Chapter Eighteen

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Shawn's Pov

When I opened my eyes again, it was still night time. I glanced at my clock and noticed that I was asleep for only thirty minutes. I quickly sat up, remembering what Victoria told me in my dream.

My son is in danger!

Lucy. That traitorous bitch! I trusted her to take care of my son for a few days, only to find out that she sold him to a witch?! How could she do this, to her own nephew at that?

I immediately jumped out of my bed, but I regretted that decision when my legs got tangled up in the sheets making me fall to the floor.


'We don't have time for this, Shawn!' Slade growled, but I could sense the underlying amusement in his voice.

'You think I did this intentionally, dude?' I shot back as I managed to get myself back on my feet after untangling myself.

'I don't care if it was intentional or not, just move your ass!' I didn't need to be told twice as I quickly searched for appropriate clothes to wear and threw on a shirt and basketball shorts I found in the corner in my room. I then went down the stairs and out the door, picking up my keys on the way and headed to my car.

I'm so furious at her. I feel so betrayed. Doesn't she know that she's disrespecting her late sister by doing this to her son? I swear, if I find even a single hair out of place on Jimmy's body, I will tear her limb from limb. And even if my son is okay, I will throw her in the dungeons for even thinking about hurting him.

"I'm still going to kill her either way. She hurt our pup." Slade says and I couldn't even agree more.

I drive towards Lucy's house at top speed. Good thing there aren't any other cars on the road, if not, I'm pretty sure I would have crashed into a few people's cars.

It usually takes ten minutes to get to Lucy's house from mine, but I got there in two minutes tops. I parked in her driveway and jump out of my car, not even bothering to close it properly. As I look at her house, I notice that the light in some rooms are still on, meaning that she's probably awake.

I stomp to her door and knock the door really loud and start calling out to her "Lucy! LUCY! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW. I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!" But I get no reply. I kept knocking for a little bit until I heard some shuffling inside, but she still doesn't answer.

"Lucy, you have five seconds to come out or else I will break down this door!!!" Still no reply.

"Shit!" I hear her mutter and I hear her move again, but she still doesn't come out.

"Don't make me do this, Lucy!" I warn her again, but still no reply.

"Okay, it's your choice. ONE!" I start counting, letting her know that she's running out of time.

"TWO!" I start putting distance between me and the door.

"THREE!" I shout as I'm now a few meters away from the door.

"FOUR!" I get myself into a running stance.

"FIVE!!" I run towards her door and use my shoulder to hit the side of the door, putting my body weight on it. I had to continuously ram my body into the door before I finally tore the piece of mahogany fall to floor, and what I saw made me even more furious.

She stood there, frozen in her tracks as she stared at me. She looked out of breath like she had been running around for a while. I looked down at her right hand to see her holding the handle of a large burgundy suitcase with a few clothes sticking out of the edge as if packed in a rush and a black and white stripped duffle bag slung across her shoulder. Her hand was on the handle of the kitchen door, probably planning on going out through the back door in the kitchen. Her blue eyes wide and filled with fear as she took in my seething form, realizing that she's been caught.

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