Chapter Ten

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A/N: I just want to let you know of the new text arrangements so that there wont be any confusion.

When the past is being remembered or when someone's past statement is being quoted, it will be in italics.

And when Verna or Victoria is speaking it will be in this bold text.

Enjoy 😘

Slight trigger warning ❗
Light mention of gore. I will indicate where it will be mentioned.

Victoria's POV

The white energy which surrounded Verna and I slowly dissipated as we once again found ourselves in the land of the living. I looked to my right to see my brown animal companion staring at me as well, that's when I realised that something was wrong.

If we were brought back to life, then why were we still in separate bodies?

That's when it clicked and I remembered Selene's words,
"I will let both of your spirits return to Earth for a month"

They never said that they would bring us back to life, they just said that they would let our souls to return to Earth. I can see that the situation has also clicked in Verna's mind. She gives me a wolfish grin and I also grin as we realized what we are now.

We are ghosts.

"Vicky, this is awesome." Verna told me telepathically

"Yeah, I know! Maybe we will get to test all our ghost theories later. But first, where exactly on Earth are we?" I ask as I look at the forest around us, somehow, it all looks vaguely familiar.

"Wait a second" She said sniffing the air with her snout, "I can smell blood. It's coming from that way." She pointed her wolf head to her left and started walking in that direction as I trailed behind her.

We walked in the woods, me following Verna and she followed the scent she was tracking. We went on for a while before I could make out a lump of something red on the floor in the distance.

"Verna, look over there, I see something." I tell her as I jog ahead of her over to the it and I froze in my place, horrified with what I saw.

Gore part here.

I gasped when I could make out the figure on the ground. One blue eye stares up at the sky, dead and lifeless. Blood completely covers the other side of the face as it looks like the other eye was clawed out.

Once vibrant and fiery red hair was now dull and covered in grime as some of the hair is laying around the body with chunks of skin attached to it. A large chunk of the skin on the jaw was missing, showcasing the bloody teeth and dislocated bone underneath.

The body in pieces with organs scattered around the it as dried blood surrounds the once beautiful figure. The once blue t-shirt completely purple and shredded and formally grey sweatpants now crimson red.

One arm was torn roughly away from the body and laying somewhere else as the other was broken in two, to the extent that the humerus bone sticking out of the torn flesh. The legs blood soaked and twisting in angles that no bone should ever be. It was a sight in nightmares, and it looked even scarier in the moonlight. It was a gruesome sight to see.

))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Gore part over.

My wolf immediately caught up to me as she also inspects the body and lets out a sad whimper as she also recognises the owner of the corpse.

It was us.

It was our dead body that we were staring at.

I was looking at my dead body, torn apart to shreds and left on the forest floor for the insects. I felt like vomiting at the sheer horror. I never thought that I would see this. I never wanted to see this.

Is that what I had been reduced to? It finally felt even more real than before. I'm dead. I'm truly dead. There's no going back from this.

I... I always thought that I had more time.

I fell on my knees and sobbed as I remember the blood thirsty red eyed rogue I saw before I took my last breath. It must have been the one that did this for sure, but I can't blame it because it wasn't it's fault. It was feral so it most likely didn't know the depth of what it was doing. Just driven solely by it's animal instincts to hunt and kill.

No. They are to blame.

It was the fault of those two inhumane demons that I am like this. That I was reduced to a pile of animal fodder. Verna growled as she listened to my thoughts as she looked through my memories and saw what they did to me.

"I swear that they will pay with their lives!" She growled out, completely enraged now. "Those monsters! They tortured you and left you on unclaimed land for the beasts. Heartless, souless beings. The beasts in the wild are even better than they ever would!"

No, I won't take this. I will not let this slide. So, with an even stronger crave for revenge growing within me, I rose to my feet and turned to Verna, "Do you think you can track the path towards his pack? From the nature of those two, I'm going to assume that they wouldn't bother to put much effort in moving me far from the pack so they should be close by." She nodded her wolf head and sniffed the air and moved around in a bit, trying to pin down the direction of the distinct mossy smell of Blue moon Pack members or try to feel the humming of the Pack boarders. She then stopped and looked in a particular direction, still sniffing the air to confirm.

She turned to me and nodded her head. "It's this way," She said, "Get on my back, we will get there faster that way."

I climbed into her back and looked back at my body, my once beautiful body. They will pay for this, I swear to the goddess who made me. Then, she took off. As she ran, an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Verna, I just thought of the perfect thing to do that will hit Max hard and make him and Maria suffer." I told her, grinning from ear to ear.

" I'm all ears. As long as this plan of yours ends up with them dead and rotting in hell." I can practically feel her excitement.

"Oh don't worry about that my dear wolf, it definitely ends with them in hell." I chuckled evilly. Max and Maria, I hope you are ready, because we are coming for you, and we are going to bring you back to the afterlife with us. Neither of you going to end this month alive. I will make sure of it, Max.


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter, even though it is a bit short.

So, the ghosts have returned. What do you think they will do next?

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