Chapter three

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Victoria's POV

I still can't believe that this is happening to me right now.

I'm currently in Alpha Phoenix's office with him and my mate, Max, sitting on the sofa on the left side of the room as they both sort out my transfer papers.

Honestly, I actually do know how to do paperwork,'s really really really really boring. So, I just left it all for them to do.

Aren't I just the most wonderful person?

I'm so elated. I finally found my mate, and I'm going to be moving into his pack soon. It all feels so surreal. It feels like a wonderful dream.

Just then, Max looked at me and gave me an unreadable expression. I wonder what all the strange looks are all about. Maybe he's just as excited as I am but doesn't know how to show it to me.

Apart from the strange looks, his body language and the way he spoke to me earlier are really sending me bad vibes. I shrugged it off and continued to watch them while they did the paperwork. And trust me when I say that it's a really boring sight.

Now that I think back to that day, I regret ignoring the signs. If only I had thought for just a moment, things could have been different. Better

Anyways, I have to go see Nicky and the twins. I should still have about a day or two before Max and his warriors have to leave and I have to go back with him since I'm his mate. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that those friends of mine will hunt me down and kill my ass if I don't see them before I leave.

Those guys are really scary when they are angry.

' And we can't forget our plans of for Nicky.'  Oh, I completely forgot about that.

' I'm still voting for the spider plan. I want to see the look on her face when we tell her what we did.' I grinned at the thought. She would never know what hit her and her face would be epic! I could picture it now.

' Well I don't think that you will be able to see the look on her face because she's gonna kill you after she finds out.' She reprimanded me.

' You mean she's gonna kill us cuz we're sharing the same body. If I go down, you go down with me.'  I replied her sassily.

' Nope! That ain't gonna happen because I'm going to ditch your sorry human ass like this.' She quickly shut me out and retreated to the depths of my mind. The nerve of this fuzz ball! I love her but she can act like an asshole sometimes.

' Aww, but you love me.' She said.

' Not so sure about that tho.' I said

' Hey! Need I remind you that without me and my awesome navigation skills, you'd probably be lost in the middle of the woods.'

' Okay, that was just one time, how the hell was I supposed to know how to navigate through the forest. I was eight for goodness sake.'

' Vicky, you got lost because you were chasing a fucking butterfly. A butterfly! What made you think that was a good idea? Chasing an insect in the middle of the forest, sure, there is absolutely no way you could get lost.' The sarcasm was dripping like water. She had the nerve to laugh at me!

' Verna, in my defence I was an eight year old who was confused about what was going on around her after she just shifted for the first time alone in the forest. Plus, it was a pretty butterfly.'

' Sure. Whatever helps you to sleep at night.' then she returned to the depths of my mind.

I groaned in frustration getting the attention of the two Alphas in the room. Welp, since their attention is already on me, I guess I'll just take my permission to leave now.  But Alpha Phoenix spoke up before I could open my mouth.

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