𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑

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Hanma puts Y/n into the carseat again, clicking her in. He gets into the front but someone yells out, "Y/N!" Two people to be exact.

Sokka and Akemi run out, each holding a flower. 

They hand Y/n two Violets. They have soft petals, the stem is a bright and vibrant green like Sokka's eyes. 

She takes the flowers excitedly, the boys are blushing messes. They're not used to talking to any girls, most of the customers at the shop were men trying to impress a beautiful spouse. 

"Y/n, those flowers represent loyalty." Inui steps in, grinning. "Please come back Y/n." He keeps his smile, Y/n can see that his smile is just like the twins. Bright and genuine, small but as bright as the sun.

Like their hair, Y/n thought. She waved out the window as they drove off, her hair billowing in the wind. Like a fairy the twins thought, walking back inside thinking about the strange girl who ate their flowers.

Meanwhile, Hanma was trying to outrace an angry Bonten. He was smiling as they drove, this was exciting. 

Their next stop was a pet shop.

He carries you properly inside. Y/n's nose twitches excitedly as they enter, the pet shop is small but the feeling of it is amazing. It's comfy, warm and the bustling atmosphere makes it exciting to a 5 year old.

Y/n gets put down so Hanma can talk to a small boy with blonde hair. Y/n wanders over to a fish tank. Smushing her face against the glass to get a better look.

Out of the corner of her eye she sees a lonely looking boy with black hair. His face is enlarged b the glass so he looks pretty funny, Y/n lets out a small giggle and he looks her way.

His face heats up, Y/n takes her face away from the cold glass to wave to the boy. 

He just stares at her, visibly shaking. He looks very shy, Y/n thinks. She tilts her head to the left and the boy does the same. He hides behind a barrel of fish food so Y/n can't see him, she gets curious about the boy so she sneaks up on him.




Y/n jumps towards the scared little boy, he was shorter than her. He had girlish, pixie features. He had black hair, a bowl cut and dull yellow eyes. His expression was like he was trying to be brave but he just looked constipated. 

"W-who are you?!" The boys voice cracks, he sounds so whiny! Y/n frowns.

'Why are you being a baby?' The boy thinks she's trying to slap him since she's moving her hands around, looking very threatening in his perspective. 

"Don't come any closer!" He warns you. Y/n, walks closer so that their faces are inches away, pat pat. Y/n scruffs the boys hair up, she finds him non-threatening and honestly kinda cute. "H-huh?" You smile teasingly at the shorter boy. 

He wipes his eyes, Y/n smiles at him. He tenses up at her kindness, his eyes darting everywhere so that he didn't have to meet the intimidating girls gaze. She really did look like a lion, he was scared she actually was one.

She didn't even talk!

Y/n was thinking the exact opposite. She'd decided she wanted to be friends with the short little shy boy.

"E" she sounded. Not really used to speaking, "e?" The boy squeaked out. Y/n nodded, "Yyyyyyy/nnnnnnn" she knew how to say her name, thankfully and was really trying her hardest to sound it out for him.

He relaxes a little bit, "Y/n? I-I'm Haru. Hanemiya Haru." You thrust your tiny hand out, he curls his fingers around yours, shaking hands. "Cool." You muse, a small smile plastering itself over half of your face.

"Y/n!" Hanma calls out, you look back and he picks you up. Y/n rests on his right arm as he storms out of the store. Chifuyu yelling at him to come back, he's not smiling right now. He looks angry, he doesn't even put you in a car seat.

Instead he puts you in the front seat, not even bothering to put your seatbelt on.

Y/n didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to Haru. "Why are you poutin for?" Hanma finally asks as they pull into the Mcdonalds drive through.

Y/n shakes her head angrily, annoyed that he took her away so soon. "Stop being a baby, I'll get you a happy meal ok?"

Y/n doesn't respond. She just crosses her arms, furrowing her brows and deciding to flip him off. Ha~ who taught this kid this stuff?! "Y/n. Do you want a happy meal?" Y/n: "AHHHH."

"DOn'T AGHH ME!!" Y/n glares pettily at him, "AHHH." Hanma gasps offendedly, "well I'm not getting you a happy meal then!" Y/n gasps, 'bitch!' Hanma smacks her tiny hands. "I don't know what you said but I know it was rude!" 

Y/n gives him a glare, throwing an empty mint container at his face. "Ow!" He throws it back at her face. Y/n's nose starts bleeding, 'bitch, bitch, BITCH!' Y/n signs like the flash. 

"Hello, welcome to Mcdonalds what can I getcha?" Hanma starts screaming about how he's dead, oh so dead. "HAPPY MEAL! CHICKEN NUGGET! Y/N YOU WANT CHICKEN NUGGETS RIGHT?! PLEASE DON'T CRY!"

You do the exact opposite, you start sobbing hysterically. "Sir, is everything ok?" Hanma doesn't even know what to say. He just drives up to where they pay and where the 16 year old server is. 

He throws his black card at the server, she looks terrified. "Just take the card woman! I need that happy meal!" She nods and Hanma pays quickly. He drives up, grabs his food and bolts. He stops outside Mcdonalds. 

"WAAAAAAAA" Y/n is still a crying, hysterical mess. Hanma hands her the chicken nugget happy meal. You take it slowly, opening it and throwing the plastic toy at his face. 

Her arms are covered with her own blood and Hanma knows he's dead. He prays as Y/n eats her food. She's stopped crying now, her face is littered with smudged, dried blood from her nose. She looks at Hanma, suddenly feeling pity for the tall man and hands him a nugget.

He takes it gratefully, stuffing it into his mouth. Y/n's tired after a long day, the time now being 4 in the afternoon. She's about to fall asleep but a face smushes against the window. 

Mikey's face is against the window, staring at Y/n's sleepy face. "Papa" Y/n makes grabby motions towards the window.

Mikey tries to open the door but Hanma's locked it. "Hanma. Open the goddamn door." Mikey growls but the car is sound proof so all they can see is Mikey talking to himself. You stand in your seat to put your hand against the window. "Papa!" You squeal, grinning.

Hanma pales as Mikey's eyes rake over your blood stained face and sleeves. He quickly starts to back up but Sanzu has a limo parked at the back of them. Hanma. Is. Trapped.

Y/n on the other hand, is totally oblivious to what kind of pain her uncle is about to go through and is offering a chicken nugget to Mikey, trying to make it go through the window. 

Hanma is forced to unlock the car, he watches Mikey's head perk and he swings the door open. His 'daughter' jumps into his arms, "papa!" She grins widely. She started signing to him about what she and Hanma did, excitedly flailing around to get her point across. 

Mikey just looked, well he didn't look like he cared but his eyes. They glittered with amusement as if he hung off of every word she signed. She looked absolutely joyful, she pointed at the flowers that she'd left in the car seat. 

Behind Mikey stood Ojiro who looked like absolute hell. He was pale, about to cry. "Dad!" He called out, running as fast as his little legs would carry him. He started crying as soon as Hanma caught him. 

"Ojiro.." Hanma whispered softly but his son just started punching his chest, catching him by surprise. "You left me you useless old man! I hate you!" He continued to punch his chest, "Ojiro, you're, I'm sorry!" 

Ojiro hugged his father when he was done, clearly being tired. He'd inherited his fathers tall stature so he looked like your average 10 year old at only 7. 

His black hair was light and messy. His eyes were a bright golden with flecks of white dancing around the rim of colour. He had slight, pale skin that complimented his eyes. Right now tho, his cheeks were rosy from crying. His eyes were red too.

His knuckles were wet from wiping his tears.

It's ok.

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