Part 20

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"The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love."

Henry Miller

aryan pov

i woke up at 10am i guess, i know am late even i didn't slept well at night coz of all the chaos happening. Right now m here in the living area with my parents and ahana's parents i invited them and reason will soon reveals . i texted mehak to take ahana for shopping so that i will do my work properly. arjun and vishal are also present here . Chahat went for her spa thanks to god

' bacha what's the matter that u invited us here at this time?' ahana's mom asked

' actually aunty i want help from all of u' i said

' what happened aryan don't scare us ' my mum said

i explained my plan to them and told them about this whole kartik and marriage thing 

'r u sure that this plan works well with her?' my dad asked

' yes 101% sure dad' i replied with confidence

' i don't know what this girl thinks. am fed up with her.' her mom said

'don't worry aunty I'll handle everything . i know her very well she only wants a reality check nothing more' i said by sitting beside her

' i trust u aryan for my daughter . i had done something good in past that god send u in her life.' she said while kissing my forhead

'so where is ur fake girlfriend' vishal asked

' there she is' i said pointing towards the door


why i chose divya u r thinking this right? this will reveals in the upcoming part

'divya' arjun gasped

' how dare u to enter my home just get the hell out of here ' vishal yelled at her

' u doesn't know about the word shame . after doing so much again u r here in front of us' arjun said

'relax guys hold on' i said

'aryan plz we will find another girl for this but not her i don't trust her' arjun pleaded me

' i know what u all guys are thinking but hold on ' i said

i signed divya to speak 

' m sorry for all the mess i created in past . but now i want to fix every thing . ' she said 

'we don't trust u got it ' vishal said making a disgusting face

' hey hey listen to me first. even i haven't forgive her yet but i want to give her a chance to prove herself. and if she would let me down this time sooo...' divya cut me off in between 

' so he will tell everything to my dad and u all know about how he is' she completed my sentence

' good and again m warning u if i came to know that u again done something fishy so get this damn thing into ur brain that i will  do worst with u' i warned her folding my arms to my chest

' behave well with my family and friends otherwise u knw me' arjun again threatened her

and she is nodding like a child

' and who the hell is this kartik' i said with irritation in my voice'

' he is her old class mate' ahana's mom said

i hummed 

' so you guys know na what u all have to do?' i asked

' yes i learned my all dialogues u knw how great i am in acting' my dad said

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