Chapter 3

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'' What are you thinking about, Faith? '' My mother asked, eyeing me on the day of the wedding.
Those last couple of weeks passed in a whirlwind. My mind shifted to the night Christian kissed me.

 '' I'm looking forward to seeing you walk down the aisle to me. '' He whispered amusingly.
I felt a familiar sensation gripping me, panic. Unable to say anything, my eyes were fixed on his. He seemed relaxed and .. happy? Was I reading too much about this? I probably was.

'' You will find yourself begging for divorce in two months time. '' I defied him.
He let out a small laugh. '' We won't be divorcing, neither in two months time nor ever. '' 
He then pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. 

'' Faith? Are you listening to what I'm saying? Are you okay? '' My mother's voice interrupted my thoughts.
'' Yeah mom, I'm fine. '' 
'' Faith I know you're not happy with this marriage and I know you might never forgive your father and I for dragging you into this mess and baby girl, everything will be fine. Christian is such a nice guy, he will always protect you and by god's grace, he will start loving you once he will discover the real you. ''

I know she was trying to make me feel better. No doubt Christian will protect me, he did it before .. well as he said but love? 
I'm only his bride of convenience and someone as amoral and ruthless like Christian can never love someone, forget me. 

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw my flushed face. I never expected my wedding day will be like this, I always thought I will be very happy, smiling and blushing as  my friends will tease me about my husband, the love of my life. But then again, life is not a fairytale, love is just a myth and the real heroes are the one to destroy your heart instead of saving it.

Thirty minutes later, I stood, gripping to my father's arm outside the open doors of the church. People stopped talking and turned to look at us. Yes, keep looking at me, celebrate my failure. I got an urge to tear off my veil and run away, far from all these then gave up the thought when I saw my mother's face lit up when she saw me entering the church.

My hand unconsciously tightened on my father's arm, all I could see was Christian's broad back at the top of the church. With every step closer to him, I felt my heart beats racing faster and faster. Please don't turn around--
Christian turned to face me, my heart stopped for a while. He looked good as always, his eyes bored right on mine as if he could see me right through my veil .. right through my soul.
Suddenly my father shifted and handed me over to Christian .. My soul is now being sold to the devil, i thought.

Christian lead me up besides him and lifted the veil up over my head. His eyes were holding a .sense of pride as he looked down at me. He pulled me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. All my senses stopped functioning, Is he allowed to do that? I don't know, It's my first wedding.

'' ... you may now kiss the bride. '' 
I looked up in shock, What! We are here already? I just remember saying what was required like a machine and the cool feeling of the gold as he pushed the ring on my finger.

I looked up at Christian, his head was descending. My eyelids flutter closed as I felt the touch of his mouth. I felt his hand snaked around my waist pulling me closer. His mouth move hungrily over mine as if he staked his life on it, consuming, seeking.

A discreet cough from the priest interrupted the moment. I flushed, feeling the pink colour rising on my cheeks. He strailed a finger down my cheeks and smile. 

'' You're officially mine now, Mrs Richards. '' He playfully smirked.

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