Perhaps... Chapter 1

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-You are sitting in your car at the long line at Taco-Bell, with your boyfriend Glaive. You all are planning on ordering the Crunch-Wrap Supreme. And a Bahama-Breeze. You prepare to pay as you are dazing outside the window that has fog from what rain fell from the sky 5 minutes ago...

 you live an okay life, small town. nothing too crazy. Except for the fact that you are dating ''Ash Gutierrez'' formally known as ''Glaive''. Going on tours ever now and then, getting behind the curtain shows from him.

 Seeing as every girl and every guy wanted to be with him you felt special, you all met at one of his concerts in some random Pub in the middle of California, you were there with your friend Kendall. You all had heard of Glaive but didn't know much about him.

 So when his concert ended and all is fans left, he decided to stay and it turns out the seat you chose was his seat. Him saying ''yoo-hoo that's my seat..'' you turn around and look this strange man in the face, saying ''not when I sat here''

Him realizing you have no fucking clue who he is, he gets slightly offended but also gets some sort of relief that he doesn't have to deal with some crazy fan. Secretly you were hiding your excitement because of course you fucking knew who he was, you just didn't want your anxiety to get in the way of the best moment ever.

You were tucked away with Kendall at the very back of the crowd, and waited for the perfect moment to happen, and somehow with your sucky luck. It did, Kendall was just a few seats over taking as many shots of Vodka as she could.

So you tell Glaive that there is a seat right next to you that he could take instead, and he finally budges and takes the seat next to you. You, still hiding your excitement and trying not to blow your cover ask him what his name is. He said ''I am Glaive.. what's yours?'' You tell him your name is Zora.

And blah blah blah the night goes on, you make it home with his number and Kendall is passed out drunk like the usual, you see clips of his concert online and it was posted by one of the most famous Glaive pages ever! And just your luck you can see yourself fucking jamming your ass out in the back. Clear as day. You didn't want him to find out you were there, especially rocking out to his music.

Because then your cover would be blown, because he assumed you didn't know who he was. You lay down hoping he wouldn't see it, you send him a message saying ''Hey'' and no reply. You fall asleep and awaken to a message back saying ''Hey sorry I didn't reply, I was with my friend Aldn and EricDOA all night.''

You say ''Oh okay, it's all good. I mean we just met, i didn't expect a reply in a matter of minutes.'' He says ''It's still polite lmao'' and some meaningless sentences get exchanged. But something you also didn't tell him is that he isn't your favorite artist. ALDN is... His friend. You have been obsessing over ALDN a bit after Glaive, but you just enjoyed ALDN's music a bit better and he was more consistent with releases and such.

Anyway enough said about your all's background and how you all met. I mean... all this happened only 2 weeks ago. You all have been to underground pubs since then, nothing too big. He still hangs out with his friends ALDN and ERICDOA, you haven't met them though. Nor been to any of their concerts. Later that night after Taco-Bell, Glaive says he is going out with some friends. You ask ''what about me.. :['' and he agrees that it might be nice for you to meet them, assuming you won't fan the fuck out on ERICDOA.

(And yes in the past 2 weeks Glaive did find out about how you were obsessed with him, and ERICDOA. But you haven't mentioned ALDN yet, because you have a certain sweet tooth for him, but are too afraid to say anything to Glaive because you don't want to get anything stirred with your perfectly new relationship, I mean you practically have it all now in life. Why beg for more? Or more complications?)

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