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Guys I suck, *cracks neck and knuckles* lets get into this. 

"Could you stop mom?" I said and I took harshly the hair brush of of her delicate fist. We have been getting ready for this party at Harry's home and my mom has been running all around the place to look divine in front of all the guests.

I placed my headband  as a final touch in my soft hair that was pulled in a bun in the lower part of my head, I twirled in front of the mirror to look at myself in all my angles.

"Mother I am ready" I shouted from the door, my voice bouncing on the walls creating an echo in the room.

"Miss, at what hour shall I expect you?" asked the housekeeper as she opened the door so I could see my yellow car in front of the main door waiting to be driven to the party. "I really don't know how to answer you my dear, at lest at 11, I suppose, we will be coming back" I said and kiss her cheek tenderly as a goodbye. I started walking when I heard my mom's heels clicking in the floor.

"For being still young you sure take a lot of time" I hissed under my breath and opened the door so she could get in. She lightened up her cigarette and blew some smoke in my face making me cough and bat my hand in front of me.

I started my car and drove across the street and into the gates, I could see the lights from the afar, the fireworks, the shouting, and cheers. Everything, and I still wasn't close enough to see the stairs.

As we entered I could see the crowds, invading Edward's house. Everyone came to the parties, even if they weren't invited. Gangsters exchanging phone numbers with Politics, movie stars, musicians, dancers, even my ex boyfriends came. It was like a carnival.

"Ms. Gatsby. Mr. Styles is waiting for you in the bottom of the stairs" I deep voice whispered in my hear, making me shiver. "Thank you" I whispered back.

"Mom, I have to see someone will you please avoid any scandal?" I asked my mother seriously. "Sure darling. See you soon" she said before disappearing in the crowd. I sighed and walked towards the stairs were almost immediately I saw Harry, standing oh so cool leaning against the wall, looking at me with a smile on his face that I couldn't resist to return. He walked towards me and kiss the side of my mouth, looking down at me he said that he was expecting me to come earlier because that was a normal thing from me.

"Is that my mom was taking a lot of time so I had to wait" I said with a little laugh behind my confirmation.

"Well, I know for fact that you would never leave your mom behind, even though you hate her" He chuckled at placed his arm around me, leading me to another room. "Don't underestimate me Edward. I am capable of plenty of things" I said and looked forward feeling a kiss being placed in my head.

We entered to a room less crowded, were people were playing cards, pool, and some others were smoking. It was like a private brandy room, far away form the loud crowd that was just behind the mahogany doors. "Is Nicky here this evening?" I asked. "Yes, he is playing blackjack in the last table over there" he pointed.

A loud crash sounded from behind the doors and everything went silent for a minute, but then it went back to normal. "I will come back, just wait here" he said walked with his long legs out of the room.

I walked towards the table as I hear some growling and cheering. "Sorry gentleman, but I think I have won, again" said a strong male voice. Raspy, but funny.

"May I play?" I asked while resting my hands in the playing table, looking around for some kind of approval.

The man by my side turned his head towards me and looked me up and down "Yes, of coarse" he said and flashed me a smile. Turning back at me he gave me a face of realization. "You must be Renata Gatsby, CEO of Gat's Publisher" he laughed excited while shaking  my hand. "By the way I preferred your last published book than The Time's one" he said and took a zip from his Martini.

"Why, thank you" I said with a shy smile while placing a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Oh, I am Nicolas Darciela" he introduced himself realizing he didn't at first.

"I am Renata Gatsby, but you already know that" I said and moved my hand in the air while rolling my eyes because of how stupid I sound.

They start mixing the cards and when the man start handing the bets he spoke again. "So, you know Harry because you are one of his whores?". That was quiet rude. He placed a roll of bills of one hundred in the green soft table. "No, I am the neighbor just in front" I said while I placed my diamond ring in the table remembering of how cheap it actually is.  "That sounded even worse" he laughed and elbowed my arm while accepting the card they were offering.

After some rounds of aleatory winners and a lot of cups of Martinis. I felt a hand down my back. "Have you won anything babe?" he whispered and I smiled drunkly and nodded. "Turn around" he whisper seductively against my jaw. He looked up and I looked up at him in the eyes, and then looked at his dark smirk, all of his expression was a gift made for me, and I went for it. I kissed him, made out with him. However you want to call it. And I think the worst thing that happened was that he kissed back.

Your comments help me to update! Guys I an changing Nicky to a guy! I am so very sorry, but is for the best.

Love you!

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