sixteen - time for a wedding!

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Two weeks had passed since Rowan was asked to be Bella's maid of honor. For Rowan, it felt as if life had gone back to normal – as normal as it could be. She was working, spending her free time with Paul and Emily, occasionally assisting with some wedding planning (though it seemed Alice did most of it), and spending time with Bella and Charlie. Now that Victoria and the newborn army were no longer a threat, Rowan felt a huge relief in her day-to-day life.

However, with the battle being over, Felix had to return to Volterra. Rowan had accepted over the past two weeks without him that she missed him in a way she had never missed someone. There was a longing for his presence that she had never experienced before with anyone else. She knew he would return, and trusted him when he promised it, but not knowing when was frustrating.


Rowan pulled up her car near Emily's house. She had been invited to a small gathering for Emily's birthday. Rowan was constantly busy with Bella's wedding quickly approaching and work. It was nice to be able to get away from everything and celebrate someone Rowan had come to care for greatly.

She grabbed the small palm-sized box wrapped with a small bow, before quickly shutting the door to her car and making her way up Emily's porch. The door didn't do much to hide the sound of the party, as Rowan could hear the loud talking and laughing before she entered the house. Before Rowan could knock to announce her arrival, the door swung open.

"Rowan! Thank God you're here! They won't stop bullying me," Seth shouted with a grin, immediately opening the screen door and grabbing Rowan's arm, yanking her into the house.

"Okay, this is exactly why we bully you Seth," Jared said while sitting at the small dining table with an amused smile. "You can't run to Rowan every time you lose at cards," Paul continued, as he laid his cards down on the table.

It was evident that the three of them were playing a card game. Rowan didn't have much more context to go off of. But Rowan was a ride-or-die for Seth whenever she was around the pack, so in her mind – she didn't need the full context.

"Sure he can. Back off of him Paul," Rowan said jokingly in return. She put her arm around Seth for good measure, pulling him next to her side. "Why are you bullying my best friend?" Rowan asked both Jared and Paul. At this, Paul dramatically gasped. "Oh, so now he's your best friend?"

Emily opened the door to her bedroom, exiting the room with Sam. She rolled her eyes upon hearing the conversation going on at the table. "Seth, losing a game of cards doesn't mean you were being bullied," she said with a shake of her head.

"Says who?" Seth replied, running to join the table for another game of cards. Rowan snorted, amused at the whole situation playing in front of her. The group at the table continued talking while another game started. The rest of the pack was sitting in the living room, talking while a movie played in the background on the television. It was a warm environment, Rowan noted to herself. She was thankful to be a part of this family, even if it was only for now. With news of Bella's engagement, Jacob had been gone for a while. Rowan had been worried that this would impact everyone, and of course – it did somewhat, but she was glad to see everyone was still able to have a good time for Emily's sake. Even with that stressor lingering throughout the pack.

"Hey, thanks for the invitation," Rowan said, approaching Emily. Both she and Sam were in the kitchen, putting out more snacks for everyone at their home. "Of course," Emily said, pausing her task. She turned to face Rowan. "I consider you a good friend Rowan. You're always welcome here," she said with a warm smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it more than you know," Rowan said, smiling back at her friend.

"Oh! And happy birthday. Here – for you," Rowan said, her smile turning into a toothy grin. She handed the small box over to Emily. "Hey, I said no gifts," Emily said with a slight laugh. She went ahead and opened the box, seeing the gift that lay inside. It was a necklace. The pendant was a small glass circle, and inside the glass pendant held a few pressed petals from a pink Chrysanthemum.

"It's a Chrysanthemum. Sometimes called the 'Emily Chrysanthemum.' I saw it and thought of you, so I hope you will make an exception to your no-gifts rule," Rowan said with a shrug, smiling while she explained the reason behind her gift.

Emily smiled as she stared at the necklace in her hand. "Fine. Only because it's such a beautiful gift. Thank you, Rowan. I love it," Emily said with a smile.

The two joined the group as the birthday party continued on. A few hours passed, and it was now fully dark out. The party winded down and it was wrapping up soon. While everyone was split up into smaller groups, conversing or eating, Rowan had been sitting and talking to Emily. The two were talking about the upcoming wedding, that was until Rowan's phone went off.

Rowan's eyebrows furrowed, surprised she was getting a call. Charlie knew where she was, and she doubted Bella was calling unless for an emergency. "Sorry, one moment," she mumbled, pulling her phone out of the pocket of her jacket. Once she pulled it out, she saw it was an unknown number. She hesitated even answering it, but sighed, knowing it could be important.

"I'm gonna answer this – I'll be quick," Rowan said, standing up from the couch where she had been sitting with Emily. Emily gave her a nod as she walked outside to take the call on the porch.

Rowan clicked the answer button on the phone as she exited through the door. "Hello?" She spoke, holding the phone up to her ear. She went to lean against the fencing on the porch, gaze taking in the trees around her.

The silence from the call caused another sigh to slip from Rowan's lips, the chirping of crickets echoing throughout the surrounding forest. "Hello? Can you hear me?" Rowan asked one last time, getting ready to hang the phone up.

"Rowan," a voice spoke through the phone. His deep but soft-spoken voice sent a chill up her spine. Rowan knew she missed him, but this – hearing his voice – caused an ache deep in her bones. His voice alone was enough to freeze the world around her – as if it was just the two of them and no one else.

"Felix," Rowan replied quietly. Her grip on the phone tightened as she spoke.

Another beat of silence passed. Just the sound of Rowan's breathing could be heard. Finally, Felix spoke again. "How are you?" Felix asked. It made Rowan laugh softly at the question. Rowan had to ask her own self that question. How was she doing? Rowan wasn't even sure. She kept herself busy for a reason. Busy with her work and the wedding. Busy with what she should do with her old house, the place that held so many memories. Busy so her thoughts didn't linger too heavily on how much she truly missed Felix.

"I'm alright," she answered. The truth was too vulnerable for Rowan.

Felix hummed in response. "Is that so?" He asked. It was as if she could hear the small playful smile on his face through the phone. "And what does that mean?" Rowan asked, her own playful smile forming as she spoke.

"Oh, nothing at all. I just thought you might miss me, but maybe I was mistaken," Felix said.

"Maybe you were," Rowan replied.

Felix's laugh echoed through the phone, "Has anyone told you that you are a terrible liar?"

"Actually, I think it's just you that is saying that," Rowan said with a laugh. Before Felix could get another word in, Rowan spoke again, "You know, you didn't have to wait two whole weeks before calling. For all I know you could've died or something."

Felix scoffed into the phone, "Ha, ha. Very funny." His sarcastic tone caused Rowan to smirk. She couldn't help but still find it amusing to poke fun at the man. "And, just so you know, I got this phone strictly for you," Felix added.

"Should I feel special that you decided to call me after two weeks?" Rowan asked, her teasing continuing. Felix's groaned in annoyance, causing Rowan to snicker. She could imagine the frown on his face clear as day as he spoke into the phone.

"You're impossible to please sometimes," he muttered.

"Maybe," Rowan answered with a shrug. "So, you coming back soon then? Your little note said you would at some point, just not when." While Rowan did her best to speak casually, she knew her voice betrayed her own emotions. Her tone wavered as she asked when he would be back, the emotion too strong for even her. Logically she knew it wasn't a thing to be scared of, but Rowan wasn't ready to confront this emotion – this longing for someone she wasn't even sure what they were officially.

"I'll be away longer than I intended. I am needed for certain, uh, tasks here," Felix answered.

Rowan noticed his hesitancy when explaining why exactly he was going to be away, "Volturi business, I assume? Everything okay?" She asked, knowing she probably wasn't allowed to know.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Felix said. His tone was gentler. He meant it. Rowan didn't need to worry herself over something that didn't involve her – not yet at least.

"Fine, fine. Keep your secrets. I didn't want to know anyway," Rowan replied, jokingly.

Felix chuckled into the phone, "I would tell you if I could."

"I know," she answered, genuinely this time. "So, I can text this number then? Give you call to check in?"

Felix paused, skipping a beat before answering, "Is that your way of saying you do miss me then?"

"Absolutely not," Rowan was quick to answer. Yes, it definitely was.

"To answer your question, yes. Call or text me as you please," Felix said, amusement clear as day in his tone. "I miss you as well. In case you were wondering," he said, voice much warmer this time, absent of any joking or teasing.

Rowan's eyes widened. "I- Well-," She fumbled over her words. She wasn't expecting him to just come out and say it. "It's obvious, isn't it?" She spoke low, nearly a whisper into the cell phone. The unspoken 'I miss you too' was there.

Felix's soft laugh was heard over the phone, causing Rowan to feel as if her heart skipped a beat. "It is," he answered. Before they could speak any longer, Rowan heard a loud knock through the phone, as if it was coming from someone knocking on a door. "Ah, I have to go," Felix said. "I'll speak with you soon."

"Alright. Just, you know, be safe," Rowan said. While she had more than enough faith in Felix and his skills to stay safe, she still couldn't help but worry. Loss wasn't foreign to her, and she couldn't help but worry about it – as if it was just around the corner, always lurking. Even for someone like Felix.

"Of course I will," Felix answered surely of himself, but there was still a gentleness to his tone. Something he saved for Rowan only. The call dropped right after. Rowan sighed, eyes closing as she replayed the conversation in her mind. She couldn't linger too long on the call, or else someone would come out to check on her soon enough. Instead, she put her phone away in her pocket, and turned back to the home to rejoin her friends.


Two more weeks passed quickly. She kept in touch with Felix, texting him when she could, and calling often enough at night. Though, for the most part, it seemed the Volturi kept him busy. Which, for Rowan, was fine as Bella's wedding was quickly approaching.

Rowan stood on the back porch of the Cullen's household. Bella wobbled her way across it as she took shaky steps in heels. Alice stood there, a strained smile on her face as she tried to stay positive. "You just have to break them in," Alice attempted to reassure Bella. Rowan, on the other hand, did nothing to hide her obvious disagreement in the statement, as she winced each time Bella took a step.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days," Bella replied, exasperated at this point. "Can I just go barefoot?"

"No. Absolutely not," Alice seemed as if she was offended Bella even asked the question. Rowan couldn't help but snort. "It is her wedding," Rowan chimed in with a shrug. Alice's gaze snapped over to Rowan's, a frown on her face now. Rowan merely shrugged.

"I'm just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this," Bella said, looking out to the backyard. At that moment, both Jasper and Carlisle walked into view, carrying very large wooden benches. Rowan wasn't sure if she should laugh at the ridiculousness of it all or be impressed. "No, it's exactly enough," Alice answered, firm in her words. "Tomorrow will be perfect."

As Alice walked off, exclaiming about no one having vision for the theme of the wedding, Rowan chuckled as Bella quickly kicked off the heels she had been convinced to wear. "You know, like I said before, it is your wedding. If you don't want heels, don't do heels," she spoke to her cousin.

As Bella put her regular shoes back on, she laughed lightly. "I don't mind, she likes doing....all this," she motioned out to the extravagant wedding set up surrounding them. "I know, I know. But just make sure it's what you want as well, okay?" Rowan said. Bella nodded, "Okay Mom, I hear you," she said lightly. Rowan rolled her eyes, but kept her own lighthearted smile upon her face.

"Now, you go home and get lots of beauty sleep," Alice said, walking back up to the two Swan girls. "And Rowan, you watch her. Make sure she doesn't stay up all night worrying as she normally does."

"As if she'll listen to me," Rowan said with a laugh. Alice nodded in understanding, a twinkle in her eye indicating she knew exactly what Rowan meant. Both Alice and Bella shared a hug, before Bella and Rowan left for the day.

Later that night, Rowan was in Bella's room, helping her cousin pack all her most important things away for when she moved in with the Cullens. It was mostly small things such as electronics, clothes, keepsakes, etc. Though, as she was clearing a small bookshelf in the corner of Bella's room, she found something that caught her eye. "Hey, I recognize this," Rowan said, a grin growing on her face. She grabbed the flat stone off the bookshelf. It had a painting on it, though it was starting the fade with time. "You kept this?" Rowan asked, turning to face her cousin.

Bella's head popped up from where she had been digging around her dresser. She looked confused for a second, before a look of realization passed over her face. "Oh, yeah, I did," Bella said simply, standing up fully to join Rowan's side. She held her hand out, a quiet request to see the flat stone. Rowan handed it over, her eyes following it as she handed it off. It was a flat rock, about palm-sized. On one side there was a painted flower, yellow petals and a dark center, clearly a sunflower that a child attempted. On the back of the rock, Bella flipped it over to see a faded R.S. on the back. "You were, what, 7?" Bella asked with an amused smile. Rowan nodded in agreement, "Right around that age. It was a rock from me and my Dad's garden. I remember you painted one too. Wasn't it a butterfly or something you tried to paint?"

Bella couldn't help but laugh, "Probably. I don't even remember what I painted." Rowan stared at the stone. Something so simple, but something Bella still kept. A small token from her home garden as well, something that Rowan treasured dearly over the years. "I have yours back home somewhere, I think. Probably stored away," Rowan trailed off, watching as Bella walked the stone over to a box, placing it away to keep.

"You're keeping it?" Rowan asked in surprise. Bella glanced over to her cousin, making eye contact, then nodding. "Why wouldn't I?" she said, before going back to going through her clothes. Rowan didn't say anything else, turning to continue putting stuff away. Though, her mind wandered on their childhood, the few times Bella did visit. It was a shame that they grew apart as they grew older. Rowan wondered if either would have been very different, had they stayed close as they aged. Memories flashed through her mind, two young girls running through the yard, chasing each other, as the two older Swan brothers sat on the front porch, drinking a beer. Rowan smiled as she reminisced.

"I guess this isn't much of a bachelorette party," Rowan said, causing Bella to pause again. Her cousin only laughed slightly, "No, it's perfect."


It wasn't uncommon for Rowan to be up late at night. She never liked to make a habit of staying up late, but on nights like this – right before her cousin's wedding to an immortal being, well, her racing thoughts kept her up. To try and distract herself, she read on her bed, hoping it would eventually make her tired enough to rest.

It was about 1 am when she heard quiet footsteps going down the stairs. Rowan paused her reading, curiously looking to her shut door. She contemplated ignoring the sound, that was until a few minutes later she heard quiet footsteps come back up the stairs. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she got out of bed, walking to her door, creaking it open to pop her head into the hallway. She noticed Bella's door was cracked open, the lights on in the room.

Rowan quietly walked over to Bella's room, knocking on the door gently – she didn't want to wake her Uncle. "Bella? You up?" She whispered. The door opened fully right after, a tired Bella standing on the other side of the door. "Hey, sorry, did I wake you?" Bella asked.

"Oh, definitely not. I haven't slept yet," Rowan answered with a sheepish shrug. Bella nodded, glancing back around her now bare room, though there were boxes still everywhere in it. "Guess it feels odd now, sleeping in here with it like this," Bella said.

"That's what is keeping you up?" Rowan asked, skeptical of that being the true cause.

Bella sighed, shaking her head. She turned around, leaving the door open for Rowan to walk in the room, and went to sit on her bed. Rowan took the unspoken invitation and followed her cousin, shutting the door behind her as she entered. "What's going on?" She asked, sitting next to Bella on the bed.

"It's just....a lot," Bella trailed off. Rowan raised a brow, quietly asking Bella to explain further.

"I'm assuming you aren't suddenly getting cold feet, but are talking about something else?" Rowan asked.

"No, it's not that. I had a nightmare," Bella admitted.

Rowan nodded. It's not like she wasn't used to Bella having nightmares now, especially after what happened when she first moved in with her cousin and Uncle. Though they hadn't been plaguing her like they used to. "Would you like to talk about it?" Rowan asked.

Bella sighed, taking a moment to find the proper words. "It was about me, as a vampire. I don't know. I think I'm just worried about how I'll be once I'm changed," Bella finally answered.

Rowan nodded as she listened to Bella voice her concerns, "Ah, I get it now. Well, I mean, you can put it off longer if you want?" Bella shook her head, "It's not that I want to do that. I just – what if I hurt someone?"

Rowan wished she had a better answer for her cousin, wished she could reassure Bella that she would never, but unfortunately, she couldn't do that. "Look, I can't say how it's going to be once you go all bitey, but I can say that I know you will try your best not to hurt someone. And, plus, the Cullen's basically teach newborn 101, so I assume they know how to handle you when you first turn."

Bella stared at her cousin in silence for a moment, before finally letting out a soft laugh, "You really have a way with words," Bella said jokingly.

Rowan shrugged, a relaxed smile on her face. "Listen, I'm trying to cheer you up, okay? I wish I could say it'll all be fine, but if it helps – I do think it will be fine. That you will be okay," Rowan continued.

Bella nodded in understanding. She took a moment to pause, lost in thought. Then, she turned to look at Rowan again, a hesitant look upon her face – as if she wasn't sure if she should speak what's on her mind or not. Rowan's brow raised as she looked at her cousin, curious as to what Bella was about to say. "I know you are hesitant about...changing. But, do you ever wonder what you would be like? As a newborn?"

Rowan shrugged. "I guess not? I don't think I've fully accepted the idea I don't have much choice in the matter."

Bella quietly nodded. Another moment of silence passed, before Bella turned and asked, "Do you trust them?"

Rowan turned to look at her cousin again, a look of confusion apparent by her furrowed brows. "Trust who?"

Bella hesitated to continue, but did so anyway, "The Volturi."

Rowan's immediate gut reaction was no – definitely not. Though, Rowan didn't trust most people. She slowly shook her head. "I can't say I had a great first impression of them. I trust Felix though. I don't know if that makes me naïve, but I do."

Bella nodded in understanding. "I just worry about you joining the Volturi. I don't want you to lose yourself there."

That was fair, Rowan thought. It's not like Bella had any better interactions with the Volturi. "Well, first off, I haven't agreed to anything. Nothing is set in stone. You don't need to worry about that on top of everything else," Rowan tried reassuring her cousin. It was clear that Bella was sleep-deprived and more anxious than usual.

Bella nodded, then sighed. "I know. Sorry. Just after what happened with that newborn after the battle - I can't help but be worried thinking about them."

Rowan blinked in confusion upon hearing this. Newborn? "What are you talking about?" Rowan asked, tilting her head while doing so.

Bella was taken aback by Rowan's confusion, "I just assumed you knew."

"Knew what?" Rowan asked, brows furrowing. Her confusion was quickly shifting into worry at this point, her own anxiety building as Bella was dancing around the topic.

"Edward's family spared a newborn vampire, she looked a year or two younger than me. Jane ordered Felix to kill her. You didn't know?"

Rowan did her best not to let her shock show on her face. Rowan was injured after the battle, which is why Paul took her away from the scene. She knew Felix had somewhere to be – knew it was Volturi business. Rowan never asked questions, Felix never spoke on his work – it was an unspoken compromise. Something Rowan thought was best.

But now – Rowan had many questions. "No," she simply answered her cousin. Rowan wasn't a fool, she assumed the Volturi did things she may not agree with. Felix as well. Which was part of why she didn't ask what his work involved – didn't pry. Though, if she were to ever even consider getting involved with the Volturi, she would have to ask. Especially after learning this piece of information from Bella. Rowan was frustrated at the lack of context, tired, and ready to call it a night. "We can talk more about it later," Rowan said, flashing a tight smile at Bella.

Bella nodded in understanding, not prying anymore. A yawn came from Bella before either could say anything more, causing Rowan to raise a brow at her cousin. "Think you should try to sleep some more?" Rowan asked. Bella nodded again, "Probably. Especially since we have to be there so early. Shouldn't you get some sleep too then?"

Rowan grimaced, realizing she too had to be up early. Especially when she realized Alice would be dressing her up. Rowan was an over-sized plaid and jeans kind of girl, so she wasn't exactly thrilled to be dressed so nice in front of everyone tomorrow. That was something her and Bella had in common.

"I suppose you are right," Rowan said with a sigh. She gave her cousin's shoulder a gentle comforting squeeze, before standing from Bella's bed with a smile. "See you when the sun rises," Rowan said, causing Bella to laugh softly again.

As Rowan went and got settled in her own bed again, this time with her lamp off and book away, her thoughts wandered about the Volturi, her own future, and Felix. She attempted to close her eyes and sleep, but her mind couldn't stop replaying what Bella said.

With a groan, she sat up in bed, grabbing at her phone. She checked the clock, grimacing upon seeing how late it was. Rowan knew she should leave it be – knew she should bring it up in person with Felix, but it was eating away at her. Against her better judgment, she went to her contacts and dialed his number.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Then four. Finally, after no answer, she was sent to a voicemail box. She hung up the phone, setting it down on the table next to her bed. With a sigh, she rolled over, deciding to try her best to get some sleep for the big day tomorrow.


Morning came like a brick to the face. Rowan was definitely not ready for the day ahead. She was half asleep the whole time she was getting around, and even dozed off again on the drive to the Cullen's household, since Bella drove. When the two Swan girls got to the Cullen household, and Alice saw how tired the both of them looked – Rowan almost swore the immortal girl almost keeled over on the spot. If that was even possible for a vampire.

"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice stated aloud while applying Bella's makeup. Rowan, who was sitting next to Bella, couldn't help but snort when she heard Alice say that. "Sorry. It was the wedding jitters," Bella answered with a small smile as Alice continued.

A moment passed, and Rosalie entered the room that the girls were all getting ready in. "Do you need some help? I could do their hair?" Rosalie asked. "Really?" Bella asked in surprise. Rosalie only smirked, walking behind Bella, "Please, I'm not offended by your choice in groom."

"Just my blatant respect of mortality?" Bella asked, her lips turned up in a small playful smile.

"Essentially," Rosalie answered, then started on Bella's hair. Rowan almost couldn't believe she was witnessing the two getting along – somewhat. Alice sighed loudly with a smile on her face, "Weddings. They bring everyone together."

"I guess they do," Rowan said aloud, eyes flicking between Bella and Rosalie. As Rosalie worked on Bella's hair, Alice did Rowan's makeup. It didn't take long for Alice to do her makeup, even at normal human speed, since Rowan asked to not wear much for her own comfort.

As Rosalie finished up Bella's hair, Renee turned around the corner, and quickly entered the room. She was understandably emotional over seeing Bella, but unfortunately for Rowan – Renee stressed her out. Rowan stood up, to give the two some privacy, before seeing her Uncle walk into the room, dressed up in his suit for the wedding. Both Bella and Rowan were surprised to see how well he cleaned up. Rowan stood aside with Rosalie and Alice, watching as Charlie and Renee interacted with Bella – giving her keepsakes to wear during the wedding and to cherish. As she watched Bella interact with both her parents, it hit Rowan regarding the absence in her own life. The absence she would feel if she ever were to even get married. Whatever that wedding would even look like.

Out of respect, she wanted to give Bella time alone with her parents. She also didn't want to negatively impact Bella's wedding with her own grief, so Rowan quietly excused herself, navigating her way through the Cullen household to one of the many bedrooms down the hallway.

Rowan assumed she snuck out unnoticed, but the door cracked open behind her. She quickly looked over her shoulder, ready to gruffly ask to be left alone, only to be surprised by who she saw entering the room. Rosalie shut the door behind her, her gaze locked onto Rowan. "Did you realize whose room you were going into?"

Rowan's browns furrowed, taking a moment to glance around. She took in the clash of styles, the few remnants of what looked like Appalachian-designed décor and the rest being more expensive furniture. "I'm going to assume the rustic stuff is not yours?"

Rosalie scoffed, but the hint of a smile toyed with her lips, "That would be Emmett's. He's from Tennessee, so I allow it."

Rowan nodded, finding that little bit of information fascinating, as it's the most she has learned about any of the Cullen's personal lives ever. "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your room-"

Rosalie waved Rowan off, "Don't apologize. I can imagine this is all a bit much, so I don't blame you for taking a moment to yourself. I was just going to offer to finish your hair in peace and quiet."

"I would like that," Rowan said with a smile. Rosalie nodded, motioning to the white cushion near her vanity for Rowan to sit at. She did as such, Rosalie approaching Rowan from behind and immediately starting on her hair. As Rosalie worked on Rowan's hair, the two women didn't speak. It was a comfortable silence between the two – something Rowan appreciated. She was trying to sort through her own thoughts, attempting to bury any thoughts regarding her own father.

"You're always welcome here," Rosalie quietly spoke, concentration directed on Rowan's hair. She was pulling back Rowan's long dark locks into a loose braid, but still took a moment to flicker her eyes up to make eye contact in the mirror with Rowan.

"Sorry, what?" Rowan asked, assuming she misheard.

"I said, you are always welcome here," Rosalie explained again, speaking a bit louder for the girl to hear. Rowan's eyes widened slightly at her words, "Oh. Well, thank you."

"I know you have some choices to make. Some sooner than others. Some you may not want to make. I just wanted you to hear it from me that you always have a place here if you so choose," Rosalie clarified. The woman kept her emotions closed off, so it was hard for Rowan to read her.

"I appreciate it, Rosalie," Rowan said quietly. Rosalie was right, Rowan knew she had choices to make – some she couldn't avoid much longer. While she had never really considered the Cullen's to be an option, it was nice to know it was. Even if Rowan didn't feel like it truly was.

Rosalie simply nodded, before continuing to focus on her hair. The two existed in silence together, and they both greatly appreciated it from the other.


Everyone was outside, waiting for the bride-to-be to start walking down the aisle. Rowan was in the lilac bridesmaid dress, standing next to her plus one. Rosalie did her hair in a comfortable loose bun, some loose curls were added to frame her face.

"I can't believe you convinced me to come," Paul muttered to her.

"Oh please, I didn't hold you at gunpoint to come," Rowan said with a roll of her eyes.

"You may as well have," Paul said, crossing his arms defensively.

Rowan stared at him in disbelief, "All I said was if you don't come, I'm inviting Seth, since he likes weddings."

"Unbelievable. You think I could allow that?" Paul asked, meaning every single word he spoke. Rowan paused, actually unable to tell if Paul was serious or not - "Do you ever listen to yourself sometimes? He got invited anyway."

Paul snorted, "I could ask the same thing of you." Rowan couldn't help but grin at that, "Fair enough."

The two broke out into laughter together. Each other's laughter egging both of them on to laugh even harder. Eventually, they both got ahold of themselves, as people started staring. "Listen, I know this is super awkward for you, but I appreciate you coming. I needed you here today," Rowan said, smiling appreciatively at her closest friend.

"Yeah, yeah. You definitely owe me one," Paul said with a shrug. Before the two could continue, the music started playing, signaling the bride was soon approaching. Rowan shooed Paul back to his seat next to Seth, and Paul waved her away to go stand where the Maid of Honor should be. Rowan quickly got in position, and then waited, eyes locked on to where her cousin would soon be appearing from.

Finally, Rowan caught sight of Bella and Charlie. She took a deep breath upon seeing her cousin and her Uncle, truly taking in how beautiful her cousin looked. Rowan smiled softly as she watched them both walk down the aisle. She glanced at Edward, taking in his expression. While Rowan had her issues with Edward, she could tell how much he truly cared for her cousin.

As Rowan watched Bella approach Edward, and she saw how focused on each other the two were, she couldn't help but smile as she saw happiness on both of their faces.


Rowan's fingers tapped the table she was sitting at very nervously. She was sitting next to Paul, listening to Renee give a very interesting speech – well, rather, sing it. One after another, people went up on the small make-shift stage to give speeches for the newly married couple. Bella had made it clear to Rowan that she did not have to make any sort of speech, but Rowan felt somewhat obligated as the maid of honor. Eventually, as the speeches seemed like they were wrapping up, she stood with a nervous sigh, glancing at Paul, who gave her an encouraging, but also comical, thumbs up.

Rowan made her way to the stage, slowly approaching the microphone. Her eyes glanced over the crowd in front of her, noticing the surprised faces of those who knew her fairly well. She cleared her throat before leaning towards the microphone.

"Hello," she awkwardly stated. She paused, glancing over to Paul, who gave her another thumbs up, causing Rowan to breathe a deep, grounding breath.

"I'd like to first thank Bella, for reassuring me that I did not have to make this speech. I appreciate the offer, but I did want to give it to you specifically," Rowan started, eyes darting around the crowd, skimming over the many faces looking at her. She finally paused, and decided to solely look at her cousin who was sitting right in front of her – a look of surprise still on her face.

Rowan smiled down at her, "There are many things I want to say – but I'll make it quick. Bella, I may not always agree with you on everything, and we even butt heads at times, but I love you. Coming back and moving to Forks has been....something." She paused, thinking back to all of what had happened to her in the time she had been living in Forks, and Paul couldn't help but snort loudly in the moment of silence at her statement. "But, given everything that has happened to me the past few years – getting closer again to you, and Uncle Charlie, has been something I cherish deeply. When I moved back – all I wanted was to see you happy in life – and I know that Edward makes you happy. So, I wish you both nothing but the best." Rowan took a step back from the microphone, and saw Bella smile at her, mouthing a "Thank you." She then quickly made a move off the stage as the built-up adrenaline was quickly dying down. Paul clapped along with the others as she made it back to her seat next to him.

"You did good! See, nothing to worry about," Paul said, giving her a pat on the shoulder.

Rowan placed her face in her hands, "I would rather die than do that again."

Moments after her speech, it was clear that it was time for music and dancing, as everyone was growing restless. It didn't take long for a crowd to form once the music started. As everyone around them danced, Rowan and Paul stood to the side. The high-energy music had the small crowd bustling, and both of them watched as Jasper and Alice danced very impressively – flips and spins included. "I don't understand how people don't catch on to them," Paul said with a confused expression on his face as he watched Jasper flip Alice over his arm. Rowan shrugged, "I honestly don't question it anymore."

As the faster-paced song transitioned into a slower song, Paul cleared his throat. "Well, how about it?" He turned, offering his hand to Rowan. Rowan glanced down at his hand, then back up to his eyes. He had a casual grin forming upon his face, sticking his hand out another inch further, "C'mon."

Rowan rolled her eyes playfully, "Fine, fine." She took his hand, allowing Paul to lead her out to where the others were slow dancing. Surprisingly for Rowan, there wasn't any awkwardness or fumbling – Paul took the lead, allowing Rowan to follow in step. She was able to relax against him, going ahead and resting her head against his shoulder.

"Thank you again for coming," she spoke aloud, more seriously this time.

"You don't have to thank me," Paul said, gently swaying them to the music.

"I know I don't. But I want to," Rowan answered.

"You need anything, and I'll be there," Paul replied back, shrugging as he said it.

Rowan lifted her head from his shoulder to look him in the eyes, "And if you need anything, I'll be there," Rowan said, repeating his own words back to him. Paul couldn't help but chuckle softly. Rowan rested her head against his shoulder again, and the two danced quietly to the music.

A few minutes passed, and as the song ended, Paul tensed. "Shit," he muttered. Rowan's brow raised in confusion, she lifted her head from his shoulder again, taking a step back, "Everything okay?" Paul sighed in annoyance, shaking his head, "Who knows," he mumbled to himself. "I'll be back," he said, before running off. Rowan, in confusion, took a couple of steps after him off to the side, and was able to see he was running off to join what seemed like Jacob, Seth, Edward, and Bella all huddled in a group off to the side.

Before Rowan could run off to join in the drama, a noise caught her attention from behind her. The sound of someone clearing their throat caused her to turn around. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw who was standing before her.

"Felix?" Rowan asked in disbelief.

Standing before her was Felix, in a dark suit, with his hands behind his back. Felix's amused eyes trailed down Rowan's outfit, taking in her appearance, "You clean up well," he said teasingly with a slight smirk.

Rowan took a second to take in his appearance as well. Not only did he look handsome in the suit, but he slicked his hair back for the occasion as well. Rowan cleared her throat, attempting to casually shrug, as if she didn't just ogle over how good Felix truly looked in front of her – how nicely it clung to him. "I suppose you do as well," she said with a shrug.

Felix rolled his eyes at Rowan, shaking his head with an amused grin. Rowan couldn't help but smile herself – as if his own grin was contagious. "I have to admit, I didn't think I'd see you here of all places," Rowan said. "Didn't take you as someone that likes to crash weddings," she continued.

"Just here to give my best wishes to the bride and groom as a representative for the Volturi," Felix smoothly answered. Rowan couldn't help but roll her eyes, "That sounded rehearsed. No other reason to visit then?" She asked teasingly.

Felix took a moment, tilted his head, and playfully tapped a finger to his chin – as if he was deep in thought, "No, can't say I can recall another reason."

"You are truly infuriating, I hope you know that," Rowan said, shaking her head, but took a few steps towards the tall immortal, closing what little space there was between the two of them. It wasn't uncommon for the two to tease each other, but Rowan, who had deeply missed his touch, was tired of talking.

Felix placed his hand on her side, his hand gripping her hip tightly. He pulled her closer – as close as he could so her chest was flat against his body. "I missed you too," He stated quietly, speaking only to her – the people moving around them he didn't pay any attention to.

Rowan softly laughed, "I never said-"

"You didn't have to," Felix quickly answered. His free hand came up to gently grab her chin, his thumb moving gently along her bottom lip. Rowan inhaled deeply from the gentle action, her eyes darting from his lips, then to his own red gaze.

Felix was aware he was around others, so when he leaned down to kiss the woman he loved, it was gentle. He was aware of his own strength, aware of how much he missed and wanted Rowan – but had self-control and situational awareness. He leaned down, gently placing his lips against hers. His hand on her chin moved to cup her jaw.

Rowan, on the other hand, who had missed him just as much, immediately tilted her head and deepened the kiss almost with urgency. Her hand reached up to the back of his neck, pulling him in closer – if that was even possible. Normally, she wasn't one for PDA – but the constant longing she had felt for Felix while he was away had been bottled up and now it finally overflowed the second she made eye contact with him as he arrived. As she gripped the back of Felix's neck, her other hand grabbed the front of his suit. The cold chill of his lips against her warm lips – a sensation both of them missed dearly. Felix groaned as Rowan pulled him in closer in every possible way. Her tongue darted out, making contact with his bottom lip, before he pulled back to stop the kiss before it went any further.

The second Felix broke the kiss, Rowan was breathing heavily. She loosened her grip, slowly moving her hand from his neck down to his elbow. It was as if she remembered where she was again, her cheeks turning even more flush than they already were. Felix couldn't help but smirk. He gently pushed her hair behind her ear, then leaned down to place his lips against her ear.

"Eager, are we?" He softly whispered.

Rowan's head snapped away, and while her cheeks somehow grew even more red, her eyes squinted at him. Felix moved back, far too quick for any human, to catch her reaction. His smirk was still obviously present. "Don't even start," Rowan muttered, retracting her hands from him, then glancing around.

It didn't seem that anyone saw, or at least cared. Felix had already removed his hand from her face, but kept his grip on her hip. "Don't start what?" He teased back. Though before Rowan could even reply back, a voice from behind her caused her to nearly jump.

"Rowan, who's this?"

Felix immediately, out of respect, removed his hand from her hip, though he moved it to her lower back as she stood close to him. Rowan quickly turned to face the familiar voice, standing in front of Felix. He practically loomed over her from behind.

"Uncle Charlie! Where've you been?" Rowan quickly asked, praying to any higher being he did not witness what had happened.

"Uh, the bathroom?" He answered, raising a confused brow at her.

"Oh, perfect. That's great," Rowan said with a relieved sigh, her shoulders clearly relaxing. Felix wanted to snort at her reaction, but kept it to himself.

"And he is?" Charlie asked again. His pointed stare was heavily on Felix. The immortal man moved to stand beside Rowan, though he still kept his hand on her lower back, running his thumb gently up and down. He held his free hand out towards the man that Felix certainly recognized.

"My name is Felix. Pleasure to meet you, sir," he nodded towards the older man. Charlie took his hand, quickly shaking it while he nodded back.

"Haven't seen you around. You new in town?" Charlie asked, almost as if he was professionally questioning him. Rowan opened her mouth to answer with some lie – something she made up on the spot. But Felix beat her to it, "Not new in town – just visiting for the wedding."

Rowan glanced at Felix, a surprised, but confused look on her face. She expected a lie of some sort – and was shocked by the truth. Charlie nodded, "You know the Cullen's well then?"

"Not particularly," Felix answered.

Charlie's brows furrowed, and his gaze glanced from Felix to Rowan then back to Felix. He made eye contact, noticing the bold color of his eyes. He assumed it was an odd new fashion choice – colored contact lenses or something.

"Just....make smart choices," Charlie said with a pointed look towards Rowan. He trusted his niece enough to leave the two alone after that. Once the older man walked away, Rowan sighed loudly.

Before either could even speak about what just happened, Felix saw the newly married couple rejoining the wedding. It was easy for him to observe the upset look on Bella's face. He glanced down to Rowan, nodding towards her cousin. "For a new bride, she doesn't look very happy," he said. Rowan furrowed her brows and looked over to where Bella was standing – off to side on the Cullen's back porch, looking like she was trying to catch her breath. She looked around at the rest of the guests, noticing that Paul and Seth were noticeably gone as well.

With a sigh, Rowan shook her head. It was going to be a longer night than she realized.


a/n: very funny to me that rowan immediately wanted to jump his bones when seeing him in a suit ANYWAY so sorry for taking so long to update but to make up for it i wrote a twice as long chapter! life has been crazy but this story means the world to me so i do always think about it and work on it when college isn't killing me <3 thank you all sosososo much for the feedback and love for this story - it means the world! wishing you all a happy new year and hope you enjoy the chapter!

(i also wanted to add i made a tumble for my writing so feel free to follow it and chat with me there if you are interested! the url is:!)

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