Chapter Five

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This chapter is dedicated to chantellolo.

Victoria's POV

I groaned as I slowly came to, an aching feeling echoing in my head. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself lying on the hard floor of a room with dark grey cement walls and a grey ceiling.

Where am I? And what the fuck happened to me?

I sat up, the movement causing a burning sensation to go through my hands. Ouch! That hurts so much. I look down at my hands to find them in silver shackles that are connected to the wall behind me by chains, which I discovered are also made of silver after touching them.

I take a better look around the room I'm in. It's a medium sized room. My back is against one of the dark grey walls of the room, instead of a wall, I see a large cell door - which by the way things are looking - the bars are most likely silver as well. I look around to see that the room is completely bare apart from something like an operating table that is in an inclining position with straps on it, and a cart with some bottles of strangely coloured liquid.

I look to my left to see a little window that is way too high for me to reach that is the only source of light in the room. And from the looks of it, I'm going to guess that it's probably midnight.

God damnit, all of my possible escape routes are either blocked or out of reach. The chains binding me are long enough to let me move around the room a bit, maybe for me to reach the wall with the window, but they don't look like they are long enough to let me reach the door. Even if I manage to reach the door by some miracle, it's most likely also coated in silver, so I can't ram it down.

I could use the operating table to get high enough to reach the window, but the window has bars and is too small to let even my small frame to pass through it anyway.

What am I even thinking? It hurts way too much to even move my hands just a little bit, I don't think I'd be able to move around the room with heavy silver chains rubbing against my skin at the slightest movements.

Argh, my head hurts so much. What the hell happened? I reach my hand out slowly so as not to irritate my hands too much and carefully touched the back of my head and felt around it. I hiss as my hand comes in contact with a huge cut on the back of my head. Thankfully, it has started healing due to my werewolf powers.

Speaking of werewolf, ' Hey Verna, are you there?' I call out in my mind.

'Would you please tone it down, Vicky? I'm trying to sleep' Well, I'm glad that the headache isn't hindering my ability to communicate with my wolf.

' Okay sleepyhead, do you by any chance remember how the hell we got here?'

' If you don't know then how am I supposed to know. Try, you've got to remember something. '

' The last thing I remember is Max.... Oh God.' I slowly start to remember what happened to me before I blacked out.

Me coming to Max's Pack

Then going into the cabin with that Shawn guy.

Then taking a shower

Max... Attempted to rape me.

And then him hitting me with that bat. Then chaining me up.

I quick look down at my body and am glad to see that I'm still in my grey sweatpants and blue t-shirt. I thought he would have done something to me in my sleep.

Why would Max, my mate, the one who's supposed to treasure me and whom I'm supposed to live happily with, try to force himself on me and then give me a near fatal injury with a bat, and then lock me up in a cell.

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