Season 4/ Alliance crew arrival

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"Hello everyone!" The mysterious voice speaks out.

"Hey it that weird person who brought us here!" Sasha shouts.

"I wonder where there talking from." Abel says while looking around.

"Hey whoever brought us here what do you want?" Erwin questions.

"You can just call me the host. Anyways I'm here to give you a break! You been watching a lot and you must be tried! Over their everyone has separate bed rooms and their is some food and water in the main area!" The host exclaims.

"Food!" Sasha shouts out. "I wonder what there could be."

"Wait is time passing outside right now?" Armin questions.

"Yea and after our rest will we return back?" Eren asks them.

"Time is not passing! And after your rest you will watch more!" The host tells them.

"That good that were not missing anything than." Nile states.

"Yea but how is that even possible?" Floch asks.

"When will we return back?" Pyxis asks.

"Yea and how did you even do this?" Levi questions them.

"I will answer no more questions now get some rest!"

"Tch of course you won't." Levi says in annoyance.

"This gives us a good opportunity to go through everything we learned." Erwin says.

"Yes! I been waiting to be able to go through my notes and discuss them!" Hange shouts.

"Pyxis, Nile care to join us?" Mike asks.

"Sure thing." Pyxis says as he walks away and Nile nods.

"Hey you guys wanna hang out in someone room.!" Sasha asks them.

"Yea that sounds fun!" Connie shouts.

"No I'm tried." Annie responds.

"Come on it will be a good opportunity to talk with each other about everything." Armin tells her.

"Yea lets go Annie." Reiner tells her.

"I'm not staying for the whole time though." Mikasa says.

"Do you think the host is on our side." Bertholdt whispers to Reiner.

"It hard to tell but at least she didn't reveal our secret yet." Reiner says back.

"Ymir would you like to join us?" Historia hesitantly asks her.

"Better not. I can still feel everyone eye glaring at me so I'm going to my room." Ymir responds.

"Oh right.." Historia says sadly.

"But feel free to join them!" Ymir calls out to her as she leaves to her room. Historia smiles slightly then leaves with the rest of them.

In the warrior room they were all moving to their bed. "We learned some valuable stuff about the enemy." Magath states.

"Yea and who we have to go after." Zeke adds.

"Are we still attacking paradis after this?" Colt whispers to himself but Piecks hears.

"Colt don't say that in front of the war chief or Magath." She tells him. "I agree it doesn't seem right, their no devils." She then lets out a sigh.

"I can't believe Marley lied to us." Udo says as he starts getting angry.

"Yea they convinced us everyone there was devils." Zofia sighs.

"But their just people. People we harmed." Gabi says softly as she heads to her room.

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