Chapter 12

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~ 2 months later

' Hello Christian, how come you are home so early today? ' Faith asked with her brightest smile. He looked as always, too handsome yet slightly different this time. A different darkness in his eyes.

' Are you alright? ' You look different. Lot of work lately? ' Faith asked again.
Christian nodded.
' Yes, I have been thinking about a very important business lately. We need to talk. '
' Christian I - ' But she didn't get the chance to say something because he was already heading towards her.
Facing her, Faith tried to smile but the truth is that she was scared to death. This is it, she thought. What if he no longer want her? They have been the happiest these last two months. She thought that maybe the two of them can finally be a normal married couple but was it all her imagination?
She looked at Christian. He hadn't really said anything about his feelings for her and never told her he loved her.

He reached out a hand and touched her face, she swallowed hard on the emotional tears that wanted to rise.
' Our marriage, It was a big mistake .. '

Faith held her breath.
' But god, it was never a mistake for me. ' I never plan to fall in love again but you came and it just happened. And I want this -us to be real. I love you Faith, please be my wife and do this right this time. '

' I can't believe you are saying this to me. ' her voice trembled.
' Because I love you too Christian. And yes, I want to be your wife. I want to be by your side for a very very long time. '
She smiled and looked at Christian.

Christian's eyes shimmering with tears of happiness. He suddenly swept her up off her feet and into arms. And suddenly nothing else mattered except the fact they found love right where they were.

His brideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ