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Hey guys! This is actually a little of a filler so don't get to excited.

"Is not this lovely? I can see Central Park from here and we are so high that I think I could touch the clouds by placing my hand outside the window" I sighted in happiness and plopped besides Harry in a sofa that the hotel room came with.

"It is my dear. And it will be better if there you drink a little more than two glasses of champagne" He smiled making his dimple to come into view. I laughed with him.

"Harry" I said and turned my body towards him to look at him better. "Do you still remember when we met five years ago?" I smiled and moved my head to a side. "Of coarse I do" He looked deeply in my eyes.

It was a normal day in the West Egg bay, walking in the beach was a normal thing for me to do every Saturday. I have just moved some months ago and I couldn't be more happy with my decision, leaving my family back in London was better.

I heard commotion in the street as if a lot of people were walking, when I went outside my front porch, and walked the yards to the gates.

I saw one man and a lot of boxes surrounding him in the gate of his home.

"Excuse me? May I ask what are you here with so many boxes?" I asked the young man with the most polite voice I could make.

"Hey, just moving to this house. Are you from the neighbourhood?" He asked moving his hands around.

He most be a new rich, how informal of him to greet a stranger that way. He was definitely British, curly hair everywhere and those jeans, if they call him that I guess.

"I am actually just in front, and yes I am your neighbour. Please, if you could be less loud for the next time, that will be lovely" I said and smiled. He was obviously a new rich, maybe won the lottery or something.

"Oh, well sorry Miss. It won't happen again" there is was, the gentleman I was expecting.

1 year later

This was the year of my twentieth birthday and his twenty-second birthday. The time I started calling him Edward.

"Madam Couture is a really fancy woman, she will see every move you do in the table and will forget about none" I informed Harry as we made our way to door of Madam's house.

I have been educating Edward to how to be a rich man. He was new, and you could notice. He didn't have manners at the table, with a poor vocabulary and with horrible vogue sense.

As they let us in I could see Edward with a better view, I was proud of myself with the chosen clothes and perfect hairstyle, I may say I am good at this. He was wearing an Italian Ermenegildo Zegna suit and a Rolex watch I gave him for his birthday.

"Damn it. This is hard to learn, I have been in the game for over a year and I still do not know what fork goes first" He looked nervously around the table.

"From outwards to inwards. If your are nervous count the teeth" I answered quickly and looked back at the table again. I grasp a little glimpse of Harry' tongue moving in his mouth inside the upper lip. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Counting the teeth as you said" he said innocently. "No you fool, the fork teeth" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh my god, I think I will never forget of those days" I laughed and took a zip out of my champagne.

"I was a fool back then. But thanks to that lottery I became who I am now. Imagined if I didn't have win, I will be living in Cheshire still. And well, that is sort of depressing" He said and shook his vest off just to be in shirt.

"You know, I have been thinking that maybe we could play a little game" I said and turned my body in the sofa towards him.

"What kind of game?" He asked and furrowed his eyebrows while opening our second champagne bottle. "I will say that for the old time's sake we should, but I don't know how your mind works" I replied sincerely.

The games Harry and I played weren't like hide and seek or anything like that. They were of more interrogation, five years later I will be educating Harry about this world he is now leaving and I will not stop till he knows it as the back of his hand. Our lives were a game, and endless game and the only way to win is by making the other ones go down, but not with you, by themselves.

Harry is a mellow person, but he has his moments. It is quiet weird to see him in any other temper that is not his calm state. When he gets this phases he just hook ups with one of his mistresses or wenches as I call them.


"Remember to come to my ball with your mother that will be held in 3 days" Harry said guiding me to my main door soon opened by Edgar.

"Of course  I will be there my dear Edward. Maybe we could have some fun and meet new people" I smirked.

"Eventually, it will stand that way" He said back and kissed the side of my mouth smoothly. I kissed his cheek while holding gently his opposite one.

"Farewell love" He said and climbed down the steps.

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