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request: shayla00705


The days after went slow. The moment replaying in your mind over and over. It was like someone was driving a stake through your heart slowly. The look in his eyes, the smile on his face, the blood on your hands. You loved him so much, and now he's gone. It was two days ago, but it felt like 5 minutes. Nobody else seemed to be bothered by his death except Dustin. You were in the back of Steve's car as he was driving you and the rest of the crew home after volunteering at the church. Everyone was mixed up in their conversations, but you just looked out the car window trying not to think of Eddie. "Hey y/n, we're here." Steve said as he pushed on the brakes of his car. "Oh, thanks." You said as you shook your thoughts. You reached for the handle and got out of the car. It was hard enough living close to his trailer. You lived next door to him. You two had been through everything together. You were there for all his shitty days, his good days, and his okay days. He was there for you too. You couldn't bring yourself to look over at his trailer knowing that if you did, tears would pour down your face. You quickly walked up your driveway and opened the front door. Your mom was working tonight so she wasn't home yet. You walked to your room and turned your lamp on. It was dark out since everyone stayed at the church for so long. You wanted to try and get your mind off Eddie, so you pulled out an old book he gave you when you were younger. You dusted it off and opened the cover. 'Have fun dork." Was written on the first page. You smiled as you saw it.

You began reading the first chapter. The book had quite a nice plot. It was a fantasy book, something Eddie would've read. You were interrupted by sounds at your window. Your trailer was pretty high off the ground, so you thought it was just rain or bugs or something. You shook the thought and continued reading. Not long after, you heard a louder noise. You put the book down and got up from your bed walking to your window. You felt scared. It was the middle of the night, and there were loud noises coming from outside your window. But with logical thinking, it was probably a racoon or bear. You pulled your curtain back and peered over the windowseal, no fucking way. There's no way. He died in your arms. You watched him die. Your stomach dropped and your eyes widened. He looked up at you and waved. He smiled but you didn't see, you turned and ran out of your room, unlocking the front door and running to the side of your trailer. "No way. No fucking way are you real. You died." You said as you stopped infront of him. He was much paler than before. His clothes were ripped in patches, he had dark circles around his eyes. He was quite, scary. "I know." He said as he raised his eyebrows and itched the back of his head. "Come inside, I need to clean you up." You tried to grab his hand but his skin was freezing. You pulled your hand away. "God, how are you so cold?" You looked into his eyes and shivers were sent down your spine. "Uh, let's go inside."

You turned to walk to the front of the trailer with Eddie following close behind. You reached for the doorknob and opened it, letting him in. He took his shoes off and set them next to the door. You walked to the kitchen and grabbed a rag, wetting it and ringing it out. Eddie walked over and sat on the kitchen counter. You stood between his knees and looked up at his face. "I don't understand, you died in my arms Eddie." You said as tou brought the damp washcloth to his dirty face. "I thought so too, but I woke up with this pounding headache. I found my trailer and then saw the portal and I went through, and here we are." He laughed as he stared into your eyes. You smiled and wiped his blood off his cheeks. "How did you wake up, those bats destroyed you." You said as you shook your head. "Look y/n," he said as he grabbed your wrist lowering it from his face. "I'm not completely positive of this, but when I woke up it felt like something was different. Way different. My eyesight was different, everything was amplified. My hearing, feeling. I can feel the fibers of this washcloth on my face. I can- I don't know, sense things better. I don't know what's happening to me." He said as he dropped his head and rubbed his forehead with his hand. "I crave something. But-" You tilt his head up to look at you. "What is it?" You asked. "It's kinda.. personal." You raised an eyebrow. "Tell me." You said as you trailed your hands up his arms and brought your face closer to his neck "Sex."

You laughed through and exhale as you pulled back. You grabbed the washcloth and hung it over the faucet. Before you could turn around his hand was wrapped around your wrist. His grip was very tight. He had gotten much stronger. "I'm not kidding. It's like, ten times worse than it was before. You're the only person I've been thinking about." He said. You turned to look at him. He was serious. You two had been friends before, but when Chrissy died you two were in the "in between" stage. You were friends but both of you wanted more, and right before he died things got serious. "You're disgusting Eddie. Look at you." You said as you glanced at his dirty clothes. "I'll shower first then." He said as his eyes widened and he shook his face. You laughed as you walked past him. You went to the laundry room and grabbed him a clean towel out of the dryer. "Here you go dracula." You said as you threw the towel at him. He rolled his eyes and walked to the back of the trailer and into the bathroom. You thought it was crazy. You were about to have sex with a vampire. Better yet, Eddie as a vampire. Why couldn't he have done this before the incident.


don't kill me ok, I just wanted to give you guys something to read! lmk if you want pt 2! love you!💗


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