Chapter 6

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Faith pov

Went for a walk.
- C

I look at the note which was sticked on the kitchen counter. So he went out for a walk ? I wasn't mentally prepare to face him again after our 'heating encounter'. I still can't believe I did this. I'm not usually the kind of girl who lose all her senses like that. I walked to the fridge and pour a full glass of orange juice. I closed my eyes enjoying the cold and sweet yet sour taste of my drink.

I took out my mobile to see the time. It's been almost four hours since Christian went out. I finally decide to take a tour around the house. I came across a room which I think is the leisure room. There was a large flat screen television on the wall with several speakers attached to it. I was about to turn it on when the doorbell started ringing.
I quickly examined my appearance in the hallway mirror ignoring how fast my heartbeats were and try to get a grip of myself as I headed to the door.
I plastered a smile on my face as I opened the door which immediately vanished when I saw who it was.
The man looked exactly like Christian but an older version. He was grinning as he watched my shocked face.

" Huuh hello " I said quickly.
" Hello Faith. How are you doing? " He replied. Wait what? The older Christian knows me? Oh my god, how long did that walk last already?

Sensing my confusion, the older Christian spoke again.
" I'm Tristan. Christian's older brother. "
" Oh hello. Please come in. Sorry it's just that uhmm Christian never told me he had a brother. "
" Well that's more like Christian. Very few people know that actually. We're step brothers. "

They looked very much alike for step brothers. I excused myself and searched for something to serve this secret brother.
" A beer? " I asked loudly enough.

He nodded in response. He was writing something in his phone. He was frowning which reminded me of Christian. I seized the moment to examine his face. His nose flared and I registered a coldness in his eyes as he continue to type. His mouth was pressed in a hard line. I got the feeling I was staring at Christian.

As if he sensed my staring, he looked up and caught me staring. I shifted awkwardly and smiled.

" Faith I'm ho-- " I snapped as I heard Christian's voice which stopped as soon as he saw his brother sitting.
" What are you doing here " He asked angrily.

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