eleven - an army of vampires.

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Rowan did what Rosalie suggested and made herself comfortable in the living room of the Cullen household. She spent her time reading a book that she borrowed from one of the bookshelves in the house. She would've normally slept since it was well past midnight, but she remembered Felix's words, and decided to try and stay up, hoping he would be able to see her that night as she had plenty of questions for him to answer.

It was around 4 in the morning when the doorbell rang at the Cullen household. Rowan assumed it was Felix, not knowing who else would be there so late, so she immediately shut the book and quickly walked towards the door. Carlisle was already at the front door once she got there, and was quietly discussing something with Felix. The two paused their discussion though, glancing as Rowan approached them. Felix's frown immediately turned into a small smile upon seeing Rowan approach.

"Sorry, I can give you both more time," Rowan said, knowing she interrupted their previous conversation.

"It can wait for another time," Felix stated, glancing at Carlisle while he spoke. Carlisle nodded in understanding, before giving both of them a smile, and quietly leaving the two at the door. Felix held the door open for Rowan, motioning for her outside. She quickly followed.

The two stood outside in silence, Rowan taking in the calm of the surrounding forest late at night. She sat down on the steps to the front porch of the house, exhaustion from the long night slowly affecting her body as the night went on.

"Are you tired?" Felix asked, his voice quiet, matching the quiet nature of the forest around them. "Yes, but with so much going on, I can't sleep," Rowan answered with a shrug. She continued to stare out into the forest as she collected her thoughts, as if she was endlessly scanning the tree-line. She knew she was currently safe – felt much safer with Felix there as well. Yet, after knowing an unknown vampire was close enough to touch her without her knowing, she couldn't help but feel watched at every moment.

Felix silently stared as Rowan's gaze flickered back and forth along the tree-line. It was evident to him that she was more anxious than usual, not that he could blame her after what happened. He still hadn't fully recovered, his frustration and anger growing if he thought too much about what happened to her.

Rowan felt a gentle touch on her shoulder, and then a soft comforting squeeze. Her eyes went from scanning the forest to glancing at her shoulder. She had never fully realized just how large his hands were until that moment – until she could see how his single hand engulfed her entire shoulder in his gentle grip.

"If you need to speak about what happened-"

"I do," Rowan answered quickly, eyes flickering from his hand to his gaze. His piercing red eyes always caused her breath to stutter. There were brief moments, when it was just the two of them, she could almost forget the reality of the situation. Where there weren't immortal and mortal beings – instead it was just Felix and Rowan. But when she catches a glimpse of Felix's red gaze, she remembers the truth of the situation. How dangerous he could be.

"I have many questions for you. Some I've been putting off asking because I fear what you have to say. I think I deserve the truth at this point though." As Rowan spoke, though her words were serious, her tone stayed gentle. Felix slowly removed his hand, picking up on the importance of this conversation. He nodded for her to continue.

"Where have you been?" Rowan first asked this mainly for her own curiosity, but also because she thought it may be the easiest question for him to answer out of all of her questions. Start small, then lead up to the harder questions.

"Seattle," Felix replied, though he hoped she wouldn't push for more details.

"Seattle? Isn't it a shitshow there right now?"

Felix couldn't help but chuckle lightly at Rowan's wording. If only she knew how much of a shitshow it truly was. "You could say that. Yes," Felix answered with a nod, a smirk forming while he spoke as well.

"I'm assuming on Volturi business then?" Rowan asked, a brow raising as she waited for his response. Felix only nodded to confirm she was correct. She stared, hoping to have more information – more context given. Though, of course, she knew he could only give so much.

It was because of his silence that she was frustrated. There were so many unanswered questions, and from what she has heard from the Cullen's Rowan was unsure if the Volturi could be trusted. She trusted Felix, almost against her own logical judgment, but a part of her still kept him at arm's length away due to her distrust of the Volturi as an organization.

"Alright, I'll just ask it - Is the Volturi behind what's going on here?" Rowan asked abruptly. She intended to build up to that question, but decided it was best to just ask it – similar to ripping a band-aid off. It was obvious there was a hint of frustration behind her tone as she spoke.

Felix was surprised upon first hearing the question, confused why she would even ask such a thing. "No. I would never allow you to be in harm's way. Why do you ask that?" Felix's brows furrowed as he asked.

Rowan sighed, looking away from Felix as she spoke. "Edward mentioned he thought the Volturi may be behind it. I at first disagreed, but he made a point by saying I don't truly know the Volturi. He isn't wrong. I don't know any of you. I personally know you somewhat, but honestly – there is so much I don't know. I would be a fool to trust the Volturi, and you know it."

"I understand your distrust with the Volturi, but..." Felix trailed off, stopping himself before he could give too much information away. He found himself often fighting a battle within, to tell her the truth, tell her everything.

"But?" Rowan asked, eyes locked onto his. While frustrated with all the unanswered questions, she was still hopeful he would be open – be honest finally.

"Perhaps another time," Felix stated, standing from his position on the steps next to her.

"No, not another time! I deserve to know what's happening! How can I trust you when you are obviously hiding stuff behind my back!" Rowan shot up next to him, any hopeful feeling she had quickly taken over by anger. She wasn't one to shout, as it usually took much to anger her, but lack of sleep and months of confusion have built up inside her and finally bubbled over.

Felix furrowed his brows, a frown forming upon his face. He ducked his head down towards her so that he could quietly, though harshly, speak his words. "Do you think I enjoy keeping these secrets from you? I do it for you, for your safety," he hissed his words in response, his own frustration bubbling over. For Felix though, his frustration wasn't with her, more so with himself and the Volturi. More than anything, he understands her frustration.

As Felix moved closer to Rowan, it almost scared her how naturally she wanted to lean into him. How comfortable she felt around him. It was a feeling she had never experienced previously, and it was enough to almost terrify her. These feelings, which keep popping up more and more every day, along with her current frustration with so many unanswered questions, were enough to cause her to finally burst.

"Oh, wow, well thank you! The thing is - I never asked you to do that for me," Rowan hissed back sarcastically. "You don't get it, do you? It's not just the Volturi. It's all of it! Why is it that I've only known you for a couple of months, yet I feel like I've known you for years?" Rowan whispered harshly, too scared to truly voice out her question. "Or when you're away, you're on my mind so much it drives me up a wall? When you touched me earlier, your hand was freezing and yet it felt like fire to my skin. How is this normal between us?"

Felix's jaw tensed upon hearing Rowan's whispered words. Of course, he didn't like to see the stress the situation was causing her, but there was a selfish part of him that felt relieved to know it wasn't just him who felt these things. That it wasn't just him who desired his mate's touch, but her as well.

"Why did you shield me from Jane when I first met you? Why do you stay here and watch over me? I want to think it's because you actually care, but after everything I've heard from the Cullen's..." Rowan trailed off. After a moment of composing herself, she took another breath before speaking, "If this is all an act for the Volturi-" Rowan started, her frustrated and fearful whispering tone still present. She almost felt too scared to voice her concerns any louder for the world to hear – only wanting Felix alone to hear her private words – hear her private fears.

"An act? Is that truly what you think this is?" Felix asked, frustration clear on his face as he spoke with a grimace. "Everything you feel? I feel – if not more. When I leave you for my duties, all I think of is your well-being. If you're safe, if you're well! I would give anything to stay by your side, to feel your touch," Felix's tone, which started as his own harsh whisper, grew louder in exasperation as he continued speaking. His voice was raspy, desperate, as he wanted nothing but for her to believe his words.

Rowan's eyes widened, surprise quickly growing over her expression, but Felix continued. "I shielded you from Jane because it was easier for me to take that pain for you, than watch you be tortured. And I would do it again, and again, a thousand times over," Felix said, his intense gaze never leaving Rowan's as he spoke. It was overwhelming for Rowan, but she felt compelled to stare back.

"I stay by your side and watch over you, not for the Volturi, but because it's the only place I want to be. Rowan, you are my mate, and I will die before letting anything happen to you," Felix's tone, which was previously intense and strong as he desperately spoke, had grown quiet as he spoke his last confession. He spoke this way because his words, his confession, were for Rowan only.

Rowan stared in disbelief, her mind racing, wondering if he was somehow playing a cruel joke on her. There was much she didn't know about this new world she was thrust into, but surely this was untrue in her mind. She scoffed, skeptical of his answer. "That sounds ridiculous," Rowan said, shaking her head, averting her gaze as she did so.

Felix gently gripped her arm to gain her attention, being mindful of his power as he held her while he spoke. "I once told you I would never lie to you, and I meant what I said," Felix said, frustration seeping into his tone. Of course, he knew it would be a lot for Rowan to take in – a lot for Rowan to believe. Which was the main reason he hadn't told her when they first met – when he first realized what she was to him. He didn't want to scare her, didn't want to make her life more stressful than it already was.

Rowan stood in silence, eyes locked on where his hand met her arm, as her mind raced through all the information she just learned. Felix knew she needed a moment, so he stood in silence with her - giving her as much time as she needed to process everything.

"I don't understand. What are you telling me?" Rowan asked softly, her gaze returning to Felix, confusion evident on her face. The frustration in both of them had fizzled out, and now, what remained was a hurricane of different emotions.

Felix took a moment to think carefully about his wording. He believed Rowan deserved honesty, and respected her enough that he wanted to be completely open with her as well, though his own fears made him reluctant to share more.

"As others have explained it to me, the bond between mates can form over time or it can happen suddenly," Felix trailed off, lost in thought, thinking back to when he first laid eyes on Rowan.

"I always thought the others were absurd when they explained how it can happen suddenly – all at once. I remember arguing, saying it was in their head that it happened at first sight. I always thought all the things they felt were ridiculous as well," Felix spoke, a small smirk upon his face as he remembered a conversation long ago with his comrades.

Rowan was quiet, keeping her walls high, not showing any emotion, as she listened to Felix speak. "And then I saw you. I realized what they meant – that indescribable feeling they always spoke about. I never expected it to happen to me. I didn't care for it too either," Felix spoke, his eyes now locked onto Rowan's.

"How do you feel about it now then?" Rowan asked, face still void of any emotion. Though, inside, it was like a fire was lit in her chest as she listened to Felix's words.

"Well, I understand why everyone makes a big deal about it," Felix said, attempting to lighten the mood. Rowan snorted, rolling her eyes with a shake of her head. "So eloquently put. Truly impressive wording," Rowan said with a grin.

"I do try," Felix replied, his own grin a mirror image of his mate's.

A moment of silence passed.

"I wouldn't change anything," Felix softly replied, his true answer coming out. Rowan's breath caught in the back of her throat, almost frozen as she took in the meaning of his words.

As the two settled back into a comfortable silence, Rowan took a deep steadying breath, her gaze back onto the forest ahead of her. Rowan was still wrapping her mind around the idea of being an immortal being's 'mate'. The absurdity of the idea was almost laughable to Rowan, though it made sense given all of the feelings she felt for the man so quickly and so strongly.

"I need time to understand all of this. To process whatever all this means. I'll definitely have more questions about this later too," Rowan spoke, finally standing up from where she was sitting.

"You always do have questions," Felix spoke in a teasing manner, though there was a fondness behind his taunting. He then stood from his seat as well, taking his place next to her.

"Well, I'd be foolish not to with everything going on," Rowan muttered, shrugging as she did so.

"I would expect you to need time anyway. Take as much of it as you need," Felix replied.

Rowan simply nodded, quietly thankful he was understanding of just how overwhelming this all was for her. There was certainly more to discuss, that much both Felix and Rowan knew, but for now, Rowan knew any more information may be too much for her at this point. Plus, with how late it was, she knew rest was sorely needed.


Rowan was able to get a few hours of sleep on the couch in the Cullen's living room. She was awoken to a loud discussion regarding protection for the Swan family from a neighboring room – a frustrating reminder for Rowan that vampires don't ever sleep. Once it became apparent Rowan was awake, Edward offered to drive both her and Bella home. More answers were soon to come, but for now, Rowan just wanted to be in the comfort of her room.

The car ride home was a silent one. Edward and Bella didn't often speak in front of Rowan, as they chose to be more private with their affection for one another. Rowan simply ignored them anyway, staring out the car window, lost in thought. Her previous conversation with Felix ran through her mind, his words on replay.

I wouldn't change anything.

With a frustrated sigh, Rowan was starting to realize just how much of her thoughts Felix did occupy. Even in one simple car ride, she could feel his distance deep in her chest, missing his presence. As her mind wandered, her eyes trailed to the rearview mirror. She locked eyes with Edward, a small knowing smirk on his face. Rowan's eyes widened as she quickly remembered Alice warning her that he could read her thoughts.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Rowan muttered to herself, shaking her head and staring out the window again – this time much more annoyed than before.

The rest of the car ride continued to be quiet, though Rowan couldn't help but let out a snort when they pulled up to the house with Jacob already waiting for Bella. Rowan could practically feel the annoyance radiating off of Edward at that moment.

Once they were all out of the car, Rowan decided to stay outside, leaning against the car as both Bella and Jacob went inside the house to investigate. Edward stood next to Rowan, though it was obvious how uncomfortable he was with the current situation with his balled-up fists and frustrated expression.

A moment of silence passed as the two waited before Rowan finally spoke. "You know, you really don't have anything to worry about. If you saw the way she was when you left, you would understand that she clearly has chosen you," Rowan said, glancing from the corner of her eyes to Edward while she spoke.

Edward's stiff posture slightly relaxed, his fists relaxing as well. He finally moved his gaze from the door to Rowan, who was now sporting her own smirk, similar to Edward's from the car ride. "Worried much?" Rowan continued to ask.

Edward scoffed, but the slight upturn of his lips hinted that he found the current interaction humorous as well. "Yeah, well, Jacob doesn't always make me feel very confident in her decision," Edward stated, his eyes quickly locking back onto the door as he waited for Bella to come out.

"I get it. I'm not saying you have to trust Jacob. I'm just saying have more faith in the woman you want to marry," Rowan said with a shrug.

Edward looked at Rowan suddenly, a look of surprise upon his face. "She told you about that?"

Rowan snorted, rolling her eyes at his question, "Yeah, right. Of course, she didn't. My room is right next to hers though, and you guys aren't as quiet as you think." Rowan hadn't been around Edward much, and truthfully didn't know him very well, but she certainly barely saw him show emotion. Thus, making it very amusing to see the immortal man become flustered.

"Relax, I don't hear much. I'm usually passed out well before you come over anyway," Rowan said with a laugh. Edward let out a small laugh too, finding himself enjoying the small talk with Rowan.

Before the two could continue talking any longer, both Jacob and Bella returned from inside the home. "Whoever it was, he left his stink behind," Jacob said as he approached both Rowan and Edward.

"It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here," Jacob continued, nodding surely at Edward. Edward's posture stiffened again, "We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone."

Rowan sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She knew a fight was already brewing between the two of them. She looked at her cousin, and immediately could tell how uncomfortable she was as the conversation was quickly turning sour.

"I could care less what you need," Jacob spit back, taking a step towards Edward, gearing up for a fight if needed.

"Okay, enough, this is ridiculous," Rowan snapped at the both of them, pushing herself between the two. She knew she wasn't strong enough to actually push either away if needed, but was thankful Jacob took a step back regardless. "You both clearly care about her, so enough of the fighting. Put this toxic masculinity bullshit aside for now and realize that we need both of you to work together if you want her safe," Rowan stated, frustration clear in her tone. She gave an annoyed look to both Edward and Jacob, "Well?"

"Fine," Jacob muttered, crossing his arms as he looked to the ground in embarrassment. Edward gave a quick nod, choosing to not speak any longer. With a sigh, Rowan stepped back from between the two of them. "Alright, now I'm going inside. I'm going to trust you both won't kill each other the second I walk away," Rowan muttered in annoyance as she started walking inside the home.

Rowan spent the rest of her day in her room, relaxing as much as she could given the stressful circumstances that had become her daily life.


A few days passed since the break-in. It was hard for Rowan to feel safe in her own home after knowing how close to death she possibly was. While it was overall a calm few days, it was hard living daily life when she knew she was often being watched. If it wasn't a member of the Cullen family watching the house from the woods at night, it was someone from the pack sticking close to her. Paul usually was the one to stick close to her, but even he had other responsibilities, so when it was anyone else, she often felt uncomfortable as if she was being silently watched.

She hadn't heard from Felix for the past few days either, but she would catch glimpses of him every now and then. There was a part of her that almost wondered if it was her imagination. Like at work, when she would be restocking the shelves – sometimes she would glance out the window and swear she could see a figure that looked suspiciously like him from across the street. But then she would blink, and they would be gone. It was a tiny comfort for her, in an ocean of worry, to think Felix was often close – even if he possibly wasn't.


Rowan got off work early, only working until noon. As she walked out the door of the small bookstore, she was surprised to see Edward's car waiting out front. She saw both Edward and Bella sitting inside, waiting for her to get off from her shift.

Edward rolled his window down as Rowan approached the car, a confused look on her face. Edward, unsurprisingly, looked impassive. It was Bella who leaned over with a small smile and informed her why they were there, "Hey, you'll be going back with us to his house. Carlisle wants to talk with us all."

Rowan simply nodded before hopping into the car. She was just thankful she didn't have to walk home.

Upon arriving at the Cullen household, it was clear when walking in by everyone's expression that it wasn't cheerful news being shared. As Rowan went to stand next to Emmet so she could view the news report better, the TV loudly continued to broadcast: "Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances. Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer."

"It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something," Carlisle said with a sigh, turning the television off once the reporting on Seattle was finished.

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting," Jasper added. Rowan's brows furrowed at his comment. The way he stared off, it was almost as if he was reminiscing on a troubling memory. Rowan knew not to mention her observation, but it was a stark reminder that she didn't know of Jasper's past – or any of the Cullen's past for that matter.

"Quite a few more. And they're undisciplined. Conspicuous," Jasper continued.

"It's newborns," Edward stated surely, as if the answer was in front of them all along.

"What? Like new vampires?" Bella asked.

"After the first few months after the change-" Edward started, before getting cut off.

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable. Vicious. Insane with thirst," Jasper finished for him.

"Something to look forward to," Emmet added with a smirk, his comment directed at Bella. Rowan couldn't help but scoff, shaking her head at the thought. "I still don't get how that sounds appealing to you," Rowan added, looking at Bella as she spoke. Bella simply kept quiet, shifting uncomfortably at the thought.

Jasper, ignoring the side conversation developing, continued with the facts at hand. "No one's trained these newborns, but this isn't random."

"Someone's creating an army," Carlisle stated, Jasper nodding in confirmation.

"Well, now we're definitely going to Seattle," Emmet said with a grin, jumping up as he spoke.

"An army? How is that even possible without getting caught?" Rowan asked, shocked at the mere idea of an army of vampires.

"They usually do get caught. Though the Volturi usually steps in before it gets to this point," Edward answered, frown upon his face as he spoke.

"An actual army of vampires?" Bella asked, just as shocked as Rowan regarding this information.

"And they've been created to fight someone," Jasper added, though the look on his face was enough for Rowan to know that Jasper knew who. Jasper knew much more than he was letting on.

"We're the only clan even close to Seattle," Edward said, frustration building in his tone.

"Regardless of why they were made, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they let it go on this long," Carlisle added. Rowan shifted in place uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. She remembered a past conversation with Felix, when he mentioned work he was doing in Seattle. Now she understood why he was there – and didn't know how to feel about it.

"Maybe they're behind it," Edward stated. "In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me and Alice to join him, but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family's still alive."

"An army can solve that for him," Jasper added, frustration seeping into his words.

Rowan glanced up from the ground, where her eyes had been locked onto as she pondered if she should mention anything. When she looked up, she made direct eye contact with Edward. Her eyes widened slightly, remembering the fact he most likely knew what she was keeping from them.

"Well, we'll make a plan. For now, let's take a break and regroup later when everyone is back," Carlisle stated. As the small group dispersed, Rowan continued to stare at Edward. A wave of guilt rolled over her as she knew she was keeping important information from the others, but she also was thankful Edward stayed quiet and allowed her thoughts to stay private for now.


a/n: apologies for the late update - i've been very sick with a serious illness but am starting to thankfully feel better. this chapter had some important information and was also kind of a filler chapter to fully move into the major plot of eclipse so hopefully it was okay! i rewrote it about 5 times and still wasn't fully happy with the end result so apologies if it isn't the best. regardless, i hope you enjoy it and see you next time!

(also, i've noticed every fanfic has its own interpretation of what being a mate in twilight is so this is kinda my own version as well!)

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