Chapter 9

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Y/n woke up, eyes still heavy. She saw Mason infront of her sleeping, she blushed a bit looking at his futures.

She got up slowly hoping not to wake him up, until she felt a arm wrap around her, she turn and saw Mason with his eyes close smiling before he pulled her back into bed but much closer to each other.

"20 more minutes then you could leave" he mumble bring her closer to him, she hum a bit agreeing with him and closing her eyes once again.


Alex and the others were in the living room chilling.

"They been asleep for hours now, I thought Y/n woke up early?" Brady said wanting to already go and have fun.

"I'll check on them" Alex said getting up.

"I'm coming too" Rebecca said also getting up, and following Alex.

Alex went upstairs and heard noise talking.

He opened the door and saw both, Mason and Y/n watching shameless.

"So ya decided to stay in and watch tv?" Alex said looking at the both of them.

They nodded, Alex shook his head "get ready we need to go" he said as he got push a bit.

Rebecca and Tristan come in pushing Alex, not to the point where he fell tho.

Mason and Y/n get out of bed and she got her clothes ready as Mason left the room.

"Hey sweetie" Tristan said, Y/n turn around looking at him with a smile.

"Hey" she said, getting her clothes and just standing there waiting for them to leave.

"So you want to hang out, for sure tonight?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yea, can yall leave?" She said bluntly.

Rebecca looked at her up and down before walking away.

'What the hell up her ass?' Y/n thought as Alex and Tristan  left the room and closing the door.

She got changes and went downstairs meeting the others.

"Hey Y/n" Miguel said getting up and hugging her, she hugged back.

"Looking handsome as ever Miguel" she smiled and he smiled back at her.

"Okay, I want to know what we're doing?" Y/n asked looking at her older brother.

"Were going to the mall to get some outfits" he said getting his keys and grabbing his shit.

"Um okay?" She said even tho we already had enough clothes.

"Come on Y/n you are sitting next to me" Mason said wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

She giggle and nodded as he walked her to her brother car and sitting next to each other.

"I'm betting 25 dollars they are secretly dating and horrible at hiding it" Brady said smiling and following the other two.

Time skip

They got to the mall, and got off the car.

"Okay, don't get lost, If you do, don't get kidnap" Alex said, Y/n laugh a bit and walk up to her brother walking with him.

Everyone else was walking behind those two.

"So Mason..." Rebecca said standing next to him.

"Yea?" He said looking at her confused.

"I was wondering if you wanted to leave these losers and just be us two?" She asked looking at Mason with puppy eyes.

Mason looked at Y/n, who was ahead of him "Uh sorry next time tho" he said laughing awkwardly and head over next to Y/n.

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