fifteen - wedding plans.

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After a few hours of rest, Rowan woke up feeling like she was hit by a train. The weight of the battle was a lot. Not only emotionally, but physically as well. While her elbow certainly didn't feel great, the physical exhaustion still impacted her greatly. Unfortunately, with all the stress she still mentally felt from the past few days, she couldn't sleep longer than a few hours. Especially in the Cullen's house.

Rowan gently cradled her arm with the injured elbow as she stood up from the couch in Carlisle's office. The pain medication was still doing its job, but it certainly was starting to wear off. That was evident with the aching and throbbing sensation that was slowly becoming more and more present.

With a sigh, she slowly made her way out of the office. She had only visited the large mansion a few times, and still wasn't entirely sure how to navigate the household. As she wandered down the hall, she eventually found herself in the living room. She wasn't sure what she would find walking around the household, but she was surprised to see it so empty.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty," Rosalie spoke from the couch in the living room. The room itself was empty, except for the blonde immortal making herself comfortable on the sofa, book in her hand. It was easy to pick up on the sarcastic tone of voice coming from Rosalie.

Rowan walked further into the living room, making herself cozy in a small armchair near the couch. "Aw, Rosalie, you think I'm beautiful?" Rowan asked, flashing a playful smirk in Rosalie's direction. This remark caused Rosalie's eyes to finally lift from her book. As she locked eyes with Rowan, Rosalie couldn't help but smirk back.

Rosalie's gaze drifted to the injured elbow that Rowan was holding. "Well, how does it feel?" Rosalie asked, mostly curious, but a hint of concern showed as well. Rowan shrugged, "Did you ever fuck up your elbow when you were human? It doesn't feel great. Could be worse though."

Rosalie stiffened at Rowan's question. It was only for a second, but Rowan caught the slight change in posture. "Well, humanity is never painless. That's for sure," Rosalie mumbled, her eyes gazing back down to her book.

A moment of silence passed between the two of them. Rowan considered if she should head home, even though it was still in the early hours of the morning. Plus, she didn't have her car, so that left her with the Cullen's for now.

"Where is everyone else?" Rowan asked. She was content with sitting in silence if that's what Rosalie truly wanted, but she also would rather pass the time with company if she could.

"Out hunting. I offered to stay behind so you weren't alone. Plus, it's nice to have some alone time," Rosalie answered.

Rowan nodded in understanding, "I get that. It must be nice to have such a huge house, or else it would get a little crowded here."

"Not big enough apparently. I can't seem to escape Alice's engagement planning already," Rosalie mumbled, annoyance evident from her furrowed brows.

Rowan's brows furrowed as well – not in annoyance but confusion. "Engagement? Aren't you all already married?"

Rosalie's eyes slowly raised from her book. Her expression was usually closed off from the world – seen as emotionless, a protective measure she had learned from her human years that she took into her immortal life. Even through the cold façade, a small expression of guilt was shown through the small furrow in her brows and the crinkle around her eyes.

"Oh, she didn't tell you." Not a question, but a fact.

Rowan wasn't dumb. She knew her cousin wanted to get married to Edward. Well, was willing to get married if that meant she could be with him forever. Rowan would overhear their talking in the middle of the night when she walked to the bathroom, which was right by Bella's door. Rowan wouldn't eavesdrop, she wouldn't mean to at least. It was mainly just a jumbled sound of whispers, though the word 'marry' would come up often enough.

Rowan wasn't sure how to feel about being one of the last people to learn the news. She was sure Charlie didn't know – it must've just happened not too long ago. Bella could've told her when she checked on her, but maybe she didn't want to drop the news to an injured Rowan who looked like a mess. She wasn't mad, but she wasn't thrilled.

It was at that moment that Rowan realized she was unphased. She didn't care too much that she wasn't told. She had hoped Bella would share more given that Rowan was one of the few in her life that knew the truth about the Cullen's, but also, Bella was Bella. Stubborn, reckless, quiet, and protective of the Cullen's.

Rowan was many things as well. Stubborn, but not as stubborn as her cousin. Definitely just as reckless. Certainly not as quiet. Protective of her family as well. It was at that moment that Rowan realized - while Bella loved her cousin, she would always put Edward and the Cullen's first.

For Rowan, that was okay. She loved her cousin as well, but it was time to step back and let her make her own choices. Rowan was so worried about losing another family member that she realized that maybe, just maybe, she was hovering too much over Bella. Rowan could disapprove of her reckless choices, but Rowan finally realized it was time to let Bella be Bella – whether she agreed with her choices or not.

"It's fine, honestly," Rowan said with a shrug.

"Really?" Rosalie wasn't being judgmental when asking, but was more surprised. She knew that she would've been pissed if she were in Rowan's shoes.

"Since moving here I've tried stopping her from making what I think are reckless, or in this case – impulsive, decisions. While I don't regret doing that, I also don't see what good it's done. She does it anyway, and I get dragged into it," Rowan said with a sigh. She shifted in the chair anxiously, feeling Rosalie's gaze upon her as she spoke.

Rowan continued, "She'll tell me about the engagement when she's ready. I know she cares for me, we're family. We were close when we were younger. Then grew apart. And it was nice to grow close again. But it's clear to me now you guys are her family too. So really, it's fine."

Rosalie hummed in response, "Fair enough."

"Plus, she knows Edward and I didn't meet under the best circumstances. I wouldn't be shocked if she was a little nervous to tell me. Which, she doesn't need to be, but I get it," Rowan said with a small laugh.

Rosalie let out a small laugh as well, "Don't worry. You're not the only one who finds him annoying."

"Well, I wouldn't say that-"

"It's fine. I'll say it for you," Rosalie replied with a self-assured smile.

Rowan couldn't help but laugh. She appreciated the conversation with Rosalie. It was nice to not feel like such an outsider at the Cullen household. She stood from the chair, ready to make her way to the large bookshelf in the corner of the living room so she could pass the time as well. It was Rosalie's words that made Rowan freeze.

"It would've been nice to have had a family like you watching over me when I was human," Rosalie said softly. "Maybe we could've been friends."

Rowan glanced over her shoulder, turning away from the bookshelf and back to facing Rosalie. She was surprised at the weight of the words that came from the usual stoic vampire. Rosalie didn't look up from her book, the gesture would've been much too vulnerable in the moment.

"Yeah. Maybe," Rowan replied with a soft smile. She turned back to finish walking to the bookshelf, ready to read and pass the time in silence. A comfortable silence.


The sun finally came up. For Rowan, it felt like it took forever to actually reach sunrise. Once the rest of the Cullen's returned from hunting, Carlisle was able to retrieve a sling from his workplace quickly. Another win for vampire super speed, Rowan mentally noted.

After receiving one last checkup from Carlisle, he offered that someone could drive her home. Rowan was more than happy to accept the offer, wanting nothing more than to crash into her own bed. Rosalie offered, which Rowan was thankful for as well.

The car ride was mostly silent. There was a comfortable silence between the two. Something that both of them were thankful for. It didn't feel forced. Once Rowan was dropped off, she was thankful that Charlie had been called in early that day. While she missed her Uncle, she wasn't ready to explain how she injured herself.

With a sigh, Rowan climbed the stairs to her bedroom. She quickly ripped her old clothes off, feeling gross in the dirty, torn clothing that barely looked salvageable from the battle. After tossing the clothes into the corner of her room, she made sure to grab a comfortable outfit to change into later – after she showered.

Rowan was thankful to be alone in the house. Her muscles were tight, and her entire body felt sore from being thrown around during the battle. She hadn't given herself much time to realize what truly happened during that battle. What she actually did to save herself. It didn't matter to her currently. All that did matter was taking her sweet time in her blazing hot shower.

After close to an hour all the hot water was gone, so Rowan dragged herself out of the shower. She tiredly wrapped a towel around herself and made her way to her room. When she opened the door, she was met with a sight she was not expecting.

With a loud gasp, Rowan stumbled backward, clutching her towel around her body as tight as she could. It took a second for her heart to feel like it wasn't about to burst from her chest. Felix couldn't help but snort at the reaction.

It was an unexpected sight – Felix laying out on her bed. One that annoyed Rowan at this point, since he scared her so badly. "Oh my god – WHY do you just appear out of nowhere!?"

"Maybe I enjoy the reaction I get from it," Felix answered smugly. Rowan rolled her eyes, quickly walking into her room and shutting the door behind her.

"God I almost forgot how annoying you can be," Rowan mumbled to herself. Half joking, half true. She walked to the set of clothes that she had laid out for herself before the shower. It was at that moment she realized just how much of herself she was showing.

Embarrassed wasn't the right word. Vulnerable, maybe? She definitely felt vulnerable, but not in a bad way. Was she making Felix uncomfortable? "That shouldn't matter – it is my room", she mentally reminded herself. Still, she didn't want to make the man she greatly cared for uncomfortable. Rowan glanced over her shoulder at Felix, looking to see his reaction to her current appearance.

"Oh," she mumbled to herself, almost shocked at his expression.

Felix was sitting back against Rowan's headboard, seemingly relaxed in his position. It was his gaze that surprised Rowan. His red eyes were locked onto her so intensely. His gaze slowly dragged up her entire body, scouring every inch of her before locking onto her own eyes. His jaw was clenched as he did this, hands clasped together as they rested upon his lap – as if to hold him in place.

Felix had been an immortal for so long. He had lived through the most amazing periods of art, and seen the most beautiful artistic pieces and sculptures known to man. Even then, nothing prepared him for seeing his mate – his beautiful Rowan – in this form.

"I- Uh- Didn't know you were here. I would've showered later. Or something," Rowan mumbled, returning her gaze to the clothes in front of her, leaving her back facing her mate.

"I can come back later," Felix answered gruffly. It was almost as if his voice was caught in his throat – choking on his own words at the very sight of her. As if he couldn't catch his breath – not that he even needed to. Such a human feeling, Felix noted. Though, that's how Rowan made him feel – human again. So many feelings he hadn't felt in such a long time had returned to him since meeting her.

Felix stood from the bed, prepared to leave the room to give her privacy. Rowan glanced back over her shoulder, catching his gaze again. "You can stay," Rowan quietly mumbled. It was such a vulnerable thing to say aloud, it almost shocked her how safe she felt being vulnerable with Felix.

A surprised expression crossed Felix's face. He was behind Rowan within a second, using his speed. He placed his hands gently on her bare shoulders. Her uninjured arm was holding up her towel still. Rowan glanced over her shoulder again, now that Felix was closer – touching her. He made eye contact with his mate, his hands gently running down her shoulders, then running down her bare arms. He made sure not to touch her injured elbow.

Felix moved forward to capture Rowan's lips in a kiss – one that started gently and then quickly grew more heated. Rowan turned around while kissing him, allowing them to be chest-to-chest. She tilted her head, deepening the kiss more. Felix was thankful he had years to build up his self-control because Rowan was intoxicating to him currently.

To Rowan's surprise, it was Felix who broke the kiss first. She slowly moved her head back, shifting her gaze to make eye contact with Felix. "You're still injured," Felix murmured. He glanced at the dresser behind her, seeing the clothes she had ready to change into and the sling for her elbow. He grabbed the oversized shirt she used to sleep in, unfolding it and holding it up for her. He reached out slowly, giving Rowan time to voice any objection, and grabbed the front of the towel she was hiding her body with.

Felix paused, gaze connecting with her own again as if to ask if he could continue. Rowan took a deep breath, nodding at Felix to continue. She released her grasp on the towel, Felix letting it fall to the floor as well. Her bare body was now in front of Felix, his gaze shifting to take in her entire form. "Bellissima," Felix said softly. Every part of him wanted to treat his mate right, and make her feel amazing. He also knew she was injured, tired, and emotionally exhausted still from the battle. As long as she was human, he knew he would have to be careful.

Felix's eyes moved up to Rowan's face, and couldn't help but smirk at her expression. Her lips were slightly open as her breathing was still heavy, her eyes gave away the lust she felt for Felix. Felix slowly pulled the shirt up, ushering it over her head. It took a minute for her to guide her aching arm through the sleeve, but it soon covered her body, the hem of the shirt falling to her mid-thighs. Felix grabbed the sling, gently placing it around her neck, helping her maneuver her injured arm into it as well.

Once Rowan was dressed for bed, she took a deep breath. Her chest felt tight, not in any negative way, but due to the nerves she always felt when exploring her connection with Felix. If it wasn't for Felix, she wasn't sure that she would've held back.

"Come, you need to rest," Felix gently took Rowan's hand, guiding her to the bed. She didn't put up a fight, feeling exhaustion deep in her bones.

As Rowan laid down, Felix made himself comfortable next to her in the bed. She inched her way into his side, resting her head on his chest. "Thank you for being here," Rowan murmured, eyes already closed. "Of course," Felix replied softly. It didn't take much time for Rowan to fall asleep. She barely had time to fully rest while at the Cullen's, so overall Rowan hadn't actually had time to recover much from the battle.

Felix watched as Rowan's chest slowly rose and fell with each breath, his fingers gently rubbing circular patterns into her back. He had a lot on his mind – going back to Volterra, convincing Rowan to join him, and her attachment to her own mortality. Felix was unsure what the future held for them both, but for now, he was basking at the moment with his mate.


A few days had passed since the battle and the aftermath of it. Felix had left in the middle of the night, leaving Rowan a note stating he would be back soon. Rowan assumed there was a lot on his shoulders, so she understood him needing to leave for the time being – she preferred not knowing what was currently going on with the Volturi at this point and she trusted that he would be back.

Bella and Rowan had barely crossed paths since they last spoke at the Cullen's house. Rowan was either working, hanging out with Paul, or spending time at home with Charlie. Bella was either at the Cullen's household or in her room. There was one night when Bella ate dinner with her and Charlie, but Rowan couldn't address the elephant in the room over dinner.

It was the afternoon. Rowan had been working all day, and came home as the sun was setting. Charlie had the day off, so he was laid back on the couch, beer in hand, watching whatever sports game he could find on that day. "Nice to have a day off finally?" Rowan asked, setting her bag down on the table. Charlie chuckled, raising his beer at her, "You know it." Rowan rolled her eyes playfully, "Yeah, yeah. Must be nice."

Rowan walked over to the living room, sitting down in the recliner next to the couch. She shifted uncomfortably, her sling already getting on her nerves. "How's the elbow?" Charlie asked, shifting his attention from the television to his niece. "Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about it," Rowan answered. She didn't like talking about the injury with Charlie. She hated having to lie about how she got it. She told Bella she wouldn't lie if she could help it, so she tried her best to stay as close to the truth as she could.

"Can't believe you fell climbing a tree. I swear, both you and Bella are accident-prone," Charlie mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief. Rowan almost wanted to cringe hearing the lie, since it was such a bad excuse for her elbow. But it worked, and that was enough for her.

"Speaking of – will she be here for dinner?" Rowan asked, her eyebrow raised as she waited for a reply. She had a gut feeling regarding the answer she was going to get.

"Ah you know her, young and in love, and all that," Charlie waved off the question. He didn't seem thrilled that he hadn't seen his daughter much, but he understood. He remembered what it was like to be her age and dating, so he tried his best to not be too strict – even after everything Bella had done lately.

Rowan looked at Charlie with pity. He tried his best to understand his daughter, but was kept in the dark about everything. Rowan understood it was for his safety, but it still hurt her to lie to him. The man who was her only father figure at this point – who was her father's best friend – his brother. Rowan knew it was her own grief that caused her to feel frustration with Bella, but she couldn't help but be upset that Bella didn't understand how lucky she was to still have her father.

"Hey, I hate to mention this, but have you decided what you're doing with the house?" Charlie asked. His voice was quiet, almost as if he was scared to ask the question. Rowan, while it was hard to talk about, knew it was something she had to stop avoiding.

"Uh, honestly, no. I haven't decided. I own it now, but I know it's just been sitting there. It already wasn't in great shape when I came here. I'm sure it's not great now either, since it's been sitting there for months," Rowan replied with a sigh. The trailer Rowan grew up in was older, so it always had its problems, but once her dad became sick the upkeep of the house declined rapidly. Rowan didn't know a thing about being a homeowner, so once her dad passed away, she did her best for a year on her own. Overall, the grief was overwhelming. Charlie had driven out to help her when he could, but he could only do so much.

Selling the house was the best option. Rowan knew this. But so many memories were tied to that house, that she wasn't ready to let it go.

"Well, you don't need to make a decision right now," Charlie said, taking a sip from his can. He went back to watching the game, knowing it was best to drop the subject. Rowan was thankful, because with everything going on in her life, there was only so much she could focus on now.


A day had passed since her talk with Charlie. Rowan got out of her car, approaching the steps to the Cullen house. Bella had called and asked if she could visit the Cullen household after work, saying she needed to talk about something with Rowan.

Rowan was let into the household and was guided to where Bella was – in Edward's bedroom. Bella was staring down at a notebook when Rowan walked in. She knocked on the open door, mainly to announce her presence. Bella looked up at the noise, smiling when she saw her cousin.

"Oh, hey, you got off early," Bella noted, shutting the notebook. She motioned for Rowan to join her on the bed. Rowan nodded at her comment, sitting on the edge of the bed while doing so. "Yeah, it's rare I'm out of the store before sunrise," Rowan said with a shrug.

"Where's Edward?" Rowan asked. She had noticed his absent presence since she entered the room – something that was rare for the couple. "Oh, he's out hunting," Bella answered. "It'll just be us for now," Bella continued.

Rowan nodded, staying quiet. She glanced down at her cousin's hand, her eyes landing on the ring. She looked back up at Bella, brows rising in acknowledgment. "Rose mentioned she told you. Not exactly how I wanted you to find out," Bella said with a shrug, a small smile on her face.

"Not exactly how I wanted to find out either," Rowan replied.

Bella sighed, looking down at her hands. They were anxiously clasped in her lap, something Rowan picked up on quickly. "I'm not mad Bella, just wish I found out from you and not someone else," Rowan stated.

"I know. That's fair. You've been there a lot for me lately, and through it all, you never stay mad," Bella quietly said, her eyes still locked onto her hands. Rowan's brows furrowed a little at her statement as she was unsure how to feel regarding the words her cousin just spoke.

Rowan was definitely frustrated with Bella's choices at moments, but also Rowan didn't have the energy to stay mad at her. With a sigh, Rowan reached her hand out and placed it upon Bella's clasped hands. Bella raised her gaze to her cousin. "Look, we're family Bella. We may disagree at moments, but I'm still here for you. I just want you to be happy. If you're sure about marrying him, then I'll support your choice." Bella smiled at Rowan, "I know. Thank you."

Rowan nodded, pulling her hand back. "How soon are you guys planning to have the wedding?"

"Uh, pretty soon. Alice is planning it, and she said she can have everything ready in a month."

Rowan's eyes widened. A month?

"Jesus, okay. Well, let me know if I can help with anything." Rowan was definitely a little shocked to hear her cousin was getting married that soon. Especially since Bella still hasn't mentioned it to the rest of the family yet.

"Actually, I uh, wanted to see if you would be my maid of honor?"

If her eyes could've widened any larger, they would have. Rowan was surprised to say the least. She stared at her cousin in shock for a few seconds, before coming back to reality. "Yes, of course, that would mean a lot to me," Rowan answered, nodding her head excitingly, a huge grin on her face. Rowan had some hope she would at least be a part of the wedding somehow, but seeing as how the two had lost touch as they grew older, she wasn't sure.

"I don't really have the words to thank you for your support lately, but just know I appreciate it," Bella continued with a small smile.

The two continued to talk – mainly about the wedding, about Bella's future, and more. The wedding was only about a month away. Rowan had assumed that Bella would be turned into an immortal after her wedding, and at this point, Rowan just kept her thoughts to herself. She didn't feel one way or another about it anymore – because it was in this conversation that she truly saw Bella happier than she had in a long time. It was Bella's choice, and Rowan finally accepted that.


a/n: just wanted to say thank you all for the love and support this store has gotten! you can always check out my profile on here for updates regarding it :)

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