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Maya dried her hair of with her hands as she walked back into her bedroom, a towel wrapped around her as she quickly moisturised her face and legs and got changed into an oversized t shirt, underwear and a pair of socks before rubbing her eyes out of exhaustion.

"Have a nice shower ?" She heard a voice ask from the door, as she jumped out of her skin sending her body lotion flying in the process.

"Jesus Christ DONT scare me like that" she breathed as she grabbed her sketchbook from her drawer and pulled the covers around her as she got to work with her coursework. Which did she mention was 3 weeks overdue?

Nathan looked down towards her slightly, immaturely taking in her choice of clothing before looking back up to face her as she stared at him as though looks could kill.

Thanks a lot community service for fucking up her future. And now.. this situation that she herself had consensually put herself in. Wait what-

It was a research piece, so not as time consuming but still, she wanted it to look the part. Even more now she was labelled as a disfigurement of society that just associated with criminal activity 24/7.

Which she was aware was mostly true if she looked back on the recent base of events but whatever.

Nathan joined her on the bed sitting upright next to her his hand leant slightly to the side, watching her hand move across the page as she sketched on a small section of the paper.

They sat in silence for a few minutes as she decided to come to the conclusion, that this wasn't as bad as she thought this was going to be. And least the prick did have a mute button after all.

"What are you doing" he whispered annoyingly as stared at the sketchbook as she looked to the side with a patient half smile.


"Drawing" she whispered answered back as he frowned out of boredom

"How can you just stare at that piece of paper for so long, I'm bored just watching you for 2 minutes"he replied waiting for her reaction which she was trying to maintain as calm and collected and not wanting to punch him in the face.

She shoved the remote control into his face before murmuring a "watch something then" before going back to her sketching from before in concentration.

"Hey Maya, you only have 5 main channels on this tv- the NEWS being one of them? Who the fuck cares wether Katie down in Manchester was brutally mugged by an unknown figure outside of her house!?" Nathan exclaimed, flicking through the TV set with the remote as he clicked every channel with his hand.

Maya shoved her sketchbook back into her drawer before leaning out towards the light next to her switching it of with her left hand realising she was better of not even bothering to get any work done.

She laid back into her pillow, before adding a "go to sleep shhhh" and then turning over onto her side to face the wall,.


Maya sighed in her sleep as she turned over and saw a masculine figure lying next to her as she widened her eyes in shock. She surveyed the sleeping face before sighing in relief, remembering what had happened the night before.

She groaned slightly as she stirred, this mostly being because of how much she was not a morning person and also because Nathan had managed to successfully take up the majority of the space in the bed beside the fact it was pretty big. If he carried on at this rate he'll be sleeping on the floor.

She slipped on some clean clothes, and a cute necklace to spice things up. Just to feel a little special whilst picking up litter outside the community centre. Why not?

She took a seat in front of the large body mirror she had recently found at a charity shop which was just way to cute to pass by and decided that a little bit of blush and pink eyeshadow never hurt anybody. 

As she applied some nude-red lipstick to finish her look she suspiciously looked back at herself with a unknowing look. She felt like she was going to have a good day today and that scared her, probably because she'd just ironically jinxed herself.

Then finally, she brushed her purply hair out a bit with her fingers adding some volume to the roots before smiling at her finished work. She always found something so comforting about getting herself ready for the day, even if she didn't need to.

She gave herself one final look on the mirror before catching another smirking face in the reflection behind her from the duvet.

"You really need to stop scaring me like that before I assume your an intruder and stab you with my emergency knife" she sighed in relief before spraying a small bit of perfume on herself and rubbing it on her neck and wrists before placing it back down on the dressing table.

"You have an emergency knife? The same knife that people use to butter their toast with?" He scoffed sitting up in the bed before pulling the covers back over him slightly which seemed to especially get on Mayas nerves despite the fact she didn't comment on it.

"Yeah and if you keep being a twat I might have to use it some day so keep a mental note of this current scenario" she rolled her eyes before tidying up her space which she had created from getting herself ready.

"Kinky" he smirked which resulted in yet another pillow being hurtled towards his direction as she left the room with a scoff and walked towards the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea and disassociate for the next 25 minutes before they needed to leave for community service.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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