wasn't sure why she believed his words, but there was a gut instinct telling her to believe him, and so she did. Rowan was not one to have many friends, and she certainly didn't have many people she felt comfortable around. While her dad was sick, she secluded herself from what little friend's she had left in her hometown. Once he died, and she moved to Forks, the idea of starting over and making friends was a foreign one to her. She was lucky to find a close friend in Paul, and was intrigued to see where her friendship with Emily would go. But other than those two and what little family she had left, she didn't feel comfortable around many others. That's why she was so confused as to why she naturally felt comfortable around Felix. He was nothing more than a mere acquittance, yet her gut instinct acted as if he was an old friend.

"Something on your mind?" Felix finally spoke. He had left Rowan to her own thoughts, but the obvious expression of stress upon her face was enough for Felix to break the silence and check in on the mortal woman.

Rowan glanced out of the corner of her eye up at the tall man. She was suspicious of telling Felix any information at all regarding her life and the Cullen's, mainly due to where his loyalties lie. Though, she assumed it would play in the Cullen's favor if she mentioned Bella becoming immortal, so she had nothing to lose.

"I'm sure you know that I was visiting with the Cullen's since I was walking from their house," Rowan started with. Felix's expression indicated no emotion, only giving a nod as he continued to listen. "Well, Bella invited me over to discuss her becoming like you. She wanted me to have a say in the matter, almost like a vote." Rowan laughed softly, still finding the whole situation odd that she would even get to vote on such a matter. "Well, needless to say, I didn't react great. Probably made an ass of myself too in front of the whole family there. Amazing first impression on my part," Rowan said with a shrug. She noticed Felix's lips turn into a small smile as she slipped jokes in here and there.

"Long story short, I said I was against it. I thought she was rushing into it without giving it too much thought. I mean, that's such a huge decision to make at eighteen. And to leave it up to a vote? I don't know, I guess I lost my cool," Rowan said as she recounted what happened just earlier that morning.

"You care for her greatly. It sounds like you're scared of losing her," Felix stated.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't matter. I know she has to change anyway. I'm sure that one guy wouldn't be too happy if she didn't," Rowan said with a shrug. She was still upset, but was slowly accepting she had no control over it, so it was best to accept what was going to happen.

Felix raised a brow at Rowan, "Do you mean...Aro?"

"Yep. That guy."

Felix gave a slight laugh, "Well, you will still be able to see her after she becomes immortal. Once her newborn phase is complete, that is."

Rowan furrowed her brows at the words 'newborn phase' but decided to ignore it for another day. She had questions, but decided that she had shared enough for now. Thus, the two continued their walk in silence. A couple of cars passed by as people started driving to work. Felix silently moved her to his right as the first car approached, away from the road and closer to the trees. It was a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Rowan.

Felix eventually spoke again, voicing a question that had been on his mind for a while. "I take it you are against immortality then?"

Rowan was caught off guard by his inquiry. She quickly looked at him, her face showing confusion and surprise. "No, it's not that. Many don't get to choose it, from what I've gathered, but seem to make peace with it. And for those that do like Bella, if they're happy, then why should it matter to me? I just think it's a huge life-altering decision to make and shouldn't be rushed. While I don't want that life, I still see why others would want it."

Felix simply nodded, though Rowan noticed he seemed tenser upon hearing her answer. "Did I say something wrong?" She asked, clear confusion in her tone. His red eyes darted from the trees back down to her face. He told her he wouldn't lie to her, and he meant what he said.

"You said you don't want to be immortal," Felix stated. Rowan gave a sharp nod, her own expression turning tense as well. It was evident to both of them that the conversation was quickly turning more serious. Felix sighed as he considered his words carefully, "You know that I'm here to watch over you. The Volturi deemed you as gifted. Do you know what that means?"

As Felix spoke, Rowan quickly understood the severity of his words. "I think you've made a mistake here. I'm not 'gifted.' I'm nothing special like Bella-"

Felix snorted, shaking his head at her words. "Nonsense. You're better."

Rowan inhaled deeply, averting her gaze from his. She never did well under praise, never knowing how to react when given a compliment. It embarrassed her for the most part, especially from Felix. She did her best to ignore his words, moving straight to the point. "What are you trying to tell me?"

Felix quickly came to a stop, his gaze never leaving Rowan as he once again considered the weight of his next words. She quickly came to a stop as well, turning to face the man beside her. "Aro wants you a part of our coven."

Rowan scoffed, crossing her arms in frustration, "And do I get a say in this?"

Felix stood in silence, not moving a muscle after hearing her words. He knew the answer, but also knew it was too early to tell her everything he knew.

"So much for never lying," Rowan muttered to herself, turning her back to Felix and continuing her walking alone. Felix immediately started walking behind her, keeping his pace the same as the human in front of him.

"I told you I wouldn't lie to you, and I meant my words. I think you know the answer to your question."

Rowan stopped again, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She could feel her emotions from earlier swell up yet again, and all she wanted was to be home. She felt like she couldn't catch a single break and wanted some semblance of normalcy, and at least her Uncle's home was able to provide that somewhat.

"Can you just take me home please?" Rowan mumbled. She hated asking that of Felix, hated feeling weak, but was willing to be vulnerable for a moment if it meant she could feel safe in her room.

It was at that moment Felix realized how truly exhausted the mortal was in front of him. He silently nodded, using his speed to pick her up into his arms bridal style. Rowan gasped at the sudden movement, clutching onto his shoulders as tightly as she could.

Normally, Felix would spout a cocky remark, maybe even tease her. But his concern for her well-being far outweighed any remark he could make at that moment. He spared her a quick glance as she gripped his shoulders tightly, her eyes clearly showing her fatigue. "Hold on tight," he warned, and gave her a moment to adjust her arms so they were wrapped around his neck instead of simply gripping his shoulders.

As Rowan tightened her arms around his neck, she felt his grip stiffen slightly around her body. She was far too embarrassed to spare him a glance, her eyes locking onto the trees around them. Her flushing face would be obvious to anyone who had eyes due to how deeply red it was, and Felix certainly picked up on it, but simply let it be.

And a moment later, they were off, making their way much quicker towards Charlie's house.

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