Chapter 1

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Faith's chest rose up and down, with shaking hands and eyes full of panic, she stared at the screen of her mobile phone.

 The time has come to bring my fiancée home. Five long years Faith, you can not escape me now. See you. - Christian

 It was a message from him. Thinking of Christian was enough to send her frisson of awareness through her. She tried her best to forget about that night and the contract, she left Virginia the next day and came to New York where she's been working at Fred's Designs. She never heard of Christian after that night, she expected him to come and drag her to Virginia which was not the case. Faith did searched for him on the internet about two years ago. She felt a little bit of jealousy when she'd seen a picture of him and a beautiful blonde woman in his arms. Faith started to believe that Christian had not really meant it when he said he will find her. She started recalling the memories of the last time they met.  

* 5 years ago *

 '' You can't make me marry you! '' Faith said with a low voice.

Her hands were clenched into fists by her sides. She tried her best to keep her voice loud enough for him to hear. She didn't wanted him to feel her fear. She knew this day was going to come, she tried to ignore the fact that she was expected to marry - not expected, forced to marry this man. Unfortunately not thinking about it will not solve the situation.

She felt anger, anger towards the man in front of her, anger towards her mother who did not even tried to get her out of this mess, anger towards her father who cruelly bargained her to some rich jerk and anger towards herself. 

'' You must have known that we'd reach here sooner or later. no matter how your reluctance is exciting, i guess you know that this matter is not in your hands. There's no way out, i will marry you. I don't care if i have to drag you to the aisle.'' Christian said in a deep voice that sent disturbing frisson through her.

The panic surged back, with a shaking hand she tried to hold on to something. She knew there was no way out. Ten years ago her father nearly lost his business, the only one person who helped him was one of his clients who in returned asked Faith's hand in marriage for his only son. According to the contract if any of the two children refused to agree, they would lose their place in their family property. 

Christian will never want to lose his assets, give up the luxurious life he has been living. Faith thought. 

Faith looked up at the man in front of her. He was dressed in a black tuxedo, white shirt open, revealing his neckline.His eyes were black as if they were trying to hide some dark secrets. His mouth was hard yet soft.  He was a rich tycoon with numerous women throwing themselves at his feet but she didn't want to be one of them. She was determined to make him see that she wouldn't just succumb to his coldness..

'' I will never marry you. Even if you were the last man on earth and i had to choose between marrying you or die, i'd rather die. I will run away, so far that you'll forget my existence. ''

Christian smiled minutely, he approached her. Faith felt something tightening in her belly, but she will not step back. She will not let Christian control her, not now not ever. 

Christian reached out and trailed a finger down Faith's cheek. '' Run away. Go wherever you want to go but remember no matter in what part of the world you will be, i'll find you. I'll find you and bring you back because Faith, i can't risk losing everything i have. And now that i've met you. i have a positive feeling that this marriage is going to survive. '' he said musingly.

He turned and walked towards the door. He suddenly stopped and looked at Faith. '' Only five years and you'll be mine. ''

With a low chuckle, he turned and strode out of the door leaving his last words haunt Faith.

 * End of flashback *

Faith shook her head trying to clear her thoughts and the mounting panic. She did not wanted to ruin her mood or to think about Christian, not tonight. Tonight, she intended to enjoy a drink with her bestie. She was standing outside the club, it was freezing like hell.. Just like Christian's heart. Her mind said to her. She sighed and get a grip of herself and entered the club.

As soon as she stepped in the club, the blaring bass of This is how we do by Katy Perry filled her ears. She headed directly to the bar and ordered a coke as she waited for her friend. Suddenly she felt an arm on her shoulder, she turned and met the eyes of a stranger. The man was dressed in a white shirt and a faded blue jeans. His hair was messy and he was smirking at her. 

'' What a beautiful lady like you is doing here .. alone? Might if i give you company?''

Without waiting for a response, he took the seat next to her. '' What about joining me for a private party at my place? '' He said as he approached her. He smelled of alcohol making Faith nauseous.

'' Get away from me. I do-n't need your company and I'm not interested in joining any of y-our private par-ties. '' She stuttered, silently cursing herself to be unable to reject properly.

'' Feisty, I like ... ''

'' I think you heard the lady. ''  The man was interrupted by a grave voice. I sighed and turned around with a smile. My saviour!

James snaked his arm around me and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. He scowled at the man.

'' Sorry mate, i thought she was alone .. '' With that he went away.

Faith POV

James looked at me and smiled. '' You can not be left on your own babe, the world is full of cruel men .. whom i wouldn't mind undressing in my room. '' He winked.

James and I have been friends for a long time. He was my best friend and he was also very gay! Every girl has that one best friend who wouldn't mind posing as the possessive lesbian girlfriend in front of disgusting men, James is that bestfriend. 

'' Hey Faith '' I turned and looked at Geoffrey. Geoffrey was James's boyfriend. They have been together for nearly 7 months now which is James's longest relationship. I hate to admit it but my bestfriend is a bitch, he never sticked to one man for more than a week but he seemed serious with Geoffrey. But then, Geoffrey is deserving. He is such a good guy.

I took off my phone to look at the time. It was nearing 11 o'clock. Time flies so fast, i didn't realise it got so late. I looked at the dancefloor where James and Geoffrey were pressing and rubbing their bodies against each other. I smiled, they were so cute together. James caught my eyes, i gave him a signal that i'm leaving, he mouthed something i didn't understand. I'm sure he wanted to drop me home but i didn't wanted to disturb him from whatever he was doing with Geoffrey. 

I took my handbag and stepped out. I was waiting for a taxi when i felt a familiar hand around my shoulder. I turned and recognised the face. It was the man from the bar earlier.

'' So the boyfriend left you alone again .. Or is it because he was not satisfied with you so he preferred a man? '' He said with a disgust look.

'' Look, i don't owe you any explanations. Please just leave me alone. ''

'' I would have if you didn't reject me earlier. I hate rejections baby. '' 

'' Then get use to it because this woman is already taken and i don't share what's mine. ''

We both looked in the direction where the voice was coming. As soon as i saw the owner of the voice, I felt paralysed. At first i thought, it was my imagination but then if it was the case i was not the only one. the man beside me could see him too, in front of us, in flesh.

'' Christian. '' I said with a disbelieving voice.

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