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"Where's Y/n?!"



"Y/n - sama! Please come out!"

The adults were searching worriedly around the house for Y/n, she'd disappeared when they'd fallen asleep and Ran was worrying she'd disintegrated.

In reality you'd crawled out of Sara's arms while she was sleeping and you were now learning poker from Bonten's subordinates. As you got into gambling you could see that sweat was dropping from their brows, they were 'bouta get their asses whooped by a four year old >:).

They all search high and low for Y/n but can't seem to find her. Heres how each of them took the situation; Ran is running through every room, his hair a mess and in his pyjamas. Rindou is the one checking in every sink, dish washer and laundry basket in head quarters.

Kokonoi is scouring the base with a bunch of fifty dollar notes, waving them around as bait. Kakucho is trying to clean up wherever the crazy little tornado, [Mikey], goes. And Sanzu...he's following Sara around with armfuls of pills, chugging down a capsule each time they check somewhere you're not.

"Sanzu..go help the Haitani's!" Sara grumbles as he trails behind her. 

"Mmm, I don't really wanna." Sara stomps away and into the room where Y/n's playing poker. "Y/n - sama!" They all turn to look at her just as Y/n wins the game. 'Mama!' You jump off your stool to run over to her.

Y/n clings to Sara's legs with a bright smile and sparkly eyes. Sara picks her up a gentle smile across her face. 'I climbed up a shelf mama, short papa couldn't get me.' You had forgotten to tell her the events of yesterday so you explained your whole life to her as she walked you to your new room.


Sanzu slammed the door on the others when they came running. It was 8 in the morning so you were still pretty tired. Especially since you woke up at 4.

'This is your room Y/n.' Sara signs to you. She spins you around your space themed room, thin bright lights that look like stars decorate the ceiling and your bed is a solid, navy blue.

Y/n's [e/c] orbs glow in surprise and wonder at her new room. 'Just for me?!' Sara nods kindly and puts Y/n down. Y/n runs around the room like a mini hurricane, squealing in surprise at everything she finds.

She's still wearing one of the Haitani's huge shirts, a bright red that makes her look like a beacon of some sort.

Y/n raids her closet where she finds some new clothes and even a bright green school bag. 'Look mama! Papa look!' Sanzu stops pushing the door to prevent the others from coming inside and the door busts open.

"Y/NNN!!" They all screech but you're not even looking at them, you're trying to put on another over sized jersey that you found in your closet. 

Y/n hums in surprise when Kakucho picks her up to spin her around. She giggles adorably with her cheeks flushing red. Mikey puts a small box in T/n's outstretched hands. Her eyes are closed so he brushes his fingers across her cheek, she opens her eyes.

'What is it...' She signs but everyone stays quiet. She pulls the lid off of the box to see a pair of hearing aids...

'What are these?'

She holds them in her palm and Mikey attaches them to her ears. "Can you hear me Y/n..?" Your eyes widen at the sudden noise. You could hear him, how?

"Mm..." you can't quite speak yet so you sign, 'I hear! I can hear you!' The adults in the room cheer while Y/n just touches her hearing aids fondly. Trailing her fingertips over them, she hugs Mikey, 'thank you papa' she squeezes is neck.

Psst.. -BontenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora