Part 36

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 I've loved and have been hurt so many times in the past, but is it a crime to love you even though I'm not sure what it feels like to truly love someone anymore? 


Aryan pov 

she was there sitting helpless crying. 

'Aryan' she whispered

'Don't I said' i warned him who is trying to strangle her with ropes

'oh oh Aryan is here great so what do u want  haan don't say that u want HER ' Divya said 

I glared at her 

'what man I want u and u want her and she also wants u so I came to the conclusion that she has to leave THE WORLD ' she said

'huh that will never happen' i smirked and started shooting 

First I killed her men standing beside my Jaan and then I aimed at those men positioned at the main gate because it will help us later to escape. I went towards my Jaan but before I grab her Divya took her from there

'don't if u want her alive u have to agree on my terms haan say ' Divya grabbed ahana by her neck and pointed a knife against her neck 

'hey ok ok don't hurt her plzz I said I want to burn her alive here god damn this women

'firstly I want u to marry me and second made me ur head CEO and I am warning u if u try to act over smart I will stab this knife into her neck now go ' she said

'fine m doing it put that knife away from her NOW!!!!' i yelled

'hmm now go ' she said 

'until then am leaving my five men here I swear if anything happens to her in my absence am going to choke u to death ' i warned her and glanced at my Jaan and nod at her, went from there

'come on come on come on quick here all' I ordered all my men 

'now what to do sir' my one man asked

'bring me a fake agreement of my property and .................................. ;

'got it now back to work ' i said

am not going to tolerate this DIVYA !!

third  person pov

Aryan entered that hall with papers in his hand 

'ohkie so what's in the agreement  Aryan I hope it's not fake otherwise u know the consequences' Divya said 

'yes the agreement is hundred and one percent genuine Divya i hope u will be on ur word after this' Aryan said in a smirking way

'ahm now hand over me those papers ' Divya said

Aryan gives a nod to someone at the back who grab Divya from back

'ahh leave me ah u bloody cheat' Divya yelled

Aryan went towards ahana quickly

'are u ok haan ' he asked ahana while checking her if she have any injury 

'bacha' Aryan mumbled

'u bloody cheat leave me '

Divya's eye caught a knife behind the men's back she grabbed the knife and went toward ahana

'am not going to leave u ' Divya yelled


Ahana pov


Aryan yelled and covered me 

'Aryan jaana aryan 'i shaked him 

She stabbed him instead of me 

'Aryan' tears welled in my eyes. no this can't happen no way 

Flashback ends.......................

Ahana pov

"I won't ever leave you, even though you're always leaving me." 

The reason behind his condition today is me. She was going to stab me not him and he took that for me. Why always us every fucking time. 

'he is out of danger now this is a miracle because that knife stabs him in the heart. He needs bed rest for a whole month good luck and take care' the Doctor said to Vishal

'Can we see him?' Vishal asked 

'yes u can but be careful hm' he said 

i am not going to meet him i am the reason of the chaos in his life m going to leave him!!

so here is the update finally i got the time !!!!!!!!!!!!

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