Perhaps: Please... (Halloween special)

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*30 minutes before*

You let out a breathy gasp as you see your phone shattered in front of you. "Why couldn't you just say the fucking truth huh?" he yells while walking towards you. Glaive has had his bad moments before, but he's never gone this far. "Glaive, calm down and we can talk about this. You are not thinking straight." You say softly while walking towards him about to put your hand on his shoulders. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU WHORE!" He screamed out while smacking your hand away from him. Tears rushing down your face. Completely broken at this point, you start to go up stairs "Don't even think about running away right now." he growled out.

He grabs your wrist the same one he hurt just the night prior. He drags you into the living room. "Now tell me the truth." - his voice raspy from singing all day and yelling at you. You're shaking, scared of the man you used to feel safe with. You felt comfort and love when he touched you and whenever he was around you. "I already told you the truth" you say with a shake in your voice. He walks towards you as you walk backwards away from him, but you end up tripping and falling to the ground. He stares at the pictures of you guys on the fireplace, he walks up to them.

The next thing you hear is him smashing and throwing them across the room. The photo he sees next was your guy's favorite. It was taken on the night you two met, you both looked so happy. He grabs it, expecting him to throw it across the room he quickly turns around throwing it in your direction. He walks over to you with tears running down his face "I fucking hate you." he spits out.

He goes to walk up stairs - stops, and realizes what he did. He's the one who originally cheated, he's the one who hurt you, when he promised he never would. He starts to walk up stairs again and goes into the bedroom. While you gently move all the glass from the photo he threw at you. You stare at it, it was the night you two met. You remember your best friend Kendall took it for you. He had his hand on your hip and he was smiling, while your hand rested upon his chest, you gave the biggest smile you could. You now hear a bunch of screaming, thuds and more shit breaking.

You're not safe in the house you once called home, you need to get out. You text ALDN "Can you please pick me up, he hurt me". ALDN gets your text, and rushes over to your house, hoping Glaive didn't do anything too harsh to you.

You slip away while Glaive is in the shower, you pack essentials. You grab your keys and rush out the door. You see ALDN's car and you rush to it, before you can explain what happened, you tell ALDN to drive to his place. So you can get out as fast as you can. 

You shortly arrive to ALDN's house, you both sit and he demands you tell him what happened. As you start to mumble out words, he notices you are bleeding. He points it out by saying ''Zora, you are bleeding- did Glaive fucking do this to you?''. You hadn't even noticed you were bleeding, it must have been from when Glaive threw the picture at you. You start to tell ALDN everything that happened, and how it got bad once he saw the text you got.

ALDN looks guilty, seeing as his action started it. Even though Glaive's anger isn't his fault, he feels terrible. ALDN offers you to stay at his place, for as long as you need. You paused your sentence, and told him you needed to go to the bathroom. 20 minutes goes by and he gets worried, he goes to check on you. He comes to find you are gone, nowhere to be seen.

He quickly calls and messages you, to only hear your phone buzz from his coffee table. Already 30 minutes away you realize you left your phone, no going back now. You just need to escape all this for the time being. Nowhere to go, no place to stay, you get worried. The only person you can think of is Kendall, you all haven't spoken since you and Glaive met. You all sort of distanced, seemed like she was the one who pulled away.

You decide to drive to Kendall, in hope that she is home. You shortly arrive, and knock on the door. Someone opens the door, it's a man you've never met. You ask if Kendall still lives here, he replies with yes - he scoots away from the door revealing Kendall sitting on the couch. She gets up in excitement and rushes to the door to hug you, you all have a much needed long hug. She invites you in as the man grabs his bag and leaves.

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