What did you get done for ?

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The group was busy entertaining them-self with the only thing they could do without the help of their phone and that was. Conversation.

This was usually  a likeable activity for Maya, however given the specific situation she was in, it didn't help much towards having absolutely nothing in common with these people.

She gradually kept becoming further and further out of her train of thought until Alisha decided to speak up.

"When I was in sixth form, you came to my school. You gave this big talk about athletics and all your medals and that."

Maya looked up. "Oh wait !!! I remember that speech- you had all your pictures on the little white board and gave out sports letters at the end. Not gonna lie man, mine went straight into the bin.. but still! It was better than my psychology class for real." She rambled.

"So, I'm guessing you're not going to the Olympics."
Nathan decided to add. Before turning towards maya who gave him an annoyed look which he just smirked at back.

Probably just to keep up with his usual shit. Getting on everyone's nerves as much as possible.

"Funny." Curtis replied as Maya and Simon frowned and the Alisha giggled to herself. 

"I heard he was dealing crack." She replied grinning ear to ear as she said it

"What? I wasn't dealing crack."

Maya sighed, before taking a seat next to Simon who was currently leant against the back of the door curled up tightly with his arms against his knees.

She copied his action and gave him an annoyed look as if to say "kill me now"

"No, no, the papers said it was steroids." Nathan retorted before looking over towards the duo at the door and then frowning when he saw them glancing at eachover

Well we all know that the papers are usually full of shit" Maya piped up in attempts to calm
the situation.

That stuff will shrivel your dick." Alisha laughed which only seemed to anger Curtis even more.

Maya sighed in defeat as she buried her face into her hands as she listened to these people argue with eachover for like the 20th time today.

"It wasn't steroids. I'm not a cheat." Curtis babbled, clearly exasperated by now.

"That stuff in the papers was bullshit." He continued.

"So what was it, then?" Alisha asked, not letting it go

"I got caught with a little bit of coke. All right? I messed up one time."

If Maya had invisible popcorn, she would be eating it about now. It was like watching really badly filmed reality tv show.

"No-one gets community service for possession." Alisha stated.

"If it was anyone else they'd have got a caution. I get 200 hours' community service and a two-year ban from athletics. They said, cos of my profile,
they needed to send a message." Curtis sighed looking to the side as though he was disappointed with himself.

Maya looked towards him and the group. Silently feeing bad for the guy. Having your worst moment pieced apart in front of a not exactly non judgemental group of people probably didn't feel like a holiday.

"You let yourself down.
You let the kids down.
You let your parents down..." Nathan mumbled.

Tactically loud enough for Curtis himself to hear as he sat in a random wheelchair that he had decided to take for himself as he watched Curtis's face screw up in anger.

"Shut the fuck up! All I ever did was train.
You know nothing! I shouldn't even fucking be here." Curtis shouted clearly riled up to Nathan's delight as he grabbed the collar of his jumpsuit as Simon and Maya widened their eyes in shock.

As much as Maya thought Nathan was a prick. She wasn't going to let someone get beaten the shit out of whilst she watched.

She just kind of wished Curtis could calm down because at the end of the day, when he got out of community service people were going to make rude comments to him anyway especially after everything that had happened.

To her surprise, his hold on Nathan's collar loosed and he let go with a sigh, as though he had heard what she had wanted him to do.

"You can't hit someone in a wheelchair." Nathan grinned completely unaware of the confused expression on mayas face.

There's no way that just happened? She decided there was no need to keep questioning shit that was literally impossible so she decided to ignore it instead.

"Keep up the good work and you might be the first one" Maya smiled jumping up from her seat and wheeling him away from the group with a push, finally sick of his shit.

Alisha looked to the side.

"Do you want to know what I got done for?"

"Yes!" Maya shouted excitedly her hand shooting into the air as if she was still in school. Probably not subtle.. but oh well.

"Not really." Nathan decided to add. Probably just to clash with mayas own answer, as she glared at his response.

Nathan took his wheelchair and positioned in the corner to sit whilst Curtis stood against the wall whilst Simon and Maya sat cross legged on the floor waiting for her answer.

"Me and my mate, Chloe, were
having cocktails in this bar, yeah."

"Chloe is on one, because she thinks
Jack is doing Lucy."

Maya blinked. Not being able to keep up with the story no matter how much she tried. She gave Simon a look who just seemed to be focused on Alisha in front of him.

She looked to the side and spotted Nathan looks towards them, who then seemed to be holding back a comment from the back of his throat.

"A total slut fuck."

"So we get in my car. I drive us to the party. We go into one of the rooms, yeah. Jack's not doing Lucy,
he's doing Ellie."

"Wait who's Ellie again?" Maya half laughed as she tried her best to make this story seem logical in her head but to no one's surprise, couldn't.

"She is a proper slut. Chloe freaks. I'm driving us back into town. Chloe's all like, "Oh, I feel sick."
I'm like... Don't puke in my car.
Do not puke in my car."

"That's when the police pull us over."

"I'm already banned from driving,
so I am like, "Fuck."

This cop, yeah...he hands me the breathalyser,
and I'm like...Do I suck, or blow??"

Maya blinked trying to hold herself back as she watched Alisha start to... well do her thing with the water bottle in her hand.

She looked to the rest of the group that were entranced by her actions. She honestly didn't blame them

"It's insane, I'm totally working it, yeah."

Maya widened her eyes almost in a trace  before looking towards Curtis who seemed to be looking at alisha with a dreamy look.

Now, I don't know if this cop is gay or what, but he tells me I'm four times over the limit."

"Oh he was definitely gay" Maya decided to add out loud however the others didn't seem to register anything that was being said anymore

Alisha grinned before Kelly burst opem the doors and ran in with a panic stricken look on her face.

"He's gonna kill us!"

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